Shogun is a GUI front end for SDKMAN!.
With Shogun, you can install JDKs, switch between JDKs at ease.
macOS (tested on Mojave 10.14.5)
Download the latest binary from the release page, double-click the app icon to launch.
On macOS Mojave or later, you'll see a dialog from Gatekeeper saying nothing malicious was found. Click open to proceed. You won't see the dialog late on.
Currently you can:
- See the list of available Java distributions
- Choose to make a specified distribution / version the default
- Install or uninstall JDK, or any SDKs available from SDKMAN!
- Detect locally installed JDKs, register them with SDKMAN!
- Reveal specified JDK Home in Finder from OS Task tray.
Java 11 is required to build Shogun. To build Shogun, have Java 11 installed on your mac, and run $ mvn clean package will be located at target/.