Components can be used in php or in conjunction with the yii2 framework.
The project can be supported by money, beer, burger, clothes and your motorcycle. Thank you 😎
MDC Template
MDC Google Components Page
To generate a new template use MDC Template
To generate a color scheme Color tool
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist youra-halloween/yii2-material-design-components "^0.4.0"
or add
"youra-halloween/yii2-material-design-components": "^0.4.0"
to the require section of your composer.json
Once the extension is installed, simply use it in your code by :
* Main backend application asset bundle.
class MainAsset extends AssetBundle
public $depends = [
If you use YhAsset, then JS and CSS scripts are included. Separately JS can be connected using MdcJsAsset.
UtilsAsset will connect scripts for working with forms and tables and asynchronous xhr requests.
Add textfield username and password
use yh\mdc\ActiveForm;
use yh\mdc\components\TextField;
$form->field($model, 'username')->textInput([
'tabIndex' => 1,
'autocomplete' => 'username',
'required' => true,
'property' => [
'autoFocus' => true,
'label' => Yii::t('backend/login', 'Введите логин'),
'labelTemplate' => TextField::ALIGN_TOP,
'labelSize' => Vars::LARGE,
'textSize' => Vars::LARGE,
'helper' => Yii::t('backend/login', 'email | логин'),
'height' => Vars::LARGE
$form->field($model, 'password')->passwordInput([
'tabIndex' => 2,
'autocomplete' => 'current-password',
'required' => true,
'property' => [
'label' => Yii::t('backend/login', 'Введите пароль'),
'labelTemplate' => TextField::ALIGN_TOP,
'labelSize' => Vars::LARGE,
'textSize' => Vars::LARGE,
'icons' => [
['icon' => 'visibility', 'role' => 'button', 'toggle' => 'visibility_off']
'helper' => '',
'height' => Vars::LARGE
* role - can be icon or button
* toggle - when you click on the button, change the icon
'icons' => [
['icon' => 'visibility', 'role' => 'button', 'toggle' => 'visibility_off']
Add gray button
Button::one(Yii::t('backend/login', 'Войти'), ['spinner' => Button::SP_AUTO], ['tabIndex' => 4])
Add menu
'id' => 'locale-menu',
'items' => I18nLocale::getList()
//Where I18nLocale::getList() returns an associative array
// OR
'id' => 'app-user-menu',
'items' => [
'text' => Yii::t('backend/main/user-menu', 'Настройки профиля'),
'separator' => true
'text' => Yii::t('backend/main-user-menu', 'Выход'),
'href' => Url::to('main/logout'),
'options' => [
'data' => ['method' => 'post']
Add snackbar
->setProperty(['closeButton'=> Yii::t('backend', 'Закрыть')])