Project implemented in the track 'SQL with Python' of JetBrains Academy. Purpose of doing this project is to further practice and stay in touch with Python programming.
- Python 3.11.3,
- with packages: SQLAlchemy (ORM & Core) 2.0.9, typing, typing_extensions, random, os, unittest, unittest.mock, parameterized
The sources of main project tasks (4 stages) and pytest testing.
Install the wheel file using pip after clone/fork:
> pip install dist/banking-3.11.3.post1-py3-none-any.whl
Simple banking is mainly about credit card accounts and a CL-menu to add cards, do transactions, see balances and stuff like that. Transactions as well as the credit card accounts are stored in an SQLite-database using database transactions.
Have fun!
Project was completed on 09.04.23
01.04.23 Project started - gitHub repo and project structure setup.
03.04.23 Stage 1 completed - creation of credit cards, user session to login to account, used @patch.object of unittest.mock to replace method with mock.
04.04.23 Stage 2 completed - implement luhn algorithm for checksum to yield valid credit card number. Parameterized tests with package parameterized.
08.04.23 Stage 3 completed - bind SQLite database with SQLAlchemy 2.0.9 to the credit card accounts. Use new Declarative ORM-mapping of SQLAlchemy with Dataclasses.
09.04.23 Final Stage 4 completed - Add deposit, transfer and close account functionality. Full coverage integration testing with mock input and mocking random.