An itinerary arrangement website aims to help travellers plan trips within minimum effort and time.
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- Password: 000000
- Front-End Fundamentals
- JavaScript (ES6)
- Responsive Web Design
- styled-components
- Front-End Frameworks
- React (Hooks)
- React Router
- Firebase
- Firestore Database
- Authentication
- Hosting
- Third-Party Libraries
- Mapbox (map)
- Mapbox GL JS (marker & popup)
- mapbox-gl-directions (transportation)
- FullCalendar
- Google Map Places API (Place Search)
- SweetAlert 2
- Reactjs-popup
- React Joyride
- react-to-print
- react-share
- Web Crawler
- Node.js
- Request
- Cheerio
- Complete manage page RWD
- Refactor to increase code-readability
- Fix bugs
Scroll to zoom in or out and drag to freely explore different areas of the world.
Click to view city titles on markers, and then click arrow to enter city page
Scroll to explore popular tourist attractions recommended by ITER. Click attraction title to view more detail information.
Drag the tourist attractions you'd like to visit to calendar. Arrange trip by simple actions.
You can click any 2 points on the map to get auto-calculate transportation time, distance, and route in 3 different tranportation methods.
You can also type in the input fileds to get transportation information between 2 points.
Finally, you can drag the auto-calculate transportation method you'd like to take to the calendar to arrange your schedule.
Besides the provided tourist attractions, you can create customized events as well with the "create event" button. Just type the date and title of the event.
- Add more cities
- Let users edit the titles of existing calendar events
- Show tourist attraction marker when hoverning on the attraction event (now is by clicking the marker itself)
- Add navigation part with animation to landing page
- Improve city page UI layout
- Let users customize event colors in confirm page
Feel free to contact me if have further questions.