Create a DownloadTask to define where to get your file from, where to store it, and how you want to monitor the download, then call FileDownloader().download
and wait for the result. Background_downloader uses URLSessions on iOS and DownloadWorker on Android, so tasks will complete also when your app is in the background. The download behavior is highly consistent across all supported platforms: iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows and Linux.
Monitor progress by passing an onProgress
listener, and monitor detailed status updates by passing an onStatus
listener to the download
call. Alternatively, monitor tasks centrally using an event listener or callbacks and call enqueue
to start the task.
Optionally, keep track of task status and progress in a persistent database, and show mobile notifications to keep the user informed and in control when your app is in the background.
To upload a file, create an UploadTask and call upload
. To make a regular server request, create a Request and call request
, or a enqueue a DataTask. To download in parallel from multiple servers, create a ParallelDownloadTask.
The plugin supports headers, retries, priority, requiring WiFi before starting the up/download, user-defined metadata and display name and GET, POST and other http(s) requests, and can be configured by platform. You can manage the tasks in the queue (e.g. cancel, pause and resume), and have different handlers for updates by group of tasks. Downloaded files can be moved to shared storage to make them available outside the app.
Pickers for files, photos/videos and directories are included for iOS and Android, and the downloader supports Uri
based file locations and operations that are consistent across all platforms, including Android's content://
URIs (used for the Storage Access Framework) and iOSs URL Bookmarks for persistent file locators (see working with URIs).
No setup is required for Android (except when using notifications), Windows and Linux, and only minimal setup for iOS and MacOS.
// Use .download to start a download and wait for it to complete
// define the download task (subset of parameters shown)
final task = DownloadTask(
url: '',
urlQueryParameters: {'q': 'pizza'},
filename: 'results.html',
headers: {'myHeader': 'value'},
directory: 'my_sub_directory',
updates: Updates.statusAndProgress, // request status and progress updates
requiresWiFi: true,
retries: 5,
allowPause: true,
metaData: 'data for me');
// Start download, and wait for result. Show progress and status changes
// while downloading
final result = await FileDownloader().download(task,
onProgress: (progress) => print('Progress: ${progress * 100}%'),
onStatus: (status) => print('Status: $status')
// Act on the result
switch (result.status) {
case TaskStatus.complete:
case TaskStatus.canceled:
print('Download was canceled');
case TaskStatus.paused:
print('Download was paused');
print('Download not successful');
// Use .enqueue for true parallel downloads, i.e. you don't wait for completion of the tasks you
// enqueue, and can enqueue hundreds of tasks simultaneously.
// First define an event listener to process `TaskUpdate` events sent to you by the downloader,
// typically in your app's `initState()`:
FileDownloader().updates.listen((update) {
switch (update) {
case TaskStatusUpdate():
// process the TaskStatusUpdate, e.g.
switch (update.status) {
case TaskStatus.complete:
print('Task ${update.task.taskId} success!');
case TaskStatus.canceled:
print('Download was canceled');
case TaskStatus.paused:
print('Download was paused');
print('Download not successful');
case TaskProgressUpdate():
// process the TaskProgressUpdate, e.g.
progressUpdateStream.add(update); // pass on to widget for indicator
FileDownloader().start(); // activates the database and ensures proper restart after suspend/kill
// Next, enqueue tasks to kick off background downloads, e.g.
final successfullyEnqueued = await FileDownloader().enqueue(DownloadTask(
url: '',
filename: 'google.html',
updates: Updates.statusAndProgress));
Note: If you need to enqueue a large number of tasks, create a list of Task
objects and use FileDownloader().enqueueAll(tasks)
for better, non-blocking performance.
/// define the multi-part upload task (subset of parameters shown)
final task = UploadTask(
url: '',
filename: 'myData.txt',
fields: {'datafield': 'value'},
fileField: 'myFile',
updates: Updates.statusAndProgress // request status and progress updates
// Start upload, and wait for result. Show progress and status changes
// while uploading
final result = await FileDownloader().upload(task,
onProgress: (progress) => print('Progress: ${progress * 100}%'),
onStatus: (status) => print('Status: $status')
// Act on result, similar to download
final tasks = [task1, task2, task3]; // a list of Download tasks
// download the batch
final result = await FileDownloader().downloadBatch(tasks,
batchProgressCallback: (succeeded, failed) =>
print('Completed ${succeeded + failed} out of ${tasks.length}, $failed failed')
// activate tracking at the start of your app
await FileDownloader().trackTasks();
// somewhere else: enqueue a download (does not complete immediately)
final task = DownloadTask(
url: '',
filename: 'testfile.txt');
final successfullyEnqueued = await FileDownloader().enqueue(task);
// query the tracking database, returning a record for each task
final records = await FileDownloader().database.allRecords();
for (record in records) {
print('Task ${record.tasksId} status is ${record.status}');
if (record.status == TaskStatus.running) {
print('-- progress ${record.progress * 100}%');
print('-- file size ${record.expectedFileSize} bytes');
// or get record for specific task
final record = await FileDownloader().database.recordForId(task.taskId);
// configure notification for all tasks
running: TaskNotification('Downloading', 'file: {filename}'),
complete: TaskNotification('Download finished', 'file: {filename}'),
progressBar: true
// all downloads will now show a notification while downloading, and when complete.
// {filename} will be replaced with the task's filename.
- Basic use
- Central monitoring and tracking in a persistent database
- Notifications
- Shared and scoped storage
- Permissions
- Uploads
- Parallel downloads
- Managing tasks in the queue
- Authentication and pre- and post-execution callbacks
- Server requests
- Cookies
- Optional parameters
- Initial setup
- Configuration
- Limitations
A DownloadTask
or UploadTask
(both subclasses of Task
) defines one download or upload. It contains the url
, the file name and location, what updates you want to receive while the task is in progress, etc. The FileDownloader class is the entrypoint for all calls. To download a file:
final task = DownloadTask(
url: '',
filename: 'testfile.txt'); // define your task
final result = await FileDownloader().download(task); // do the download and wait for result
The result
will be a TaskStatusUpdate, which has a field status
that indicates how the download ended: .complete
, .failed
, .canceled
or .notFound
It may also contain the responseHeaders
(with lowercase header names), the responseStatusCode
, and the mimeType
and charSet
if the server provided that information via the Content-Type header.
If the status
is .failed
, the result.exception
field will contain a TaskException
with information about what went wrong. For uploads and some unsuccessful downloads, the responseBody
will contain the server response.
If you want to monitor progress during the download itself (e.g. for a large file), then add a progress callback that takes a double as its argument:
final result = await FileDownloader().download(task,
onProgress: (progress) => print('Progress update: $progress'));
Progress updates start with 0.0 when the actual download starts (which may be in the future, e.g. if waiting for a WiFi connection), and will be sent periodically, not more than twice per second per task, and not less than once every 2.5 seconds. If a task completes successfully you will receive a final progress update with a progress
value of 1.0 (progressComplete
). Failed tasks generate progress
of progressFailed
(-1.0), canceled tasks progressCanceled
(-2.0), notFound tasks progressNotFound
(-3.0), waitingToRetry tasks progressWaitingToRetry
(-4.0) and paused tasks progressPaused
Use await task.expectedFileSize()
to query the server for the size of the file you are about
to download. The expected file size is also included in TaskProgressUpdate
s that are sent to
listeners and callbacks - see Using an event listener and Using callbacks
A DownloadProgressIndicator widget is included with the package, and the example app shows how to wire it up. The widget can be configured to include pause and resume buttons, and to expand to show multiple simultaneous downloads, or to collapse and show a file download counter.
To provide progress updates (as a percentage of total file size) the downloader needs to know the size of the file when starting the download. Most servers provide this in the "Content-Length" header of their response. If the server does not provide the file size, yet you know the file size (e.g. because you have stored the file on the server yourself), then you can let the downloader know by providing a {'Range': 'bytes=0-999'}
or a {'Known-Content-Length': '1000'}
header to the task's header
field. Both examples are for a content length of 1000 bytes. The downloader will assume this content length when calculating progress.
If you want to monitor status changes while the download is underway (i.e. not only the final state, which you will receive as the result of the download
call) you can add a status change callback that takes the status as an argument:
final result = await FileDownloader().download(task,
onStatus: (status) => print('Status update: $status'));
The status will follow a sequence of .enqueued
(waiting to execute), .running
downloading) and then one of the final states mentioned before, or .waitingToRetry
if retries
are enabled and the task failed.
If a task fails with TaskStatus.failed
then in some cases it is possible to resume
the task without having to start from scratch. You can test whether this is possible by calling FileDownloader().taskCanResume(task)
and if true, call resume
instead of download
or enqueue
If you want to keep an eye on how long the download is taking (e.g. to warn the user that there may be an issue with their network connection, or to cancel the task if it takes too long), pass an onElapsedTime
callback to the download
method. The callback takes a single argument of type Duration
, representing the time elapsed since the call to download
was made. It is called at regular intervals (defined by elapsedTimeInterval
which defaults to 5 seconds), so you can react in different ways depending on the total time elapsed. For example:
final result = await FileDownloader().download(
onElapsedTime: (elapsed) {
print('This is taking rather long: $elapsed');
elapsedTimeInterval: const Duration(seconds: 30));
The elapsed time logic is only available for download
, upload
, downloadBatch
and uploadBatch
. It is not available for tasks started using enqueue
, as there is no expectation that those complete imminently.
In the DownloadTask
and UploadTask
objects, the filename
of the task refers to the filename without directory. To store the task in a specific directory, add the directory
parameter to the task. That directory is relative to the base directory. By default, the base directory is the directory returned by the call to getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()
of the path_provider package, but this can be changed by also passing a baseDirectory
parameter (BaseDirectory.temporary
for the directory returned by getTemporaryDirectory()
, BaseDirectory.applicationSupport
for the directory returned by getApplicationSupportDirectory()
and BaseDirectory.applicationLibrary
for the directory returned by getLibraryDirectory()
on iOS and MacOS, or subdir 'Library' of the directory returned by getApplicationSupportDirectory()
on other platforms).
So, to store a file named 'testfile.txt' in the documents directory, subdirectory 'my/subdir', define the task as follows:
final task = DownloadTask(
url: '',
filename: 'testfile.txt',
directory: 'my/subdir');
To store that file in the temporary directory:
final task = DownloadTask(
url: '',
filename: 'testfile.txt',
directory: 'my/subdir',
baseDirectory: BaseDirectory.temporary);
If you already have a path to a file or a File
object, you can extract the values for baseDirectory
, directory
and filename
to create the task by using Task.split
final (baseDirectory, directory, filename) = await Task.split(filePath: yourPath);
final task = UploadTask(
url: '',
baseDirectory: baseDirectory,
directory: directory,
filename: filename);
The downloader will only store the file upon success (so there will be no partial files saved), and if so, the destination is overwritten if it already exists, and all intermediate directories will be created if needed.
You can also pass an absolute path to the downloader by using BaseDirectory.root
combined with the path in directory
. This allows you to reach any file destination on your platform. However, be careful: the reason you should not normally do this (and use e.g. BaseDirectory.applicationDocuments
instead) is that the location of the app's documents directory may change between application starts (on iOS, and on Android in some cases), and may therefore fail for downloads that complete while the app is suspended. You should therefore never store permanently, or hard-code, an absolute path, unless you are absolutely sure that that path is 'stable'.
Android has two storage modes: internal (default) and external storage. Read the configuration document for details on how to configure your app to use external storage instead of the default.
If you want the filename to be provided by the server (instead of assigning a value to filename
yourself), you have two options. The first is to create a DownloadTask
that pings the server to determine the suggested filename:
final task = await DownloadTask(url: '')
.withSuggestedFilename(unique: true);
The method withSuggestedFilename
returns a copy of the task it is called on, with the filename
field modified based on the filename suggested by the server, or the last path segment of the URL, or unchanged if neither is feasible (e.g. due to a lack of connection). If unique
is true, the filename will be modified such that it does not conflict with an existing filename by adding a sequence. For example "file.txt" would become "file (1).txt". You can also supply a taskWithFilenameBuilder
to suggest the filename yourself, based on response headers.
The second approach is to set the filename
field of the DownloadTask
to DownloadTask.suggestedFilename
, to indicate that you would like the server to suggest the name. In this case, you will receive the name via the task's status and/or progress updates, so you have to be careful not to use the original task's filename, as that will still be DownloadTask.suggestedFilename
. For example:
final task = await DownloadTask(url: '', filename: DownloadTask.suggestedFilename);
final result = await FileDownloader().download(task);
print('Suggested filename=${result.task.filename}'); // note we don't use 'task', but 'result.task'
print('Wrong use filename=${task.filename}'); // this will print '?' as 'task' hasn't changed
The downloader includes file, photo/video and directory pickers for Android and iOS (and for Desktop works alongside the file_picker package) and works well with Android's Storage Access Framework. If you need this functionality, then you should use URIs to locate file/media and directory locations. You use the FileDownloader().uri
property to work with Uris, and use the associated UriDownloadTask
and UriUploadTask
instead of DownloadTask
and UploadTask
For details, see working with URIs.
To download a batch of files and wait for completion of all, create a List
of DownloadTask
objects and call downloadBatch
final result = await FileDownloader().downloadBatch(tasks);
The result is a Batch
object that contains the result for each task in .results
. You can use .numSucceeded
and .numFailed
to check if all files in the batch downloaded successfully, and use .succeeded
or .failed
to iterate over successful or failed tasks within the batch. If you want to get progress updates for the batch (in terms of how many files have been downloaded) then add a callback:
final result = await FileDownloader().downloadBatch(tasks, batchProgressCallback: (succeeded, failed) {
print('$succeeded files succeeded, $failed have failed');
print('Progress is ${(succeeded + failed) / tasks.length} %');
The callback will be called upon completion of each task (whether successful or not), and will start with (0, 0) before any downloads start, so you can use that to start a progress indicator.
To also monitor status and progress for each file in the batch, add a TaskStatusCallback and/or a TaskProgressCallback
To monitor based on elapsed time, see Elapsed time.
For uploads, create a List
of UploadTask
objects and call uploadBatch
- everything else is the same.
Instead of monitoring in the download
call, you may want to use a centralized task monitoring approach, and/or keep track of tasks in a database. This is helpful for instance if:
- You start download in multiple locations in your app, but want to monitor those in one place, instead of defining
for every call todownload
- You have different groups of tasks, and each group needs a different monitor
- You want to keep track of the status and progress of tasks in a persistent database that you query
- Your downloads take long, and your user may switch away from your app for a long time, which causes your app to get suspended by the operating system. A download started with a call to
will continue in the background and will finish eventually, but when your app restarts from a suspended state, the resultFuture
that you were awaiting when you calleddownload
may no longer be 'alive', and you will therefore miss the completion of the downloads that happened while suspended. This situation is uncommon, as the app will typically remain alive for several minutes even when moving to the background, but if you find this to be a problem for your use case, then you should process status and progress updates for long running background tasks centrally.
Central monitoring can be done by listening to an updates stream, or by registering callbacks. In both cases you now use enqueue
instead of download
or upload
. enqueue
returns almost immediately with a bool
to indicate if the Task
was successfully enqueued. Monitor status changes and act when a Task
completes via the listener or callback.
To ensure your callbacks or listener capture events that may have happened when your app was suspended in the background, call resumeFromBackground
right after registering your callbacks or listener.
In summary, to track your tasks persistently, follow these steps in order, immediately after app startup:
- If using a non-default
backend, initialize withFileDownloader(persistentStorage: MyPersistentStorage())
and wait for the initialization to complete by callingawait FileDownloader().ready
(see using the database for details onPersistentStorage
). - Register an event listener or callback(s) to process status and progress updates
- Call
await FileDownloader().start()
to execute the following calls in the correct order (or call these manually): a. Callawait FileDownloader().trackTasks()
if you want to track the tasks in a persistent database b. Callawait FileDownloader().resumeFromBackground()
to ensure events that happened while your app was in the background are processed c. If you are tracking tasks in the database, after ~5 seconds, callawait FileDownloader().rescheduleKilledTasks()
to reschedule tasks that are in the database asenqueued
yet are not enqueued or running on the native side, or that arewaitingToRetry
but not registered as such. These tasks have been "lost", most likely because the user killed your app (which kills tasks on the native side without warning)
The rest of this section details event listeners, callbacks and the database in detail.
Listen to updates from the downloader by listening to the updates
stream, and process those updates centrally. For example, the following creates a listener to monitor status and progress updates for downloads, and then enqueues a task as an example:
final subscription = FileDownloader().updates.listen((update) {
switch(update) {
case TaskStatusUpdate():
print('Status update for ${update.task} with status ${update.status}');
case TaskProgressUpdate():
print('Progress update for ${update.task} with progress ${update.progress}');
// define the task
final task = DownloadTask(
url: '',
filename: 'google.html',
updates: Updates.statusAndProgress); // needed to also get progress updates
// enqueue the download
final successFullyEnqueued = await FileDownloader().enqueue(task);
// updates will be sent to your subscription listener
A TaskProgressUpdate includes expectedFileSize
, networkSpeed
and timeRemaining
. Check the associated hasExpectedFileSize
, hasNetworkSpeed
and hasTimeRemaining
before using the values in these fields. Use networkSpeedAsString
and timeRemainingAsString
for human readable versions of these values.
Note that successFullyEnqueued
only refers to the enqueueing of the download task, not its result, which must be monitored via the listener. Also note that in order to get progress updates the task must set its updates
field to a value that includes progress updates. In the example, we are asking for both status and progress updates, but other combinations are possible. For example, if you set updates
to Updates.status
then the task will only generate status updates and no progress updates. You define what updates to receive on a task by task basis via the Task.updates
field, which defaults to status updates only.
Best practice is to start your subscription in a singleton object that you initialize upon app startup, so that you only ever listen to the stream once, and use that singleton object to maintain state for your downloads. Note the stream can only be listened to once, though you can reset the stream controller by calling await FileDownloader().resetUpdates()
to start listening again.
Instead of listening to the updates
stream you can register a callback for status updates, and/or a callback for progress updates. This may be the easiest way if you want different callbacks for different groups.
The TaskStatusCallback receives a TaskStatusUpdate, so a simple callback function is:
void taskStatusCallback(TaskStatusUpdate update) {
print('taskStatusCallback for ${update.task) with status ${update.status} and exception ${update.exception}');
The TaskProgressCallback receives a TaskProgressUpdate, so a simple callback function is:
void taskProgressCallback(TaskProgressUpdate update) {
print('taskProgressCallback for ${update.task} with progress ${update.progress} '
'and expected file size ${update.expectedFileSize}');
A basic file download with just status monitoring (no progress) then requires registering the central callback, and a call to enqueue
to start the download:
FileDownloader().registerCallbacks(taskStatusCallback: taskStatusCallback);
final successFullyEnqueued = await FileDownloader().enqueue(
DownloadTask(url: '', filename: 'google.html'));
You define what updates to receive on a task by task basis via the Task.updates
field, which defaults to status updates only. If you register a callback for a type of task, updates are provided only through that callback and will not be posted on the updates
Note that all tasks will call the same callback, unless you register separate callbacks for different groups and set your
field accordingly.
You can unregister callbacks using FileDownloader().unregisterCallbacks()
To keep track of the status and progress of all tasks, even after they have completed, activate tracking by calling trackTasks()
(or calling FileDownloader().start()
with doTrackTasks
set to true - the default) and use the database
field to query and retrieve the TaskRecord entries stored. For example:
// at app startup, after registering listener or callback, start tracking
await FileDownloader().trackTasks();
// somewhere else: enqueue a download
final task = DownloadTask(
url: '',
filename: 'testfile.txt');
final successfullyEnqueued = await FileDownloader().enqueue(task);
// somewhere else: query the task status by getting a `TaskRecord`
// from the database
final record = await FileDownloader().database.recordForId(task.taskId);
print('TaskId ${record.taskId} with task ${record.task} has '
'status ${record.status} and progress ${record.progress} '
'with an expected file size of ${record.expectedFileSize} bytes'
You can interact with the database
using allRecords
, allRecordsOlderThan
, recordForId
etc. If you only want to track tasks in a specific group, call trackTasksInGroup
If a user kills your app (e.g. by swiping it away in the app tray) then tasks that are running (natively) are killed, and no indication is given to your application. This cannot be avoided. To guard for this, upon app startup you can ask the downloader to reschedule killed tasks, i.e. tasks that show up as enqueued
or running
in the database, yet are not enqueued or running on the native side, or are waitingToRetry
but not registered as such. Method rescheduleKilledTasks
returns a record with two lists, 1) successfully rescheduled tasks and 2) tasks that failed to reschedule. Together, those are the missing tasks. Reschedule missing tasks a few seconds after you have called resumeFromBackground
, as that gives the downloader time to processes updates that may have happened while the app was suspended, or call FileDownloader().start()
with doRescheduleKilledTasks
set to true (the default).
By default, the downloader uses a modified version of the localstore package to store the TaskRecord
and other objects. To use a different persistent storage solution, create a class that implements the PersistentStorage interface, and initialize the downloader by calling FileDownloader(persistentStorage: MyPersistentStorage())
as the first use of the FileDownloader
As an alternative to LocalStore, use SqlitePersistentStorage
, included in background_downloader_sql, which supports SQLite storage and migration from Flutter Downloader.
Pub On iOS and Android, for downloads and uploads, the downloader can generate notifications to keep the user informed of progress also when the app is in the background, and allow pause/resume and cancellation of an ongoing download from those notifications.
Configure notifications by calling FileDownloader().configureNotification
and supply a
object for different states. For example, the following configures
notifications to show only when actively running (i.e. download in progress), disappearing when
the download completes or ends with an error. It will also show a progress bar and a 'cancel'
button, and will substitute {filename} with the actual filename of the file being downloaded.
running: TaskNotification('Downloading', 'file: {filename}'),
progressBar: true);
To also show a notifications for other states, add a TaskNotification
for complete
, error
, paused
and/or canceled
. If paused
is configured and the task can be paused, a 'Pause' button will
show for the running
notification, next to the 'Cancel' button. To open the downloaded file
when the user taps the complete
notification, add tapOpensFile: true
to your call to
There are four possible substitutions of the text in the title
or body
of a TaskNotification
- {filename} is replaced with the
field of theTask
- {displayName} is replaced with the
field of theTask
- {progress} is substituted by a progress percentage, or '--%' if progress is unknown
- {metadata} is substituted by the
field of theTask
Notifications on iOS follow Apple's guidelines, notably:
- No progress bar is shown, and the {progress} substitution always substitutes to an empty string. In other words: only a single
notification is shown and it is not updated until the download/upload state changes - When the app is in the foreground, on iOS 14 and above the notification will not be shown but will appear in the NotificationCenter. On older iOS versions the notification will be shown also in the foreground. Apple suggests showing progress and download/upload controls within the app when it is in the foreground
No notifications will be generated:
- On desktop platforms, as there is no true background mode, and progress updates and indicators can be shown within the app
- For a
, as those are meant for short data exchanges
The configureNotification
call configures notification behavior for all tasks. You can specify a separate configuration for a group
of tasks by calling configureNotificationForGroup
and for a single task by calling configureNotificationForTask
. A Task
configuration overrides a group
configuration, which overrides the default configuration.
Make sure to check for, and if necessary request, permission to display notifications - see permissions. For Android, starting with API 33, you need to add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS" />
to your app's AndroidManifest.xml
. Also on Android you can localize the button text by overriding string resources bg_downloader_cancel
, bg_downloader_pause
, bg_downloader_resume
and descriptions bg_downloader_notification_channel_name
, bg_downloader_notification_channel_description
. Localization on iOS can be done through configuration.
If you download or upload multiple files simultaneously, you may not want a notification for every task, but one notification representing the group of tasks. To do this, set the groupNotificationId
field in a notificationConfig
and use that configuration for all tasks in this group. It is easiest to combine this with the group
field of the task, e.g.:
FileDownloader().configureNotificationForGroup('bunchOfFiles', // refers to the field
running: const TaskNotification(
'{numFinished} out of {numTotal}', 'Progress = {progress}'),
const TaskNotification('Done!', 'Loaded {numTotal} files'),
error: const TaskNotification(
'Error', '{numFailed}/{numTotal} failed'),
progressBar: true,
groupNotificationId: 'myGroupNotification'); // unique ID for notification group
// start every task like this
await FileDownloader().enqueue(DownloadTask(
url: '',
filename: 'your_filename',
group: 'bunchOfFiles'));
All tasks in group bunchOfFiles
will now use the notification group configuration with ID myNotificationGroup
. Any other task that uses a configuration with groupNotificationId
set to 'myGroupNotification' will also be added to that group notification. Notification tap detection is not implemented for notification groups.
On iOS: If your running
group notification contains a dynamic item (such as {numFinished}
in the example above) then a new notification will be issued every time the notification message changes (different from Android, where the existing notification is updated so does not trigger a new one).
To respond to the user tapping a notification, register a callback that takes Task
and NotificationType
as parameters:
taskNotificationTapCallback: myNotificationTapCallback);
void myNotificationTapCallback(Task task, NotificationType notificationType) {
print('Tapped notification $notificationType for taskId ${task.taskId}');
To open a file (e.g. in response to the user tapping a notification), call FileDownloader().openFile
and supply either a Task
or a full filePath
(but not both) and optionally a mimeType
to assist the Platform in choosing the right application to use to open the file.
The file opening behavior is platform dependent, and while you should check the return value of the call to openFile
, error checking is not fully consistent.
Note that on Android, files stored in the BaseDirectory.applicationDocuments
cannot be opened. You need to download to a different base directory (e.g. .applicationSupport
) or move the file to shared storage before attempting to open it.
If all you want to do on notification tap is to open the file, you can simplify the process by
adding tapOpensFile: true
to your call to configureNotifications
, and you don't need to
register a taskNotificationTapCallback
On iOS: Add the following to your AppDelegate.swift
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self as UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate
or if using Objective C, add to AppDelegate.m
[UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter].delegate = (id<UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate>) self;
On Android: Starting with API 33, you need to add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS" />
to your app's AndroidManifest.xml
If needed, localize the button text by overriding string resources bg_downloader_cancel
, bg_downloader_pause
, bg_downloader_resume
and descriptions bg_downloader_notification_channel_name
, bg_downloader_notification_channel_description
. Optionally, supply your own notification icons by creating a version of the icons defined in android/src/main/res/drawable
, e.g. outline_download_done_24.xml
, and add those to your own app's android/src/main/res/drawable
under the same name.
The download directories specified in the BaseDirectory
enum are all local to the app. To make downloaded files available to the user outside of the app, or to other apps, they need to be moved to shared or scoped storage, and this is platform dependent behavior. For example, to move the downloaded file associated with a DownloadTask
to a shared 'Downloads' storage destination, execute the following after the download has completed:
final newFilepath = await FileDownloader().moveToSharedStorage(task, SharedStorage.downloads);
if (newFilePath == null) {
// handle error
} else {
// do something with the newFilePath
Because the behavior is very platform-specific, not all SharedStorage
destinations have the same result. The options are:
- implemented on all platforms, but 'faked' on iOS: files in this directory are not accessible to other users.images
- implemented on Android and iOS only. On iOS, this moves the image to the Photos Library and returns an identifier instead of a filePath - see
- implemented on Android and iOS only. On iOS, this moves the video to the Photos Library and returns an identifier instead of a filePath - see
- implemented on Android and iOS only, and 'faked' on iOS: files in this directory are not accessible to other users.files
- implemented on Android only.external
- implemented on Android only
The 'fake' on iOS is that we create an appropriately named subdirectory in the application's Documents directory where the file is moved to. iOS apps do not have access to the system wide directories.
Methods moveToSharedStorage
and the similar moveFileToSharedStorage
also take an optional
argument for a subdirectory in the SharedStorage
destination. They also take an
optional mimeType
parameter that overrides the mimeType derived from the filePath extension.
If the file already exists in shared storage, then on iOS and desktop it will be overwritten, whereas on Android API 29+ a new file will be created with an indexed name (e.g. 'myFile (1).txt').
On MacOS: For the .downloads
to work you need to enable App Sandbox entitlements and set the key
to true.
On Android: Depending on what SharedStorage
destination you move a file to, and depending on the OS version your app runs on, you may require extra permissions WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
. See here for details on the new scoped storage rules starting with Android API version 30, which is what the plugin is using.
On iOS: For .images
and .video
SharedStorage destinations, you need user permission to add to the Photos Library, which requires you to set the NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription
key in Info.plist
. The returned String is not a filePath
, but a unique identifier. If you only want to add the file to the Photos Library you can ignore this identifier. If you want to actually get access to the file (and filePath
) in the Photos Library, then the user needs to grant an additional 'modify' permission, which requires you to set the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription
in Info.plist
. To get the actual filePath
, call pathInSharedStorage
and pass the identifier obtained via the call to moveToSharedStorage
as the filePath
final identifier = await FileDownloader().moveToSharedStorage(task, SharedStorage.images);
if (identifier != null) {
final path = await FileDownloader().pathInSharedStorage(identifier, SharedStorage.images);
debugPrint('iOS path to dog picture in Photos Library = ${path ?? "permission denied"}');
} else {
debugPrint('Could not add file to Photos Library, likely because permission denied');
The reason for this two-step approach is that typically you only want to add to the library (requires PermissionType.iosAddToPhotoLibrary
), which does not require the user to give read/write access to their entire photos library (PermissionType.iosChangePhotoLibrary
, required to get the filePath
To check if a file exists in shared storage, obtain the path to the file by calling
and, if not null, check if that file exists.
On Android 29+: If you have generated a version with an indexed name (e.g. 'myFile (1).txt'), then only the most recently stored version is available this way, even if an earlier version actually does exist. Also, only files stored by your app will be returned via this call, as you don't have access to files stored by other apps.
On iOS: To make files visible in the Files browser, do not move them to shared storage. Instead, download the file to the BaseDirectory.applicationDocuments
and add the following to your Info.plist
This will make all files in your app's Documents
directory visible to the Files browser.
See moveToSharedStorage
above for the special handling of .video
and .images
destinations on iOS.
User permissions may be needed to display notifications, to move files to shared storage (on Android) and to add images or video to the iOS Photo Library. These permissions should be checked and if needed requested before executing those operations.
You can use a package like permission_handler, or use the FileDownloader().permissions
object, which has three methods:
: returns aPermissionsStatus
. On Android this is eithergranted
. If you have not asked for permission yet, then Android returnsdenied
and iOS returns.undetermined
. iOS can also return.partial
: to request the actual permission. Only do this if you have confirmed that the permission is not alreadygranted
: for Android only, iftrue
you should show a UI element (e.g. a dialog) to explain to the user why this permission is necessary
All three methods take one PermissionType
, to display notificationsandroidSharedStorage
, to move files to external storage on Android, before API 29iosAddToPhotoLibrary
, to move files toSharedStorage.images
on iOS, as this adds those files to the Photo LibraryiosChangePhotoLibrary
, to access the path to files moved to the Photos Library
For example, to request permissions for notifications:
final permissionType = PermissionType.notifications;
var status = await FileDownloader().permissions.status(permissionType);
if (status != PermissionStatus.granted) {
if (await FileDownloader().permissions.shouldShowRationale(permissionType)) {
await showRationaleDialog(permissionType); // Show a dialog with rationale
status = await FileDownloader().permissions.request(permissionType);
debugPrint('Permission for $permissionType was $status');
The downloader will check permission status before each action, e.g. will not show notifications unless permissions for notifications have been granted.
Note that permissions are very platform and version dependent, e.g. notification permissions on Android are only required as of API 33, and iOS 14 introduced new Photo Library permissions. If you want to get into details, you can determine the platform version you're running by calling await FileDownloader().platformVersion()
By default, the downloader allows any of the permissions to be requested, but that also means that Apple requires you to add things like Photo Library Usage Description to your Info.plist, even if you never move files to the Photo Library.
On iOS, to bypass the permission code altogether at compile time (and therefore remove the need to provide the Info.plist entry) modify your app's Podfile as follows:
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
# The following loop has been added to bypass compilation of specific
# permissions.
# If you want to bypass one or more permissions (so that you don't
# have to include things like a Photo Library Usage Description
# if you don't add files to the Photo Library) then add this loop
# and uncomment the permissions you want to bypass.
# If you bypass (by including the line below) then the
# check will not happen, and the permission is aways denied. If you
# bypass you do not need to include the associated entry in your
# Info.plist file
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS'] ||= ['$(inherited)']
and uncomment the line items that you want to bypass by deleting the #
mark at the start of the line.
Uploads are very similar to downloads, except:
- define an
object instead of aDownloadTask
- the file location now refers to the file you want to upload
- call
instead ofdownload
, oruploadBatch
instead ofdownloadBatch
There are two ways to upload a file to a server: binary upload (where the file is included in the POST body) and form/multi-part upload. Which type of upload is appropriate depends on the server you are uploading to. The upload will be done using the binary upload method only if you have set the post
field of the UploadTask
to 'binary'.
If you already have a File
object, you can create your UploadTask
using UploadTask.fromFile
, though note that this will create a task with an absolute path reference and BaseDirectory.root
, which can cause problems on mobile platforms (see here). Preferably, use Task.split
to break your File
or filePath into appropriate baseDirectory, directory and filename and use that to create your UploadTask
For multi-part uploads you can specify name/value pairs in the fields
property of the UploadTask
as a Map<String, String>
. These will be uploaded as form fields along with the file. To specify multiple values for a single name, format the value as '"value1", "value2", "value3"'
(note the double quotes and the comma to separate the values).
You can also set the field name used for the file itself by setting fileField
(default is "file") and override the mimeType by setting mimeType
(default is derived from filename extension).
If you need to upload multiple files in a single request, create a MultiUploadTask instead of an UploadTask
. It has similar parameters as the UploadTask
, except you specify a list of files to upload as the files
argument of the constructor, and do not use fileName
, fileField
and mimeType
. Each element in the files
list is either:
- a filename (e.g.
). ThefileField
for that file will be set to the base name (i.e. "file1" for "file1.txt") and the mime type will be derived from the extension (i.e. "text/plain" for "file1.txt") - a record containing
(fileField, filename)
, e.g.("document", "file1.txt")
. ThefileField
for that file will be set to "document" and the mime type derived from the file extension (i.e. "text/plain" for "file1.txt") - a record containing
(filefield, filename, mimeType)
, e.g.("document", "file1.txt", "text/plain")
The baseDirectory
and directory
fields of the MultiUploadTask
determine the expected location of the file referenced, unless the filename used in any of the 3 formats above is an absolute path (e.g. "/data/user/0/com.my_app/file1.txt"). In that case, the absolute path is used and the baseDirectory
and directory
fields are ignored for that element of the list.
If you are using URIs to locate your files (see working with URIs) then you can replace the filename
with the Uri (as Uri
type, not String
) in each of the formats mentioned above.
Once the MultiUpoadTask
is created, the fields fileFields
, filenames
and mimeTypes
will contain the parsed items, and the fields fileField
, filename
and mimeType
contain those lists encoded as a JSON string.
Use the MultiTaskUpload
object in the upload
and enqueue
methods as you would a regular UploadTask
For partial uploads, set the byte range by adding a "Range" header to your binary UploadTask
, e.g. a value of "bytes=100-149" will upload 50 bytes starting at byte 100. You can omit the range end (but not the "-") to upload from the indicated start byte to the end of the file. The "Range" header will not be passed on to the server. Note that on iOS an invalid range will cause enqueue to fail, whereas on Android and Desktop the task will fail when attempting to start.
Some servers may offer an option to download part of the same file from multiple URLs or have multiple parallel downloads of part of a large file using a single URL. This can speed up the download of large files. To do this, create a ParallelDownloadTask
instead of a regular DownloadTask
and specify chunks
(the number of pieces you want to break the file into, i.e. the number of downloads that will happen in parallel) and urls
(as a list of URLs, or just one). For example, if you specify 4 chunks and 2 URLs, then the download will be broken into 8 pieces, four each for each URL.
Note that the implementation of this feature creates a regular DownloadTask
for each chunk, with the group name 'chunk' which is now a reserved group. You will not get updates for this group, but you will get normal updates (status and/or progress) for the ParallelDownloadTask
Parallel downloads do not support the use of URIs.
To enable pausing, set the allowPause
field of the Task
to true
. This may also cause the task to pause
un-commanded. For example, the OS may choose to pause the task if someone walks out of WiFi coverage.
To cancel, pause or resume a task, call:
to cancel a taskcancelAll
to cancel all tasks currently running, a specific list of tasks, or all tasks in agroup
to cancel the tasks with that taskIdcancelTasksWithIds
to cancel all tasks with ataskId
in the provided list of taskIdspause
to attempt to pause a task. Pausing is only possible for download GET requests, only if theTask.allowPause
field is true, and only if the server supports pause/resume. Soon after the task is running (TaskStatus.running
) you can calltaskCanResume
which will return a Future that resolves totrue
if the server appears capable of pause & resume. If it is not, thenpause
will have no effect and return falsepauseAll
to attempt to pause a all tasks currently running, a specific list of tasks, or all tasks in agroup
. Returns a list of tasks that were pausedresume
to resume a previously paused task (or certain failed tasks), which returns true if resume appears feasible. The task status will follow the same sequence as a newly enqueued task. If resuming turns out to be not feasible (e.g. the operating system deleted the temp file with the partial download) then the task will either restart as a normal download, or fail.resumeAll
to resume all tasks currently paused, a specific list of tasks, or all tasks in agroup
. Returns a list of tasks that were resumed
To manage or query the queue of waiting or running tasks, call:
to reset the downloader, which cancels all ongoing download tasks (may not yield proper status updates)allTaskIds
to get a list oftaskId
values of all tasks currently active (i.e. not in a final state). You can exclude tasks waiting for retries by settingincludeTasksWaitingToRetry
. Note that paused tasks are not included in this listallTasks
to get a list of all tasks currently active (i.e. not in a final state). You can exclude tasks waiting for retries by settingincludeTasksWaitingToRetry
. Note that paused tasks are not included in this listtaskForId
to get theTask
for the giventaskId
, ornull
if not found.tasksFinished
to check if all tasks have finished (successfully or otherwise)
Each of these methods accept a group
parameter that targets the method to a specific group. If tasks are enqueued with a group
other than default, calling any of these methods without a group parameter will not affect/include those tasks - only the default tasks.
Methods allTasks
and allTaskId
return all tasks regardless of group if argument allGroups
is set to true
NOTE: Only tasks that are active (ie. not in a final state) are guaranteed to be returned or counted, but returning a task does not guarantee that it is active.
This means that if you check tasksFinished
when processing a task update, the task you received an update for may still show as 'active', even though it just finished, and result in false
being returned. To fix this, pass that task's taskId as ignoreTaskId
to the tasksFinished
call, and it will be ignored for the purpose of testing if all tasks are finished:
void downloadStatusCallback(TaskStatusUpdate update) async {
// process your status update, then check if all tasks are finished
final bool allTasksFinished = update.status.isFinalState &&
await FileDownloader().tasksFinished(ignoreTaskId: update.task.taskId) ;
print('All tasks finished: $allTasksFinished');
Because an app may require different types of downloads, and handle those differently, you can specify a group
with your task, and register callbacks specific to each group
. If no group is specified the default group FileDownloader.defaultGroup
is used. For example, to create and handle downloads for group 'bigFiles':
group: 'bigFiles'
taskStatusCallback: bigFilesDownloadStatusCallback,
taskProgressCallback: bigFilesDownloadProgressCallback);
final task = DownloadTask(
group: 'bigFiles',
url: '',
filename: 'google.html',
updates: Updates.statusAndProgress);
final successFullyEnqueued = await FileDownloader().enqueue(task);
The methods registerCallBacks
, unregisterCallBacks
, reset
, allTaskIds
, allTasks
and tasksFinished
all take an optional group
parameter to target tasks in a specific group. Note that if tasks are enqueued with a group
other than default, calling any of these methods without a group parameter will not affect/include those tasks - only the default tasks.
If you listen to the updates
stream instead of using callbacks, you can test for the task's group
field in your listener, and process the update differently for different groups.
Once you enqueue
a task with the FileDownloader
it is added to an internal queue that is managed by the native platform you're running on (e.g. Android). Once enqueued, you have limited control over the execution order, the number of tasks running in parallel, etc, because all that is managed by the platform. If you want more control over the queue, you need to use a TaskQueue
or a HoldingQueue
- A
is a Dart object that you can add to theFileDownloader
. You can create this object yourself (implementing theTaskQueue
interface) or use the bundledMemoryTaskQueue
implementation. This queue sits "in front of" theFileDownloader
and instead of using theenqueue
methods directly, you now simplyadd
your tasks to theTaskQueue
. Because this is a Dart object, the queue will suspend when the OS suspends your application, and if the app gets killed, tasks held in theTaskQueue
will be lost (unless you have implemented persistence) - A
is native to the OS and can be configured usingFileDownloader().configure
to limit the number of concurrent tasks that are executed (in total, by host or by group). When using this queue you do not change how you interact with the FileDownloader, but you cannot implement your own holding queue. Because this queue is native, it will continue to run when your app is suspended by the OS, but if the app is killed then tasks held in the holding queue will be lost (unlike tasks already enqueued natively, which persist)
The MemoryTaskQueue
bundled with the background_downloader
- pacing the rate of enqueueing tasks, based on
, to avoid 'choking' the FileDownloader when adding a large number of tasks - managing task priorities while waiting in the queue, such that higher priority tasks are enqueued before lower priority ones, even if they are added later
- managing the total number of tasks running concurrently, by setting
- managing the number of tasks that talk to the same host concurrently, by setting
- managing the number of tasks running that are in the same
, by settingmaxConcurrentByGroup
A TaskQueue
conceptually sits 'in front of' the FileDownloader queue, and the TaskQueue
makes the call to FileDownloader().enqueue
. To use it, add it to the FileDownloader
and instead of enqueuing tasks with the FileDownloader
, you now add
tasks to the queue:
final tq = MemoryTaskQueue();
tq.maxConcurrent = 5; // no more than 5 tasks active at any one time
tq.maxConcurrentByHost = 2; // no more than two tasks talking to the same host at the same time
tq.maxConcurrentByGroup = 3; // no more than three tasks from the same group active at the same time
FileDownloader().addTaskQueue(tq); // 'connects' the TaskQueue to the FileDownloader
FileDownloader().updates.listen((update) { // listen to updates as per usual
print('Received update for ${update.task.taskId}: $update')
for (var n = 0; n < 100; n++) {
task = DownloadTask(url: workingUrl, metData: 'task #$n'); // define task
tq.add(task); // add to queue. The queue makes the FileDownloader().enqueue call
Because it is possible that an error occurs when the taskQueue eventually actually enqueues the task with the FileDownloader, you can listen to the enqueueErrors
stream for tasks that failed to enqueue.
Before the introduction of enqueueAll
, a common use for the TaskQueue
was enqueueing a large number of tasks without 'choking' the downloader if done in a loop. The current recommended method for that scenario is to use enqueuAll
, though the TaskQueue
can be used if not all tasks are available at the time of enqueue. Use property minInterval
to pace the rate at which tasks are enqueued using the TaskQueue
The default TaskQueue
is the MemoryTaskQueue
which, as the name suggests, keeps everything in memory. This is fine for most situations, but be aware that the queue may get dropped if the OS aggressively moves the app to the background. Tasks still waiting in the queue will not be enqueued, and will therefore be lost. If you want a TaskQueue
with more persistence, or add different prioritization and concurrency roles, then subclass the MemoryTaskQueue
and add your own persistence or logic.
In addition, if your app is suspended by the OS due to resource constraints, tasks waiting in the queue will not be enqueued to the native platform and will not run in the background. TaskQueues are therefore best for situations where you expect the queue to be emptied while the app is still in the foreground.
Use a holding queue to limit the number of tasks running concurrently. Calling await FileDownloader().configure(globalConfig: (Config.holdingQueue, (3, 2, 1)))
activates the holding queue and sets the constraints maxConcurrent
to 3, maxConcurrentByHost
to 2, and maxConcurrentByGroup
to 1. Pass null
for no constraint for that parameter.
Using the holding queue adds a queue on the native side where tasks may have to wait before being enqueued with the Android WorkManager or iOS URLSessions. Because the holding queue lives on the native side (not Dart) tasks will continue to get pulled from the holding queue even when the app is suspended by the OS. This is different from the TaskQueue
, which lives on the Dart side and suspends when the app is suspended by the OS
When using a holding queue:
- Tasks will be taken out of the queue based on their priority and time of creation, provided they pass the constraints imposed by the
values - Status messages will differ slightly. You will get the
update immediately upon enqueuing. Once the task gets enqueued with the Android WorkManager or iOS URLSessions you will not get another "enqueue" update, but if that enqueue fails the task will fail. Once the task starts running you will getTaskStatus.running
as usual - The holding queue and the native queues managed by the Android WorkManager or iOS URLSessions are treated as a single queue for queries like
. There is no way to determine whether a task is in the holding queue or already enqueued with the Android WorkManager or iOS URLSessions
By default, whether a task requires WiFi or not is determined by its requireWiFi
property (iOS and Android only). To override this globally, call FileDownloader().requireWifi
and pass one of the RequireWiFi
(default) lets the task'srequireWiFi
property determine if WiFi is requiredforAllTasks
requires WiFi for all tasksforNoTasks
does not require WiFi for any tasks
When calling FileDownloader().requireWifi
, all enqueued tasks will be canceled and rescheduled with the appropriate WiFi requirement setting, and if the rescheduleRunningTasks
parameter is true, all running tasks will be paused (if possible, independent of the task's allowPause
property) or canceled and resumed/restarted with the new WiFi requirement. All newly enqueued tasks will follow this setting as well.
The global setting persists across application restarts. Check the current setting by calling FileDownloader().getRequireWiFiSetting
A task may be waiting a long time before it gets executed, or before it has finished, and you may need to modify the task before it actually starts (e.g. to refresh an access token) or do something when it finishes (e.g. conditionally call your server to confirm an upload has finished). The normal listener or registered callback approach does not enable that functionality, and does not execute when the app is in a suspended state.
To facilitate more complex task management functions, consider using "native" callbacks:
: a callback called before a task starts executing. The callback receives theTask
and returnsnull
if the task should continue, or aTaskStatusUpdate
if it should not start - in which case theTaskStatusUpdate
is posted as the last state update for the taskonTaskStart
: a callback called before a task starts executing, afterbeforeTaskStart
. The callback receives theTask
and returnsnull
if it did not change anything, or a modifiedTask
if it needs to use a different url or header. It is called afteronAuth
for token refresh, if that is setonTaskFinished
: a callback called when the task has finished. The callback receives the finalTaskStatusUpdate
: a class that facilitates management of authorization tokens and refresh tokens, and includes anonAuth
callback similar toonTaskStart
To add a callback to a Task
, set its options
property, e.g. to add an onTaskStart callback:
final task = DownloadTask(url: '',
options: TaskOptions(onTaskStart: myStartCallback));
where myStartCallback
must be a top level or static function, and must be annotated with @pragma("vm:entry-point")
to ensure it can be called from native code.
For most situations, using the event listeners or registered "regular" callbacks is recommended, as they run in the normal application context on the main isolate. Native callbacks are called directly from native code (iOS, Android or Desktop) and therefore behave differently:
- Native callbacks are called even when an application is suspended
- On iOS, the callbacks runs in the main isolate
- On Android, callbacks run in a shared background isolate, though there is no guarantee that every callback shares the same isolate as another callback
- On Desktop, callbacks run in the same isolate as the task, and every task has its own isolate
You should assume that the callback runs in an isolate, and has no access to application state or to plugins. Native callbacks are really only meant to perform simple "local" functions, operating only on the parameter passed into the callback function.
Callback with signature Future<TaskStatusUpdate?> Function(Task task)
, called just before the task starts executing. Your callback receives the task
and should return null
if the task should proceed. If the task should end before it is started, return a TaskStatusUpdate
object, which will be returned. The TaskStatusUpdate
object must be consistent with normal updates of that type, e.g. an update with status
set to .canceled
cannot contain an exception
or responseStatusCode
Callback with signatureFuture<Task?> Function(Task original)
, called just before the task starts executing, immediately after BeforeTaskStart
. Your callback receives the original
task about to start, and can modify this task if necessary. If you make modifications, you return the modified task - otherwise return null to continue execution with the original task. You can only change the task's url
(including query parameters) and headers
properties - making changes to any other property may lead to undefined behavior.
Callback with signature Future<void> Function(TaskStatusUpdate taskStatusUpdate)
, called when the task has reached a final state (regardless of outcome). Your callback receives the final TaskStatusUpdate
and can act on that.
The Auth
object (which can be set as the auth
property in TaskOptions
) contains several properties that can optionally be set:
: the token created by your auth mechanism to provide access. It is typically passed as part of a request in theAuthorization
header, but different mechanisms existaccessHeaders
: the headers specific to authorization. In these headers, the template{accessToken}
will be replaced by the actualaccessToken
property, so a common value would be{'Authorization': 'Bearer {accessToken}'
: the query parameters specific to authorization. In these headers, the template{accessToken}
will be replaced by the actualaccessToken
: the time at which theaccessToken
will expire.refreshToken
are similar to those for access (the template{refreshToken}
will be replaced with the actualrefreshToken
: url to use for refresh, including query parameters not related to the auth tokensonAuth
: callback that will be called when token refresh is required
The downloader uses the auth
object on the native side as follows:
- Just before the task starts, we check the
- If it is close to this time, the downloader will call the
callback (your code) to refresh the access token- A
function is included that callsauth.refreshAccessToken
using a common approach, but use your ownonAuth
callback if your auth mechanism differs - The
returned by theonAuth
call can change theAuth
object itself (e.g. replace theaccessToken
with a refreshed one) and those values will be used to construct the task's request
- A
- The
request is built as follows:- Start with the headers and query parameters of the original task. You should have all headers and query parameters that are not related to authentication here
- Add or replace every header and query parameter from the
to the task's headers and query parameters, substituting the templates foraccessToken
- Construct the task's server request using these merged headers and query parameters
A typical way to construct a task with authorization and default onAuth
refresh approach then is:
final auth = Auth(
accessToken: 'initialAccessToken',
accessHeaders: {'Authorization': 'Bearer {accessToken}'},
refreshToken: 'initialRefreshToken',
refreshUrl: 'https://your.server/refresh_endpoint',
.add(const Duration(minutes: 10)), // typically extracted from token
onAuth: defaultOnAuth // to use typical default callback
final task = DownloadTask(
url: 'https://your.server/download_endpoint',
urlQueryParameters: {'param1': 'value1'},
headers: {'Header1': 'value2'},
filename: 'my_file.txt',
options: TaskOptions(auth: auth));
There are limitations to the auth functionality, as the original task is not updated on the Dart side. For example, if a token refresh was performed and subsequently the task is paused, the resumed task with have the original accessToken and expiry time and will therefore trigger another token refresh.
NOTE: The callback functionality is experimental for now, and its behavior may change without warning in future updates. Please provide feedback on callbacks.
To make a regular server request (e.g. to obtain a response from an API end point that you process directly in your app) use:
- A
object, for requests that are executed immediately, expecting an immediate return - A
object, for requests that are scheduled on the background queue, similar toDownloadTask
A regular foreground request works similar to the download
method, except you pass a Request
object that has fewer fields than the DownloadTask
, but is similar in structure. You await
the response, which will be a Response object as defined in the dart http package, and includes getters for the response body (as a String
or as UInt8List
), statusCode
and reasonPhrase
Because requests are meant to be immediate, they are not enqueued like a Task
is, and do not allow for status/progress monitoring.
To make a similar request using the background mechanism (e.g. if you want to wait for WiFi to be available), create and enqueue a DataTask
A DataTask
is similar to a DownloadTask
except it:
- Does not accept file information, as there is no file involved
- Does not allow progress updates
- Accepts
data as a String, or - Accepts
data, which will be converted to a String and posted as content typeapplication/json
- Accepts
which will set theContent-Type
header value - Returns the server
and possibletaskException
in the finalTaskStatusUpdate
Typically you would use enqueue
to enqueue a DataTask
and monitor the result using a listener or callback, but you can also use transmit
to enqueue and wait for the final result of the DataTask
Servers may ask you to set a cookie (via the 'Set-Cookie' header in the response), to be passed along to the next request (in the 'Cookie' header). This may be needed for authentication, or for session state.
The method Request.cookieHeader
makes it easy to insert cookies in a request. The first argument cookies
is either a http.Response
object (as returned by the FileDownloader().request
method), a List<Cookie>
, or a String value from a 'Set-Cookie' header. It returns a {'Cookie': '...'}
header that can be added to the next request.
The second argument is the url
you intend to use the cookies with. This is needed to filter the appropriate cookies based on domain and path.
For example:
final loginResponse = await FileDownloader()
.request(Request(url: '', headers: {'Auth': 'Token'}));
const downloadUrl = '';
// add the cookies from the response to the task
final task = DownloadTask(url: downloadUrl, headers: {
'Auth': 'Token',
...Request.cookieHeader(loginResponse, downloadUrl) // inserts the 'Cookie' header
The DownloadTask
, UploadTask
and Request
objects all take several optional parameters that define how the task will be executed. Note that a Task
is a subclass of Request
, and both DownloadTask
and UploadTask
are subclasses of Task
, so what applies to a Request
or Task
will also apply to a DownloadTask
and UploadTask
If provided, these parameters (presented as a Map<String, String>
) will be appended to the url as query parameters. Note that both the url
and urlQueryParameters
must be urlEncoded (e.g. a space must be encoded as %20).
Optionally, headers
can be added to a Request
or Task
, which will be added to the HTTP request. This may be needed for authentication or session cookies.
If provided, this request method will be used to make the request. By default, the request method is GET unless post
is not null, or the Task
is a DownloadTask
, in which case it will be POST. Valid HTTP request methods are those listed in Request.validHttpMethods
For downloads, if the required server request is a HTTP POST request (instead of the default GET request) then set the post
field of a DownloadTask
to a String
or UInt8List
representing the data to be posted (for example, a JSON representation of an object). To make a POST request with no data, set post
to an empty String
For an UploadTask
the POST field is used to request a binary upload, by setting it to 'binary'. By default, uploads are done using the form/multi-part format.
To schedule automatic retries of failed requests/tasks (with exponential backoff), set the retries
field to an
integer between 1 and 10. A normal Task
(without the need for retries) will follow status
updates from enqueued
-> running
-> complete
(or notFound
). If retries
has been set and
the task fails, the sequence will be enqueued
-> running
-> enqueued
-> running
-> complete
(if the second try succeeds, or more
retries if needed). A Request
will behave similarly, except it does not provide intermediate status updates.
Note that certain failures can be resumed, and retries will therefore attempt to resume from a failure instead of retrying the task from scratch.
On Android and iOS only: If the requiresWiFi
field of a Task
is set to true, the task won't start unless a WiFi network is available. By default requiresWiFi
is false, and downloads/uploads will use the cellular (or metered) network if WiFi is not available, which may incur cost. Note that every task requires a working internet connection: local server connections that do not reach the internet may not work.
The priority
field must be 0 <= priority <= 10 with 0 being the highest priority, and defaults to 5. On Desktop and iOS all priority levels are supported. On Android, priority levels <5 are handled as 'expedited', and >=5 is handled as a normal task.
and displayName
can be added to a Task
. They are ignored by the downloader but may be helpful when receiving an update about the task, and can be shown in notifications using {metaData}
or {displayName}
Set fileField
to the field name the server expects for the file portion of a multi-part upload. Defaults to "file".
Set mimeType
to the MIME type of the file to be uploaded. By default the MIME type is derived from the filename extension, e.g. a .txt file has MIME type text/plain
Set fields
to a Map<String, String>
of name/value pairs to upload as "form fields" along with the file.
No setup is required for Windows or Linux.
This package needs Kotlin 1.9.20 or above to compile.
For modern Flutter projects this should be added to the /android/settings.gradle
plugins {
// ...
id "" version "1.9.20" apply false
// ...
For older flutter projects, the kotlin version is set in the android/build.gradle
file as follows.
buildScript {
ext.kotlin_version = '1.9.20'
On iOS, ensure that you have the Background Fetch capability enabled:
- Select the Runner target in XCode
- Select the Signing & Capabilities tab
- Click the + icon to add capabilities
- Select 'Background Modes'
- Tick the 'Background Fetch' mode
Note that iOS by default requires all URLs to be https (and not http). See here for more details and how to address issues.
MacOS needs you to request a specific entitlement in order to access the network. To do that open macos/Runner/DebugProfile.entitlements and add the following key-value pair.
Then do the same thing in macos/Runner/Release.entitlements.
Several aspects of the downloader can be configured on startup:
- Setting the request timeout value and, for iOS only, the 'resourceTimeout'
- Checking available space before attempting a download
- Activating a holding queue to manage how many tasks are executed concurrently
- On Android, when to use the
for temporary files - Setting a proxy
- Bypassing TLS Certificate validation (for debug mode only, Android and Desktop only)
- On Android, running tasks in 'foreground mode' to allow longer runs
- On Android, whether or not to use external storage
- On iOS, localizing the notification button texts
Please read the configuration document for details on how to configure.
- iOS 14.0 or greater; Android API 21 or greater
- On Android, downloads are by default limited to 9 minutes, after which the download will end with
. To allow for longer downloads, set theDownloadTask.allowPause
field to true: if the task times out, it will pause and automatically resume, eventually downloading the entire file. Alternatively, configure the downloader to allow tasks to run in the foreground - On iOS, once enqueued (i.e.
), a background download must complete within 4 hours. Configure 'resourceTimeout' to adjust. - Redirects will be followed
- Background downloads and uploads are aggressively controlled by the native platform. You should therefore always assume that a task that was started may not complete, and may disappear without providing any status or progress update to indicate why. For example, if a user swipes your app up from the iOS App Switcher, all scheduled background downloads are terminated without notification