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Current nixos configuration using snowfall lib as flake structure


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My NixOS flake made with snowfall.


  • Apollo: Homeserver

    • Running the following services on a tailscale network
      • Audiobookshelf
      • Calibre / Calibre Web
      • Firefly III
      • Immich
      • Jellyfin
      • Nextcloud
      • Mealie
      • Wanderer
  • Ares: Workstation (AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, NVIDIA RTX 3070)

    • Dual boot with Windows
  • Athena: Lenovo Yoga Pro 7X Slim Nvidia

    • Used for development


  1. Enable flakes in nixos. By adding the following lines to /etc/nixos/config.nix.
nix = {
  package = pkgs.nixFlakes;
  extraOptions = "experimental-features = nix-command flakes";
  1. Add git to your nixos configuration.
systemPackages = with pkgs; [
  1. Rebuild nixos by running sudo nixos-rebuild switch.
  2. Clone repo git clone Enter into repo by running cd nixos-config.
  3. Copy own hardware file into repo sudo cp /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix ~/nixos-config/systems/{computer architecture}/{desired config}/hardware.nix.
  4. Build flakes by running sudo nixos-rebuild boot --flake .#{desired config}.
  5. Optional: Update nixpkgs by running nix flake update and then rebuild system as described in step 6.

Add your own config

  1. Add your own nixos config into the directory systems/{computer architecture}/{config name}/default.nix.
  2. Add your hardware config to systems/{computer architecture}/{config name}/hardware.nix.
  3. Add your home manager config into the directory homes/{computer architecture}/{user}@{config name}.
  4. Optional: Add specific nixos-hardware package to the flake.nix file. Similar to:
systems.hosts.athena.modules = with inputs; [

Generating user-dirs

After a fresh install, the user home directory is completly empty. In order to generate the Documents, Downloads, eg. subfolders run

nix-shell -p xdg-user-dirs


Thanks to the work of the following projects which inspired this configuration: