UPS Tracking API and webhook make it easy to integrate UPS Tracking function into your own project. Support APIs Client Libraries for python
In order to use this API, you need to generate a UPS Tracking API key in the TrackingMore. Apply for free use of API.
String | Description |
pending | New shipments added that are pending to track |
notfound | Item is not found at this moment. |
transit | Item has shipped from originating and is en route to its destination |
pickup | Item is out for delivery or arrived at local facility, you may schedule for delivery or pickup |
delivered | The shipment was delivered sucessfully. |
undelivered | Carrier attempted to deliver but failed, and usually leaves a notice and will try to delivery again. |
exception | Item might undergo unusual shipping condition, this may due to several reasons, most likely item was returned to sender, customs issue, lost, damaged etc. |
expired | Item was in transportation period for a long time still has no delivered results. |
We will respond with one of the following status codes.
Code | Description |
200 | OK - The request was successful (some API calls may return 201 instead). |
201 | Created - The request was successful and a resource was created. |
202 | Created - The request was successful but exceeding the limit. |
401 | Unauthorized - Authentication failed or user does not have permissions for the requested operation. |
4001 | Unauthorized - Invalid API key. |
4002 | Unauthorized - API key has been deleted. |
4012 | Bad Request - The request could not be understood or was missing required parameters. |
4013 | Bad Request - Tracking_number is required. |
4014 | Bad Request - The value of tracking_number is invalid. |
4015 | Bad Request - The value of carrier_code is invalid. |
4016 | Bad Request - Tracking already exists. |
4017 | Bad Request - Tracking does not exist. |
4018 | Bad Request - Due to overload risks this feature requires custom activation. Contact for more information. |
4020 | Bad Request - Up to 200 at a time |
4021 | Bad Request - Your remaining balance is not enough, so you can not call the API request data. |
4031 | No Content - The request was successful but the response is empty. |
4032 | No Content - Cannot detect courier. |
4033 | No Content - The value of status is invalid. |
402 | Payment Required - Payment required. |
403 | Forbidden - Access denied. |
404 | Not Found - Resource was not found. |
405 | Method Not Allowed - Requested method is not supported for the specified resource. |
409 | Conflict - The request could not be completed due to a conflict. |
429 | Too Many Requests - Exceeded API limits. Pause requests, wait two minute, and try again. |
500 | Server error |
503 | Service Unavailable - The service is temporary unavailable (e.g. scheduled Platform Maintenance). Try again later. |
TrackingMore is a multiple carrier solutions. Developers can get tracking results from 410+ couriers by integrating trackingmore API.Check the courier code. use UPS Tracking API of Trackingmore allows eCommerce developers in any sizes to add package tracking fuction easily. Use UPS Tracking API to:
- Get UPS realtime tracking info of muti-carriers in one integration
- Provide UPS shipment tracking experience like Amazon
- Push UPS notifications of package update with webhook
- Verify UPS delivery exception before it is too late