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┗━┛╺┻╸┗━╸┗━┛╹ ╹ v1.8
Dinus Open Source Community
sicon -u site.com -o waf subdo only do waf scanning and subdomain scanning
sicon -u site.com -o scan_dir only do waf scanning and subdomain scanning
sicon -u site.com -o port subdo only do port scanning and subdomain scanning
sicon -u site.com scan with all options
example usage:
sicon -u site.com --proxy='socks5://' --user-agent='Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_4_1 like Mac OS X)' scan with all option and using proxy and custom user-agent
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o, --option {waf,port,subdo,scan_dir} [{waf,port,subdo,scan_dir} ...]
Choose one scan option, eg:
-u, --url URL url target
-a, --user-agent USER_AGENT
custom user-agent in scan dir, cms detection, technology detection
-t, --tor scanning with tor network to hide ur ass
-p, --proxy PROXY set a custom proxy, e.g., http://proxyserver:port or socks5://proxyserver:port
so far no errors, testing on arch linux 6.12.9-arch1-1
simple recon tool to help you searching vulnerability on web server. maybe xD
- Auto scan WAF
- Auto scan port
- Auto scan subdomain
- Auto scan dir on web server
- wordpress plugin enumeration
- Auto detect cms (wordpress, joomla. drupal, moodle)
- Auto detect technology (like the server are use, framework, javascript framework, etc. thanks to builtwith librarry :) )
- Othros linux
- Kali Linux
- Debian Linux
- Parrot Linux
- Arch Linux
well this tool have function to auto install if some tools is not installed, so just run it with sudo if u using debian based
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/x0rr-dan/s1c0n/refs/heads/main/installer.py | python3
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 sicon.py -u <target>
- make installer for all distro, so every distro can run
- subdomain scanner
- direcrory scanner
- wafscan
- portscan
- save output scan
- cms scanner
- wordpress user enumeration
- report scan in html or json output
- option to use proxy
- user agent customization (random & user can choose)
- custom scan option
- detection wordpress (its suck)