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Project Meeting 2016.04.08

Ben Stabler edited this page Apr 18, 2016 · 2 revisions

Project Administration

  1. Ben (@bstabler) waiting to hear back from OSG about getting started
  2. We'll have at least draft deliverables for task 2 by 4/22
  3. Jeff (@toliwaga) out next week

Updates on Current Milestones - Task 2

  1. In addition to the items below, RSG's goal for this task is to understand how things work, how far the current implementation is from full scale, to identify holes, etc. - and we're making good progress on this knowledge transfer goal

  2. Getting Started Tutorial

    • Ben debugged/traced the entire example and drafted a few documents:
      • data flow through the example modules
      • data schema, when and where tables and columns are created
      • major items skipped in the existing example, which is similar to Progress-Report
    • Ben also working on an Example section for the documentation
      • overview of the system design
      • setup - config files and expression files
      • data schema (a central place to look for table and column definitions) and how data I/O works
    • Example wasn't broken, just needs pandas 0.18
    • Ben working on resolving conflicts with the [trip mode choice branch] ( and updating the example documentation as a result
    • Ben will update the Progress-Report
    • We discussed migrating to a 20 zone test system in addition to what we have now for a better example and test bed and agreed to create a zone 1-190 (SF county) test.
    • Ben write script to create 1-190 test inputs
    • Wu (@wusun2) - would like support for generic labels other than 'TAZ'
    • Will push draft of materials before 4/22 for team to review
  3. Large Scale Performance Test

    • Ben and Jeff wrote little helper script to convert matrices to OMX and merge the TM1 skims into one file
    • Jeff updated skim(s) classes to use all the skims
    • Jeff updating code to process all tour types and will turnoff household sampling as well for testing
    • Jeff working on fixing destination TAZ bug
    • Will need to read all 5 time period skims as well for test
    • Reading OMX matrices from disk into Python objects is relatively slow; may try to first pickle all the skims so they are closer to Python native format when being re-read from disk
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