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V8.9.3 Adds FileDownloader().start() to streamline the sequence of st…
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…art related calls, and rescheduleKilledTasks; removes upload range limit

* Adds `start` which ensures the various start-up calls are executed in the correct order. Use this instead of calling `trackTasks`, `resumeFromBackground` and `rescheduleKilledTasks` separately
* Adds `rescheduleKilledTasks` which will compare enqueued/running tasks in the database with those active in the downloader, and reschedules those that have been killed by the user
* [iOS] Removes limit on range of partial file uploads using the Range header (was 2GB)
  • Loading branch information
781flyingdutchman committed Jan 18, 2025
1 parent 3ebbde7 commit 138091d
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Showing 7 changed files with 69 additions and 49 deletions.
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions
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@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
## 8.9.3
* Adds `start` which ensures the various start-up calls are executed in the correct order. Use this instead of calling `trackTasks`, `resumeFromBackground` and `rescheduleKilledTasks` separately
* Adds `rescheduleKilledTasks` which will compare enqueued/running tasks in the database with those active in the downloader, and reschedules those that have been killed by the user
* [iOS] Removes limit on range of partial file uploads using the Range header (was 2GB)

## 8.9.2
* Upgraded minimum Dart SDK to 3.5.0 / Flutter SDK 3.24.0 to stay in sync with dependency updates
* Fix bug when uploading files greater than 2GB, that was introduced in V8.9.0
* [Android] Fix bug when uploading files greater than 2GB, that was introduced in V8.9.0

## 8.9.1
* [iOS] Adds Privacy Manifest
* [iOS] Adds support for Swift Package Manager
* [iOS] Adds support for Swift Package Manager and defaults the example app to using it

## 8.9.0
* Adds `options` field to Task, which take a `TaskOptions` object to configure less common task specific options - currently `onTaskStart`, `onTaskFinished` and `auth`
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13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ FileDownloader().updates.listen((update) {
FileDownloader().start(); // activates the database and ensures proper restart after suspend/kill
// Next, enqueue tasks to kick off background downloads, e.g.
final successfullyEnqueued = await FileDownloader().enqueue(DownloadTask(
url: '',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -357,9 +359,10 @@ To ensure your callbacks or listener capture events that may have happened when
In summary, to track your tasks persistently, follow these steps in order, immediately after app startup:
1. If using a non-default `PersistentStorage` backend, initialize with `FileDownloader(persistentStorage: MyPersistentStorage())` and wait for the initialization to complete by calling `await FileDownloader().ready` (see [using the database](#using-the-database-to-track-tasks) for details on `PersistentStorage`).
2. Register an event listener or callback(s) to process status and progress updates
3. Call `await FileDownloader().trackTasks()` if you want to track the tasks in a persistent database
4. Call `await FileDownloader().resumeFromBackground()` to ensure events that happened while your app was in the background are processed
5. If you are tracking tasks in the database, after ~5 seconds, call `await FileDownloader().rescheduleMissingTasks()` to reschedule tasks that are in the database as `enqueued` or `running` yet are not enqueued or running on the native side. These tasks have been "lost", most likely because the user killed your app (which kills tasks on the native side without warning)
3. Call `await FileDownloader().start()` to execute the following calls in the correct order (or call these manually):
a. Call `await FileDownloader().trackTasks()` if you want to track the tasks in a persistent database
b. Call `await FileDownloader().resumeFromBackground()` to ensure events that happened while your app was in the background are processed
c. If you are tracking tasks in the database, after ~5 seconds, call `await FileDownloader().rescheduleKilledTasks()` to reschedule tasks that are in the database as `enqueued` or `running` yet are not enqueued or running on the native side. These tasks have been "lost", most likely because the user killed your app (which kills tasks on the native side without warning)

The rest of this section details [event listeners](#using-an-event-listener), [callbacks](#using-callbacks) and the [database](#using-the-database-to-track-tasks) in detail.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -427,7 +430,7 @@ You can unregister callbacks using `FileDownloader().unregisterCallbacks()`.

### Using the database to track Tasks

To keep track of the status and progress of all tasks, even after they have completed, activate tracking by calling `trackTasks()` and use the `database` field to query and retrieve the [TaskRecord]( entries stored. For example:
To keep track of the status and progress of all tasks, even after they have completed, activate tracking by calling `trackTasks()` (or calling `FileDownloader().start()` with `doTrackTasks` set to true - the default) and use the `database` field to query and retrieve the [TaskRecord]( entries stored. For example:
// at app startup, after registering listener or callback, start tracking
await FileDownloader().trackTasks();
Expand All @@ -449,7 +452,7 @@ print('TaskId ${record.taskId} with task ${record.task} has '
You can interact with the `database` using `allRecords`, `allRecordsOlderThan`, `recordForId`,`deleteAllRecords`,
`deleteRecordWithId` etc. If you only want to track tasks in a specific [group](#grouping-tasks), call `trackTasksInGroup` instead.

If a user kills your app (e.g. by swiping it away in the app tray) then tasks that are running (natively) are killed, and no indication is given to your application. This cannot be avoided. To guard for this, upon app startup you can ask the downloader to reschedule missing tasks, i.e. tasks that show up as `enqueued` or `running` in the database, yet are not enqueued or running on the native side. Method `rescheduleMissingTasks` returns a record with two lists, 1) successfully rescheduled tasks and 2) tasks that failed to reschedule. Together, those are the missing tasks. Reschedule missing tasks a few seconds after you have called `resumeFromBackground`, as that gives the downloader time to processes updates that may have happened while the app was suspended.
If a user kills your app (e.g. by swiping it away in the app tray) then tasks that are running (natively) are killed, and no indication is given to your application. This cannot be avoided. To guard for this, upon app startup you can ask the downloader to reschedule killed tasks, i.e. tasks that show up as `enqueued` or `running` in the database, yet are not enqueued or running on the native side. Method `rescheduleKilledTasks` returns a record with two lists, 1) successfully rescheduled tasks and 2) tasks that failed to reschedule. Together, those are the missing tasks. Reschedule missing tasks a few seconds after you have called `resumeFromBackground`, as that gives the downloader time to processes updates that may have happened while the app was suspended, or call `FileDownloader().start()` with `doRescheduleKilledTasks` set to true (the default).

By default, the downloader uses a modified version of the [localstore]( package to store the `TaskRecord` and other objects. To use a different persistent storage solution, create a class that implements the [PersistentStorage]( interface, and initialize the downloader by calling `FileDownloader(persistentStorage: MyPersistentStorage())` as the first use of the `FileDownloader`.

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions example/integration_test/database_test.dart
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Expand Up @@ -132,16 +132,16 @@ void main() {
test('rescheduleMissingTasks', () async {
expect(await FileDownloader().allTasks(), isEmpty);
// without task tracking activated, throws assertionError
expect(() async => await FileDownloader().rescheduleMissingTasks(),
expect(() async => await FileDownloader().rescheduleKilledTasks(),
await FileDownloader().trackTasks();
// test empty
final result = await FileDownloader().rescheduleMissingTasks();
final result = await FileDownloader().rescheduleKilledTasks();
expect(result.$1, isEmpty);
expect(result.$2, isEmpty);
// add a record to the database that is not enqueued
await FileDownloader().database.updateRecord(record);
final result2 = await FileDownloader().rescheduleMissingTasks();
final result2 = await FileDownloader().rescheduleKilledTasks();
expect(result2.$1.length, equals(1));
expect(result2.$2, isEmpty);
expect(result2.$1.first.taskId, equals(task.taskId));
Expand All @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ void main() {
// add a record to the database that is also enqueued
expect(await FileDownloader().enqueue(task2), isTrue);
expect(await FileDownloader().database.allRecords(), isNotEmpty);
final result3 = await FileDownloader().rescheduleMissingTasks();
final result3 = await FileDownloader().rescheduleKilledTasks();
expect(result3.$1, isEmpty);
expect(result3.$2, isEmpty);
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions example/lib/main.dart
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Expand Up @@ -115,6 +115,11 @@ class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
progressUpdateStream.add(update); // pass on to widget for indicator
// Start the FileDownloader. Default start means database tracking and
// proper handling of events that happened while the app was suspended,
// and rescheduling of tasks that were killed by the user.
// Start behavior can be configured with parameters

/// Process the user tapping on a notification by printing a message
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Expand Up @@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ extension URL {
return appendingPathComponent(component, isDirectory: isDirectory)

/// Excludes URL from backup
mutating func setCloudBackup(exclude: Bool) throws {
var resource = URLResourceValues()
resource.isExcludedFromBackup = exclude
try self.setResourceValues(resource)
var resource = URLResourceValues()
resource.isExcludedFromBackup = exclude
try self.setResourceValues(resource)

/// Returns the task's URL if it can be parsed, otherwise null
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,73 +59,52 @@ func lowerCasedStringStringMap(_ map: [AnyHashable: Any]?) -> [String: String]?
/// Returns the URL of the temp file, or nil if there was a problem (problem is logged)
func createTempFileWithRange(from fileURL: URL, start: UInt64, contentLength: UInt64) -> URL? {
if contentLength > UInt64(Int.max) {
os_log("Content length for partial upload cannot exceed %d bytes", log: log, type: .info, Int.max)
return nil
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let tempDir = fileManager.temporaryDirectory
let tempFileURL = tempDir.appendingPathComponent(UUID().uuidString) // Create a unique temporary file

// Create the temporary file
fileManager.createFile(atPath: tempFileURL.path, contents: nil, attributes: nil)

guard let inputStream = InputStream(url: fileURL) else {
os_log("Cannot create input stream for partial upload temporary file creation", log: log, type: .info)
guard let inputStream = InputStream(url: fileURL),
let outputStream = OutputStream(toFileAtPath: tempFileURL.path, append: false) else {
os_log("Cannot create input or output stream for partial upload temporary file creation", log: log, type: .error)
return nil

guard let outputStream = OutputStream(toFileAtPath: tempFileURL.path, append: false) else {
os_log("Cannot create output stream for partial upload temporary file creation", log: log, type: .info)
return nil

defer {

let chunkSize = 1024 * 1024 // 1MB chunks
let buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: chunkSize)
defer { buffer.deallocate() }

defer { buffer.deallocate() }
var remainingBytes = contentLength
var totalRead: UInt64 = 0

// Seek to the start position
while totalRead < start {
let seekBytes = min(chunkSize, Int(start - totalRead))
let bytesRead =, maxLength: seekBytes)
if bytesRead < 0 {
os_log("Cannot read data up to desired start from original file for partial upload temporary file creation", log: log, type: .info)
os_log("Cannot read data up to desired start from original file for partial upload temporary file creation", log: log, type: .error)
return nil
if bytesRead == 0 { break } // EOF
totalRead += UInt64(bytesRead)

// Now read only the required range
// Read only the required range
while remainingBytes > 0 {
let bytesToRead = min(chunkSize, Int(remainingBytes))
let bytesRead =, maxLength: bytesToRead)

if bytesRead < 0 {
os_log("Cannot read data from original file for partial upload temporary file creation", log: log, type: .info)
return nil
if bytesRead == 0 { break } // EOF

if bytesRead <= 0 { break } // EOF
let bytesWritten = outputStream.write(buffer, maxLength: bytesRead)
if bytesWritten < 0 {
os_log("Cannot write data to new temporary file for partial upload", log: log, type: .error)
return nil

remainingBytes -= UInt64(bytesWritten)

return tempFileURL
32 changes: 30 additions & 2 deletions lib/src/file_downloader.dart
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Expand Up @@ -488,6 +488,34 @@ interface class FileDownloader {
/// the status of tasks, use a [TaskStatusCallback]
Future<Task?> taskForId(String taskId) => _downloader.taskForId(taskId);

/// Convenience start method for using the database. Must be called AFTER
/// registering update callbacks or listener.
/// Calls in order:
/// [trackTasks] to start database tracking, with [markDownloadedComplete] to
/// ensure fully downloaded tasks are marked as complete in the database
/// [resumeFromBackground] to fetch status and progress updates that may have
/// happened while the app was suspended
/// [rescheduleKilledTasks] (after a 5 second delay) to ensure tasks that were
/// killed by the user are rescheduled
/// [doTrackTasks] and [doRescheduleKilledTasks] can be set to false to skip
/// that step. [resumeFromBackground] is always called.
Future<void> start(
{bool doTrackTasks = true,
bool markDownloadedComplete = true,
bool doRescheduleKilledTasks = true}) async {
if (doTrackTasks) {
await FileDownloader()
.trackTasks(markDownloadedComplete: markDownloadedComplete);
if (doRescheduleKilledTasks) {
Timer(const Duration(seconds: 5),
() => FileDownloader().rescheduleKilledTasks());
await FileDownloader().resumeFromBackground();

/// Activate tracking for tasks in this [group]
/// All subsequent tasks in this group will be recorded in persistent storage.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -559,10 +587,10 @@ interface class FileDownloader {
/// Throws assertion error if you are not currently tracking tasks, as that
/// makes this function a no-op that always returns empty lists.
Future<(List<Task>, List<Task>)> rescheduleMissingTasks() async {
Future<(List<Task>, List<Task>)> rescheduleKilledTasks() async {
'rescheduleMissingTasks should only be called if you are tracking tasks. '
'rescheduleKilledTasks should only be called if you are tracking tasks. '
'Did you call trackTasks or trackTasksInGroup?');
final databaseTasks = (await database.allRecords())
.where((record) => const [
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pubspec.yaml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name: background_downloader
description: A multi-platform background file downloader and uploader. Define the task, enqueue and monitor progress

version: 8.9.2
version: 8.9.3

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