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Note that commands in this are run either on your local host terminal, or on a Docker container terminal. We highlight where to run a command immediately prior to the command itself. Make sure that you take care to note this.

For example, consider the command below. This should be run in the host. Run on host terminal:

echo 'Hello Host'

This should be run in the container. Run on container terminal:

echo 'Hello Container'


Install Docker

Follow the relevant instructions for your system on

Install WSL and Prerequsites (if you are on windows)

If you are on Windows, you will need to install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and a few other tools.

  • Enable Developer mode
  • Ensure you have git installed, if not, install it
  • Open a terminal with Administrator privilages
  • Enable git symlinks by running:
     git config --global core.symlinks true
  • Install usbipd-win with:
     winget install usbipd
  • Install WSL with an Ubuntu distribution by following the official instructions. Ensure you are using WSL 2.
  • Once WSL is installed, open a WSL ternimal (by typing wsl in the command prompt or PowerShell). In the WSL ternimal run the following commands:
     sudo apt install linux-tools-5.4.0-77-generic hwdata
     sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/usbip usbip /usr/lib/linux-tools/5.4.0-77-generic/usbip 20
  • Restart your terminal

Note - You will only use WSL to load the built FPGA designs into the iCE40MDP with iceprog. For everything else, use the Docker image.

Install Icestorm

We need the tool iceprog to program the ice40 FPGA. It comes as a part of the icestorm toolkit. If you are on Windows, you should run these commands from insde a WSL terminal and follow the instructions for linux. You can intall the icestorm tools by following the instructions below:

  • Clone the icestorm repository. Run on host terminal:

     git clone
  • change directories into the repository, and checkout the following commit. Run on host terminal:

     cd <location of icestorm>
     git checkout d05659d83a3bb51ec5f7451d403fff9de1371c59
  • install the requirements for icestorm. How to do this will depend on your operating system:

    • macOS:

      • install homebrew. Run on host terminal:
         /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
      • use homebrew to install libftdi. Run on host terminal:
         brew install libftdi
      • install gnu-sed. Run on host terminal:
         brew install gnu-sed
      • temporarily use gnu-sed as the default. Run on host terminal:
         export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
    • linux/WSL:

      • update apt-get. Run on host terminal:
         sudo apt-get update
         sudo apt-get upgrade -y
      • install aptitude. Run on host terminal:
         sudo apt-get install -y aptitude
      • install libftdi. Run on host terminal:
         sudo aptitude install -y libftdi-dev
  • Install icestorm by running the following from the root of the icestorm repository. Run on host terminal:

     sudo make install
  • Remove the icestorm repository by running the following from the root of the icestorm repository. Run on host terminal:

     cd ../
     rm -rf icestorm

Setting up GB3

To get started, fork and clone the following repository:

This repository is organised as follows:

└── gb3-resources
    ├── Makefile
    ├── bubblesort		<-- implementation of bubble sort in C
    ├── gb3-Docker		<-- dockerfile and others for building gb3 Docker image
    ├── hardwareblink		<-- Verilog implementation of LED blinker
    ├── include			<-- header files for compiling C code
    ├── processor		<-- implementation of Sail RISC-V processor in Verilog
    ├── softwareblink		<-- implementation of LED blinker in C
    └── template		<-- template for writing and compiling C code for the Sail processor

Unless specified otherwise, we will assume that you are working from the root of this repository. Thus after cloning your fork, change directory into the root of the repository. Run on host terminal:

cd gb3

For this project, we provide a Docker image that has the required tools pre-installed. If you would like to install these tools locally, you can find instructions in Appendix X.

Docker is a platform that allows you to create, manage and run containers. A container is like a virtual-machine, in that it allows you to run a sandboxed operating system. It lets you package up your code and all its dependencies, which can include its runtime, system tools and libraries, and run it on any supported system, without having to worry about conflicts. Thus, you can, for example, run code built for Linux on MacOS.

A Docker container is different to a virtual-machine in that it uses the underlying operating system, rather than running a complete other operating system. This makes Docker containers much more lightweight, leading to faster spin-up times, and lower resource usage.

The package that a Docker container runs is called an image. For GB3, we provide you with a pre-built image that contains the required tools all ready for you to use.

Images are built using a dockerfile. A dockerfile contains the steps needed to build the image. Although a pre-built image will be provided for you, we also provide you with the dockerfile used to build it. Run the following to build it. Run on host terminal:

cd docker
docker build --rm -f gb3-tools.Dockerfile -t <name of image>:latest .

Pulling the Docker image

To use a Docker image, you must pull the Docker image. This image is stored in a container registry, much like package registries for software. Run on host terminal:

docker pull

You can inspect the image by using docker inspect. Run on host terminal:

docker inspect

This gives you some low-level information about the image. In particular, it shows the Architecture and the Os that the image was built for.

Once you have done that, you can interact with it by running a container that opens an interactive shell inside it. Run on host terminal:

docker run --rm -it /bin/bash

You can now interact with the operating system using the command line. Such a terminal is what we refer to as a container terminal.

Some IDEs, such a VSCode let you connect to a running container, allowing you to interact with the file system in the container through your IDE.

Exit the container by running exit inside the container. Run on container terminal:


Using Docker for GB3

The key files for this project located from the root of this repository. Among other things, you will be running and modifying code inside this folder.

Generally, any code written inside a Docker container are contained within it. For our purposes, it would be ideal if we can write code either outside, or in the container, and be able to access any changes from our host system. This can be achieved using volumes.

Run the following command from the root of the repository. Run on host terminal:

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/gb3-resources /bin/bash

**If you must run a command in the container, you must first run the command above.

This creates a mirror of the repository in the container, at location /gb3-resources. Thus, if you run ls / in the container, you should be able to see a folder /gb3-resources. Any changes made in the container or otherwise will be reflected in the other.

Note - If you are on Windows, you should run this command with the full path of the directory with the course tools instead of $(pwd). For example, if you cloned this repository to D:\gb3-resources\, you should run:

docker run --rm -it -v D:\gb3-resources\:/gb3-resources /bin/bash

You can exit the container by running exit inside the container. Run on container terminal:


Running the provided examples

You can connect the provided iCE40MDP to any USB-port of your computer.

Note - If you are on windows, you should run the above command from within the WSL ternimal and not the windows terminal. You should attach the usb port to which the iCE40MDP is connected, to WSL.

  • With the iCE40MDP disconnected, run the following command on your windows terminal (e.g., powershell):
     usbipd wsl list
  • Connect the iCE40MDP to your computer and run the same command. You should see an extra device on the device list. Make a note of the BUSID.
  • Attach you iCE40MDP to WSL by running:
     usbipd wsl attach --busid <BUSID>

where <BUSID> is the BUSID you noted down in the previous step. Note that this ID might change if you disconnect the device and connect it again.

  • If this command is successful, you will be now be able to access your iCE40MDP from inside WSL

Hardware blink

The folder gb3-resources/hardwareblink looks like the following:

└── gb3-resources
    ├── hardwareblink
    │   ├── Makefile
    │   ├── hardwareblink.pcf	<-- sets the led to the port D3 on the MDP
    │   └── hardwareblink.v	<-- the Verilog file with the hardware implementation

To build the binary that can be loaded to the FPGA, run the following. Run on container terminal:

cd /gb3
make hardwareblink

This will create a design.bin file inside gb3-resources/build/.

Finally, load the built binary to the MDP. Run on host terminal:

sudo iceprog -S build/design.bin

Software blink

Software blink is an implementation of an LED blinker, but written in C. In particular, this code is run on an implementation of a RISC-V processor called the Sail core. The implementation of this CPU is in gb3-resources/processor.

gb3-resources/softwareblink looks like following:

└── gb3-resources
    ├── softwareblink
    │   ├── Makefile
    │   ├──
    │   ├── init-sf.S
    │   ├── init.S
    │   ├── run.m
    │   ├── sail.ld
    │   ├── softwareblink.c	<-- Implementation of LED blinker in C

Compile softwareblink/softwareblink.c, and build the binary for the MDP. Run on container terminal:

cd /gb3-resources
make softwareblink

This will create a design.bin file inside gb3-resources/build/.

Finally, load the built binary to the MDP. Run on host terminal:

sudo iceprog -S build/design.bin

Bubble sort

For a more complicated example that runs on the Sail core, we provide an implementation of bubble sort in gb3-resources/bubblesort, which looks like the following

└── gb3-resources
    ├── bubblesort
    │   ├── Makefile
    │   ├──
    │   ├── init-sf.S
    │   ├── init.S
    │   ├── run.m
    │   ├── sail.ld
    │   ├── bubblesort.c	<-- Implementation of bubble sort in C

Compile bubblesort/bubblesort.c, and build the binary for the MDP. Run on container terminal:

cd /gb3-resources
make bubblesort

This will create a design.bin file inside gb3-resources/build/.

Finally, load the built binary to the MDP. Run on host terminal:

sudo iceprog -S build/design.bin


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  • Verilog 66.7%
  • C 22.4%
  • Makefile 8.0%
  • Dockerfile 1.1%
  • Assembly 1.0%
  • Shell 0.5%
  • Objective-C 0.3%