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Project Meeting 2017.02.06

Ben Stabler edited this page Feb 6, 2017 · 9 revisions

Multiple Zone Systems (10 am Pacific)

  • @Ben reviewed the working design
  • @Wu sent over all the network LOS CSV files and is still working on the OMX files
  • A GISDK script to export TransCAD matrices to OMX is here
  • We will convert the SANDAG inputs to the new format and put them on the [MTC box account] (
  • We will create a new branch in the repo for the multiple zone system testing
  • We don't plan to merge it with the master until the larger ActivitySim project funds the integration, probably next year
  • We will write a little prototype orca model that reads the new inputs, starts-up a NetworkLOS object, runs a bunch of queries, and prints timing statements and what not.
  • We will start prototyping next week

Project management

  • Funding
    • Committed budget for 2017 is $175k (minus 10% for AMPO) for $157,500
    • Agency partners are still working on doubling the funding this year; @Clint leading the charge
    • For now we will try to spend the $157k by the end of summer and plan for additional funding after that
  • Contract
    • SFCTA signed the contract so agencies should be able to fund next week
    • AMPO should be able to issue an NTP within two weeks
    • We will move up the random number sequencing task to after data pipeling since it is related
    • We agreed to split the complete Phase 3 scope of work into two parts - the funded scope of work and the remaining tasks that will hopefully be funded later this year
  • Contributions by others
    • Maybe later this year agency staff can start helping as well?

#Estimation mode

  • @Stefan - Daysim's estimation mode, which reads survey records, and outputs ALOGIT F12 files for input to ALOGIT for re-estimating coefficients, would be a nice feature
  • Would be difficult to do since ActivitySim, like CT-RAMP, supports user defined expressions
  • Not in the workplan today, but maybe later

#Long term management vision

  • @Joe is organizing discussions with the agency partners, and also eventually with others, to better formulate a long term vision for managing ActivitySim
  • @Joe will share his notes and questions and plans to eventually update the project Governance page
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