This library is deprecated and not maintained, use overtrue/wechat instead.
This library is part of Project Golem, see yoozi/golem for more info.
Weixin is a Laravel package for interacting with 微信公众平台.
You can install this library via Composer:
$ composer require yoozi/weixin --save
Or declare in the composer.json
"require": {
"yoozi/weixin": "dev-master"
and install it:
$ composer install
Before using this package, you have to publish the configuration file via:
$ php artisan config:publish yoozi/weixin
And it will create a configuration file in your-project/app/config/packages/yoozi/weixin/
You should setup your weixin account information in weixin.php
name | description |
token | server side token (required) |
app_id | your weixin account app id (required) |
app_secret | your weixin account app secret key (required) |
end_point | weixin server event receive endpoint (required) |
To enable this package, you should add this following lines to config/app.php
return array(
'providers' => array(
// Illumniate stuffs...
// Add weixin provider here:
'aliases' => array(
'Request' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request',
// Be sure change the Response facade to weixin's:
'Response' => 'Yoozi\Weixin\Facades\Response',
'Route' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route',
// Illuminate stuffs...
'URL' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\URL',
'Validator' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator',
'View' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\View',
// Add weixin facades here:
'WeixinInput' => 'Yoozi\Weixin\Facades\WeixinInput',
'WeixinRouter' => 'Yoozi\Weixin\Facades\WeixinRouter',
'WeixinMessage' => 'Yoozi\Weixin\Facades\WeixinMessage',
'OAuthClient' => 'Yoozi\Weixin\Facades\OAuthClient',
'WeixinClient' => 'Yoozi\Weixin\Facades\WeixinClient',
Weixin will provide you:
- a router for binding server event callback,
- a weixin client for interacting with
, - a OAuth client for performing OAuth login.
In routes.php
// Bind a text event.
WeixinRouter::bind('text', 'MyWeixinEventHandler@text');
// Bind a music event.
WeixinRouter::bind('music', 'MyWeixinEventHandler@music');
// Bind a subscribe event.
WeixinRouter::bindEvent('subscribe', 'MyWeixinEventHandler@subscribe');
// This is equivalent to:
WeixinRouter::bind('event:subscribe', 'MyWeixinEventHandler@subscribe');
// Bind a click event.
WeixinRouter::bindClick('a_key', 'MyWeixinEventHandler@clickAKey');
// This is equivalent to:
WeixinRouter::bindEvent('click:a_key', 'MyWeixinEventHandler@subscribe');
// And:
WeixinRouter::bind('event:click:a_key', 'MyWeixinEventHandler@subscribe');
// Bind a view event.
WeixinRouter::bindView('', 'MyWeixinEventHandler@visitGoogle');
// Bind a default event.
In MyWeixinEventHandler.php
class MyWeixinEventHandler
public function text()
$sender = WeixinInput::get('tousername');
$receiver = WeixinInput::get('fromusername');
$messge = WeixinMessage::text($receiver, $sender, 'Hello, world!');
return Response::xml($message);
// Handle other events...
Weixin client can be used to:
- retrieve access token
- retrieve user's basic profile via openid
// Notes:
// You should store this access token in the cache or somewhere else
// for reuse later.
$accessToken = WeixinClient::getAccessToken();
$openId = 'an_user_openid';
var_dump(WeixinClient::getUserInfo($openId, $accessToken));
Weixin OAtuth client provides you:
- generate authorize url with callback
- retrieve access token with OAuth code
- retrieve user's basic profile with access token
// Redirect user to $authorizeUrl and receive the OAuth code ($code)
$authorizeUrl = OAuthClient::getAccessUrl($codeReceiveUrl);
// Get access token from code
$accessTokenAndOpenId = OAuthClient::getAccessToken($code);
$accessToken = $accessTokenAndOpenId['access_token'];
$openId = $accessTokenAndOpenId['openid'];
// Get user profile
var_dump(OAuthClient::getUserInfo($openId, $accessToken));