Who's On First
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- http://www.whosonfirst.org
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go-whosonfirst-libpostal PublicGo tools for working with libpostal (sometimes in the service of Who's On First)
whosonfirst-placetypes PublicWhere things are (and what they mean) in Who's On First.
go-webhookd PublicGo package to implement a bucket-brigrade style webhook server where requests are relayed through a receiver, one or more transformations and one or more dispatchers each of which have interfaces a…
whosonfirst-sources PublicWhere things come from in Who's On First.
whosonfirst-cookbook PublicInstructions and How-To Documentation for Who's on First
go-pubssed PublicListen to a Redis PubSub channel and then rebroadcast it over Server-Sent Events (SSE).
Go 12
- go-whosonfirst-iterwriter Public
Opionated Go package to dispatch whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate/v2 events to whosonfirst/go-writer/v2 instances.
whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterwriter’s past year of commit activity - go-whosonfirst-iterate-git Public
Go package implementing go-whosonfirst-iterate/emitter functionality for Git repositories.
whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate-git’s past year of commit activity - whosonfirst-external-duckdb Public
whosonfirst/whosonfirst-external-duckdb’s past year of commit activity - go-whosonfirst-external Public
Go package for working with external data sources in a Who's On First context.
whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-external’s past year of commit activity - go-whosonfirst-spatial Public
Go package defining interfaces for Who's On First specific spatial operations.
whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial’s past year of commit activity - go-whosonfirst-findingaid Public
A Go language interface for building and querying finding aids of Who's On First documents.
whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-findingaid’s past year of commit activity