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translatewiki committed Jan 15, 2024
1 parent 276b9eb commit cdd9e90
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Showing 17 changed files with 306 additions and 181 deletions.
84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions Wikipedia/Localizations/da.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -214,6 +214,13 @@
"diff-thanks-send-button-title" = "Send 'Tak'";
"diff-thanks-sent" = "Din 'Tak' blev sendt til $1";
"dim-images" = "Mørklæg billeder";
"donate-payment-method-prompt-apple-pay-button-title" = "Donér med Apple Pay";
"donate-payment-method-prompt-message" = "Donér med Apple Pay eller vælg en anden betalingsmetode.";
"donate-payment-method-prompt-other-button-title" = "Anden betalingsmetode";
"donate-payment-method-prompt-title" = "Donér med Apple Pay?";
"donate-success-subtitle" = "Din gavmildhed betyder meget for os.";
"donate-success-title" = "Tak!";
"donate-title" = "Vælg et beløb";
"edit-bold-accessibility-label" = "Tilføj fed formatering";
"edit-bold-remove-accessibility-label" = "Fjern fed formatering";
"edit-clear-formatting-accessibility-label" = "Fjern formatering";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,7 +311,11 @@
"explore-random-article-sub-heading-from-language-wikipedia" = "Fra $1 Wikipedia";
"explore-random-article-sub-heading-from-wikipedia" = "Fra Wikipedia";
"explore-randomizer" = "Tilfældig artikel";
"featured-widget-from-language-wikipedia" = "Fra $1 Wikipedia";
"featured-widget-from-wikipedia" = "Fra Wikipedia";
"featured-widget-title" = "Fremhævet artikel";
"fetcher-error-generic" = "Noget gik galt. Prøv venligst igen senere.";
"fetcher-error-unexpected-response" = "Appen modtog et uventet svar fra serveren. Prøv igen senere.";
"field-alert-captcha-invalid" = "Ugyldig CAPTCHA";
"field-alert-password-confirm-mismatch" = "Adgangskoderne stemmer ikke overens";
"field-alert-token-invalid" = "Ugyldig kode";
Expand All @@ -327,7 +338,10 @@
"field-username-placeholder" = "indtast brugernavn";
"field-username-title" = "Brugernavn";
"filter-options-all" = "Alle";
"find-clear-button-accessibility" = "Ryd søgefelt";
"find-infolabel-number-matches" = "$1 / $2";
"find-next-button-accessibility" = "Næste søgeresultat";
"find-previous-button-accessibility" = "Forrige søgeresultat";
"find-replace-header" = "Find og erstat";
"find-textfield-accessibility" = "Find";
"forgot-password-button-title" = "Nulstil";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -356,6 +370,8 @@
"icon-shortcut-random-title" = "Tilfældig artikel";
"icon-shortcut-search-title" = "Søg i Wikipedia";
"image-gallery-unknown-owner" = "Ophavsmand ukendt.";
"import-shared-reading-list-survey-prompt-button-cancel" = "Ikke nu";
"import-shared-reading-list-survey-prompt-button-take-survey" = "Deltag i undersøgelse";
"in-the-news-sub-title-from-language-wikipedia" = "Fra $1 Wikipedia";
"in-the-news-sub-title-from-wikipedia" = "Fra Wikipedia";
"in-the-news-title" = "I nyhederne";
Expand All @@ -371,6 +387,8 @@
"insert-media-image-size-setting-default" = "Standard";
"insert-media-image-size-settings-title" = "Billedestørrelse";
"insert-media-image-type-settings-title" = "Billedetype";
"insert-media-title" = "Indsæt medie";
"insert-media-uploaded-image-title" = "Uploaded billede";
"languages-settings-title" = "Sprog";
"languages-title" = "Skift sprog";
"languages-wikipedia" = "Wikipediasprog";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -398,6 +416,8 @@
"menu-cancel-accessibility-label" = "Afbryd";
"more-languages-tooltip-description" = "Søg Wikipedia på mere end 300 sprog";
"more-languages-tooltip-title" = "Tilføj sprog";
"more-menu" = "Mere";
"move-articles-to-reading-list" = "Tilføj {{PLURAL:$1|$1 artikel|$1 artikler}} til læselisten";
"navbar-title-mode-edit-wikitext-preview" = "Forhåndsvisning";
"nearby-distance-label-feet" = "$1 fod";
"nearby-distance-label-km" = "$1 km";
Expand All @@ -407,8 +427,14 @@
"new-password-title" = "Sæt din adgangskode";
"no-email-account-alert" = "Opsæt venligst en e-mail-konto på din enhed og forsøg igen.";
"no-internet-connection" = "Ingen internetforbindelse";
"no-internet-connection-article-reload" = "Der findes mligvis en nyere version af denne artikel, men den kan ikke indlæses uden forbindelse til internettet";
"no-internet-connection-article-reload-button" = "Vend tilbage til seneste gemte version";
"notifications-center-agent-description-from-format" = "Fra $1";
"notifications-center-alert" = "Advarsel";
"notifications-center-destination-app" = "I appen";
"notifications-center-destination-web" = "På web";
"notifications-center-feed-news-notification-button-text" = "Slå push-notifikationer til";
"notifications-center-feed-news-notification-dismiss-button-text" = "Ikke nu";
"notifications-center-filters-read-status-item-title-all" = "Alle";
"notifications-center-filters-read-status-item-title-read" = "Læst";
"notifications-center-filters-read-status-item-title-unread" = "Ulæst";
Expand All @@ -434,10 +460,22 @@
"notifications-center-mark-as-unread" = "Markér som ulæst";
"notifications-center-more-action-accessibility-label" = "Mere";
"notifications-center-onboarding-modal-continue-action" = "Fortsæt";
"notifications-center-onboarding-panel-secondary-button" = "Nej tak";
"notifications-center-onboarding-panel-subheading" = "Wikipedia er et samarbejdsprojekt, og aktivering af push-beskeder kan gøre det lettere at holde sig ajour med beskeder, advarsler og \"tak\" fra andre bidragsydere.";
"notifications-center-status-all" = "Alle";
"notifications-center-status-all-notifications" = "Alle meddelelser";
"notifications-center-status-read" = "Læst";
"notifications-center-status-unread" = "Ulæst";
"notifications-center-subheader-edit-milestone" = "Redigeringsmilepæl";
"notifications-center-subheader-email-from-other-user" = "Ny email";
"notifications-center-subheader-thanks" = "Tak";
"notifications-center-subheader-translate-milestone" = "Oversættelsesmilepæl";
"notifications-center-subheader-welcome" = "Velkommen!";
"notifications-center-swipe-more" = "Mere";
"notifications-center-type-item-description-mentions" = "Omtaler";
"notifications-center-type-title-other" = "Andet";
"notifications-center-type-title-page-link" = "Sidelink";
"notifications-center-type-title-thanks" = "Tak";
"notifications-center-type-title-welcome" = "Velkommen";
"notifications-push-fallback-body-text" = "Ny aktivitet på Wikipedia";
"number-billions" = "$1 mia.";
Expand All @@ -458,6 +496,7 @@
"page-protected-can-not-edit" = "Du har ikke rettigheder til at redigere denne side";
"page-protected-can-not-edit-title" = "Denne side er beskyttet";
"page-similar-titles" = "Lignende sider";
"panel-not-logged-in-title" = "Du er ikke logget ind";
"pictured" = "billedet";
"places-accessibility-clear-saved-searches" = "Ryd gemte søgninger";
"places-accessibility-group" = "$1 artikler";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -549,6 +588,7 @@
"reading-lists-article-api-failure" = "Artiklen kunne ikke synkroniseres";
"reading-lists-article-not-synced" = "Ikke synkroniseret";
"reading-lists-article-queued-to-be-downloaded" = "Artiklen er sat i kør for download";
"reading-lists-article-save-to-disk-recovery-suggestion" = "Frigør plads på dit udstyr og prøv igen";
"reading-lists-count" = "{{PLURAL:$1|$1 læseliste|$1 læselister}}";
"reading-lists-default-list-description" = "Standardliste for dine gemte artikler";
"reading-lists-default-list-title" = "Gemt";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -604,10 +644,12 @@
"settings-clear-cache-are-you-sure-title" = "Ryd cachede data?";
"settings-clear-cache-cancel" = "Annuller";
"settings-clear-cache-ok" = "Ryd cache";
"settings-donate" = "Donér";
"settings-help-and-feedback" = "Hjælp og tilbagemelding";
"settings-language-bar" = "Vis sprog ved søgning";
"settings-my-languages" = "Mine sprog";
"settings-notifications" = "Push-notifikationer";
"settings-notifications-echo-failure-try-again" = "Prøv igen";
"settings-notifications-info" = "Få meldinger om populære artikler på Wikipedia med vores push-notifikationer. Alle leveret med respekt for privatliv og sidste nye data.";
"settings-notifications-learn-more" = "Lær mere om notifikationer";
"settings-notifications-push-notifications" = "Push-notifikationer";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -642,12 +684,39 @@
"share-social-mention-format" = "“$1” via Wikipedia: $2";
"sort-by-recently-added-action" = "Tilføjet for nylig";
"sort-by-title-action" = "Titel";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-bold" = "Tilføj fed formattering";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-bold-selected" = "Fjern fed formattering";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-citation" = "Tilføj referencesyntaks";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-citation-selected" = "Fjern referencesyntaks";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-cursor-down" = "Flyt markør ned";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-cursor-left" = "Flyt markør til venstre";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-cursor-right" = "Flyt markør til højre";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-cursor-up" = "Flyt markør op";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-replace-text-field" = "Erstat";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-replace-type-all" = "Erstat alle forekomster";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-replace-type-single" = "Erstat enkel forekomst";
"source-editor-subheading1" = "Underoverskrift 1";
"source-editor-subheading2" = "Underoverskrift 2";
"source-editor-subheading3" = "Underoverskrift 3";
"source-editor-subheading4" = "Underoverskrift 4";
"table-of-contents-button-label" = "Indholdsfortegnelse";
"table-of-contents-close-accessibility-hint" = "Afslut";
"table-of-contents-close-accessibility-label" = "Luk indholdsfortegnelse";
"table-of-contents-heading" = "Indhold";
"table-of-contents-hide-button-label" = "Skjul indholdsfortegnelsen";
"talk-page-discussion-read-accessibility-label" = "Læst";
"talk-page-discussion-unread-accessibility-label" = "Ulæst";
"talk-page-page-info" = "Sideinformation";
"talk-page-permanent-link" = "Permanent link";
"talk-page-publish-reply-error-subtitle" = "Tjek venligst din internetforbindelse.";
"talk-page-publish-reply-error-title" = "Kan ikke udgive din kommentar.";
"talk-page-publish-topic-error-title" = "Kan ikke udgive nyt emne.";
"talk-page-reply-button" = "Svar";
"talk-page-reply-button-accessibility-label" = "Svar til $1";
"talk-page-title-user-talk" = "Brugerdiskussion";
"talk-pages-coffee-roll-read-more" = "Læs mere";
"talk-pages-comment-added-alert-title" = "Din kommentar blev tilføjet";
"talk-pages-compose-close-confirmation-keep" = "Fortsæt med at redigere";
"theme-black-display-name" = "Sort";
"theme-dark-display-name" = "Mørk";
"theme-default-display-name" = "Standard";
Expand All @@ -658,7 +727,22 @@
"two-factor-login-with-backup-code" = "Brug en af dine reservekoder";
"two-factor-login-with-regular-code" = "Brug bekræftelseskode";
"unknown-generic-text" = "Ukendt";
"vanish-account-learn-more-text" = "Lær mere";
"variants-alert-dismiss-button" = "Nej tak";
"watchlist-added-toast-one-month" = "Tilføjet til din overvågningsliste i 1 måned.";
"watchlist-added-toast-one-week" = "Tilføjet til din overvågningsliste i 1 uge.";
"watchlist-added-toast-one-year" = "Tilføjet til din overvågningsliste i 1 år.";
"watchlist-added-toast-permanently" = "Tilføjet permanent til din overvågningsliste.";
"watchlist-added-toast-six-months" = "Tilføjet til din overvågningsliste i 6 måneder.";
"watchlist-added-toast-three-months" = "Tilføjet til din overvågningsliste i 3 måneder.";
"watchlist-added-toast-view-watchlist" = "Se overvågningsliste";
"watchlist-byte-change" = "{{PLURAL:$1|$1 byte|$1 bytes}}";
"watchlist-change-expiry-option-one-month" = "1 måned";
"watchlist-change-expiry-option-one-week" = "1 uge";
"watchlist-change-expiry-option-one-year" = "1 år";
"watchlist-change-expiry-option-permanent" = "Permanent";
"watchlist-change-expiry-option-six-months" = "6 måneder";
"watchlist-change-expiry-option-three-months" = "3 måneder";
"watchlist-user-button-thank" = "Tak";
"watchlist-user-button-user-contributions" = "Brugerbidrag";
"watchlist-user-button-user-page" = "Brugerside";
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions Wikipedia/Localizations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
// Author: Fitoschido
// Author: Gomoko
// Author: Hydros
// Author: Iketsi
// Author: John Trololo
// Author: Macofe
// Author: McDutchie
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,6 +164,7 @@
"article-languages-label" = "Choisissez une langue";
"article-languages-others" = "Autres langues";
"article-languages-yours" = "Vos langues";
"article-nav-edit" = "Modifier";
"article-read-more-title" = "Lire davantage";
"article-reference-view-title" = "Référence $1";
"article-revision-history" = "Historique des révisions de l’article";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,6 +236,7 @@
"description-welcome-descriptions-title" = "Descriptions d’articles";
"description-welcome-promise-title" = "En commençant, je promets de ne pas faire mauvais emploi de cette fonctionnalité";
"description-welcome-start-editing-button" = "Commencer à modifier";
"diff-article-revision-history" = "Historique des révisions de l’article";
"diff-compare-header-from-info-heading" = "Modification précédente";
"diff-compare-header-heading" = "Comparer les versions";
"diff-compare-header-to-info-heading" = "Modification affichée";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,7 +277,12 @@
"diff-unedited-lines-format" = "$1 ligne{{PLURAL:$1||s}} restaurée{{PLURAL:$1||s}}";
"diff-user-button-accessibility-text" = "Taper deux fois pour ouvrir le menu";
"dim-images" = "Assombrir les images";
"donate-accessibility-amount-button-hint" = "Appuyez deux fois pour sélectionner le montant du don.";
"donate-accessibility-donate-hint-format" = "Appuyez deux fois pour faire un don de $1 à la Fondation Wikimedia.";
"donate-accessibility-email-opt-in-hint" = "Appuyez deux fois pour autoriser la Fondation Wikimedia à vous envoyer un courriel.";
"donate-later-title" = "Nous vous le rappellerons demain.";
"donate-success-title" = "Merci !";
"donate-title" = "Sélectionnez le montant";
"donate-transaction-fee-opt-in-text" = "J'ajouterai généreusement $1 pour couvrir les frais de transaction afin de que vous puissiez conserver 100%% de mon don.";
"edit-bold-accessibility-label" = "Ajouter une mise en forme en gras";
"edit-bold-remove-accessibility-label" = "Supprimer la mise en forme en gras";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -927,6 +935,8 @@
"replace-replace-all-results-count" = "$1 élément{{PLURAL:$1||s}} remplacé{{PLURAL:$1||s}}";
"replace-textfield-accessibility" = "Remplacer";
"replace-textfield-placeholder" = "Remplacer par...";
"return-button-title" = "Retour";
"return-to-article" = "Retour à l’article";
"reverted-edit-title" = "Contribution annulée";
"saved-all-articles-title" = "Tous les articles";
"saved-default-reading-list-tag" = "Cette liste ne peut pas être supprimée";
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Wikipedia/Localizations/he.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1044,7 +1044,6 @@
"source-editor-accessibility-label-find-button-next" = "תוצאות החיפוש הבאה";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-find-button-prev" = "תוצאת החיפוש הקודמת";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-find-text-field" = "למצוא";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-format-heading" = "הצגת תפריט סגנון טקסט";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-format-text" = "הצגת תפריט עיצוב טקסט";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-format-text-show-more" = "הצגת תפריט עיצוב טקסט";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-indent-decrease" = "הקטנת עומק הזחה";
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Wikipedia/Localizations/ia.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1022,7 +1022,6 @@
"source-editor-accessibility-label-find-button-next" = "Proxime resultato trovate";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-find-button-prev" = "Previe resultato trovate";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-find-text-field" = "Cercar";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-format-heading" = "Monstrar menu de stilo de texto";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-format-text" = "Monstrar menu de formatation de texto";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-format-text-show-more" = "Monstrar menu de formatation de texto";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-indent-decrease" = "Diminuer profunditate de indentation";
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Wikipedia/Localizations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -744,7 +744,6 @@
"source-editor-accessibility-label-cursor-right" = "Sposta il cursore a destra";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-find" = "Trova nella pagina";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-find-text-field" = "Trova";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-format-heading" = "Mostra il menu dello stile del testo";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-format-text" = "Mostra il menu di formattazione del testo";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-format-text-show-more" = "Mostra il menu di formattazione del testo";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-indent-increase" = "Aumenta indentazione";
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Wikipedia/Localizations/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
// Author: ネイ
// Author: バレロン
// Author: 春春眠眠
// Author: 翻訳者a
// Author: 아라

"aaald-added-text-description-2" = "$1追加";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,11 +74,13 @@
"aaald-new-website-reference-archive-url-text" = "Archive.orgのURL";
"aaald-new-website-reference-title" = "ウェブサイト";
"aaald-numerical-multiple-references-added-description" = "{{PLURAL:$1|$1 件の参考文献}}を追加しました";
"aaald-one-section-description" = "$1セクションにある";
"aaald-revision-by-anonymous" = "匿名利用者による編集";
"aaald-revision-userInfo" = "$1($2編集数)による編集";
"aaald-single-reference-added-description" = "参考文献を追加しました";
"aaald-small-change-description" = "{{PLURAL:$1|0=小さな変更をしていません|$1個の小さな変更をしました}}";
"aaald-summary-title" = "{{PLURAL:$3|$3日間}}で {{PLURAL:$2|$2 人の編集者}}による {{PLURAL:$1|$1 件の変更}}";
"aaald-two-sections-description" = "$1と$2セクション";
"aaald-vandalism-revert-description" = "荒らしの疑いを差し戻し";
"aaald-view-full-history-button" = "すべての記事履歴を表示";
"about-content-license" = "コンテンツのライセンス";
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Wikipedia/Localizations/mk.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1028,7 +1028,6 @@
"source-editor-accessibility-label-find-button-next" = "Следна најдена ставка";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-find-button-prev" = "Претходна најдена ставка";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-find-text-field" = "Најди";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-format-heading" = "Прикажи мени за стил на текстот";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-format-text" = "Прикажи мени за форматирање на текстот";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-format-text-show-more" = "Прикажи мени за форматирање на текстот";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-indent-decrease" = "Намали отстап";
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Wikipedia/Localizations/mnw.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Messages for Mon (ဘာသာ မန်)
// Messages for Mon (ဘာသာမန်)
// Exported from
// Author: Aue Nai
// Author: Htawmonzel
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Wikipedia/Localizations/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1039,7 +1039,6 @@
"source-editor-accessibility-label-find-button-next" = "Próximo resultado localizado";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-find-button-prev" = "Resultado localizado anterior";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-find-text-field" = "Localizar";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-format-heading" = "Mostrar menu de estilos de texto";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-format-text" = "Mostrar menu de formatação de texto";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-format-text-show-more" = "Mostrar menu de formatação de texto";
"source-editor-accessibility-label-indent-decrease" = "Reduzir profundidade da indentação";
Expand Down

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