This is a solution to the Bulma Tesla Launchpage project on Scrimba. Scrimba helps you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Users should be able to:
- Have a responsive launchpage
- See hover states for interactive elements
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS framework Bulma
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid Layout
- Mobile-first workflow
- Vanilla Javascript
I'd like to:
Implement responsive NavbarAdd loading animation- Add more content to the page
- Add a Client-side form validation
- Improve design using GSAP animation
- Bulma - Open source CSS framework that provides ready-to-use frontend components
- CodePen - Glassmorphism CSS Buttons
- SiteUptime - How to make videos load faster on the web
- ConvertPoint&CloudConvert - To compress and convert video to WEBM
- StackOverflow - Excluding a child element from being affected by a CSS animation
- StackOverflow - How to add an event listener to all items in array
- CssTricks - Methods for contrasting text against backgrounds
- Website - Emanuele Del Monte
A big thank you to Zaydek Gualtieri