This library distributed via
$ wget
$ php composer.phar require webnium/json-pointer:dev-master
or add following to your composer.json
"require": {
"webnium/json-pointer": "dev-master"
$array = [
'foo' => ['bar' => 1],
'list' => ['item0', 'item1'],
$accessor = new Webnium\JsonPointer\ArrayAccessor(new Webnium\JsonPointer\Parser);
$accessor->set('/fizz/buzz', $array, 2);
$accessor->set('/list/-', $array, 'item2');
echo '/foo/bar: ', var_export($accessor->get('/foo/bar', $array), true), PHP_EOL;
echo '/fizz/buzz: ', var_export($accessor->get('/fizz/buzz', $array), true), PHP_EOL;
echo '/list/0: ', var_export($accessor->get('/list/0', $array), true), PHP_EOL;
echo '/list/2: ', var_export($accessor->get('/list/2', $array), true), PHP_EOL;
echo 'root: ', var_export($accessor->get('', $array), true), PHP_EOL;
/foo/bar: 1
/fizz/buzz: 2
/list/0: 'item0'
/list/2: 'item2'
root: array (
'foo' =>
array (
'bar' => 1,
'list' =>
array (
0 => 'item0',
1 => 'item1',
2 => 'item2',
'fizz' =>
array (
'buzz' => 2,
use Webnium\JsonPointer\Parser;
use Webnium\JsonPointer\Exception\ExceptionInterface as JsonPointerException;
$parser = new Parser;
$pointers = [
foreach ($pointers as $pointer) {
try {
$parsed = $parser->parse($pointer);
echo "$pointer: ", var_export($parsed, true), PHP_EOL;
} catch (JsonPointerException $e) {
echo "$pointer: ", 'thrown \'' . get_class($e) . '\' with message \'' . $e->getMessage() . '\'', PHP_EOL;
/foo/bar: array (
0 => 'foo',
1 => 'bar',
/: array (
0 => '',
: array (
/foo/~01/~1: array (
0 => 'foo',
1 => '~1',
2 => '/',
/~a/aaa: thrown 'Webnium\JsonPointer\Exception\SyntaxError' with message 'unknown escape sequence "~a" detected.'
foo: thrown 'Webnium\JsonPointer\Exception\SyntaxError' with message 'pointer start with "f", "/" expected.'
This library destributed under MIT license. See LICENSE file for more infomation.