This is an unofficial Python implementation of the 2014 IEEE paper "Deblurring Text Images via L0 Regularized Intensity and Gradient Prior" by J. Pan, Z. Hu, Z. Su, and M. Yang
We also provide extra functionality to deblur images with a Kaggle Blur Dataset
This is implemented as the final project for CS1430 at Brown.
Contributing members:
Alan Gu,
Edward Xing,
Luca Fonstad,
Paul Zhiyuan Zhou
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
deblur images
python3 -m deblur.motion_deblur [--data ieee] [--save] [--regularizatio n] [--threshold]
# use either `ieee` or `kaggle` for the --data option to run different datasets to deblur
# use --save to save the deblurring results to disk
# use --regularization to change the regularization used for artifact removal
# use --threshold only on grayscale images to enhance results
run python3 -m deblur.motion_deblur --help
for more information
evaluate the PSNR of deblurring results (this may take quite a while)
python3 -m deblur.eval
We achieve comparable PSNR performance as the IEEE paper:
Furthermore, we also propose a image pixel intensity threshold method that achieves better PSNR results for grayscale text images:
use the
option to run the
to try it out!
: the data directory
: the assets directory holding images for README
: data storage for artifacts removal functionality
: the source code directory, in which we have:
: our implementation of the conjugate gradient algorithm as an optimization scheme
: the script to evaluate results
: data preprocessing and parsing
: the main magic and algorithms to deblur images
: storage for hyperparameters
: visualization methods