As You know now we have newer version of Joomla so ... Need to disable the plugin to succesfully upgrade Your Joomla CMS.
So ... i created some scripts which are importing articles from K2 plugin straight to the Joomla articles manager.
$servername = "addres and port of Your mariadb server";
$username = "username with privilegues to modify database";
$password = "password to the database";
$dbname = "name of Your database";
// Mapowanie kategorii (category mapping s it shoould diiffer with Your current category mappingsgs number)
1 => 8,
2 => 9,
3 => 2,
4 => 8,
5 => 9,
6 => 10,
7 => 11,
8 => 12,
9 => 8,
10 => 14,
11 => 15,
12 => 21,
13 => 22,
14 => 23,
15 => 24
// Pobieranie danych z tabeli jos_k2_items (retrieving data from jos_k2_items)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM jos_k2_items";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
// Otwarcie pliku logu (creating log file to catch errors)
$log_file = fopen("error_log.txt", "a");
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
// Przechodzenie przez każdy wiersz (loop with row after row parsing)
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$catid = isset($category_map[$row['catid']]) ? $category_map[$row['catid']] : $row['catid'];
$title = $conn->real_escape_string($row['title']);
$alias = $conn->real_escape_string($row['alias']);
$introtext = $conn->real_escape_string($row['introtext']);
$fulltext = $conn->real_escape_string($row['fulltext']);
$created_by_alias = $conn->real_escape_string($row['created_by_alias']);
$metakey = $conn->real_escape_string($row['metakey']);
$metadesc = $conn->real_escape_string($row['metadesc']);
$metadata = $conn->real_escape_string($row['metadata']);
$language = $conn->real_escape_string($row['language']);
$insert_sql = "INSERT INTO `jos_content` (`id`, `asset_id`, `title`, `alias`, `introtext`, `fulltext`, `state`, `catid`, `created`, `created_by`, `created_by_alias`, `modified`, `modified_by`, `checked_out`, `checked_out_time`, `publish_up`, `publish_down`, `images`, `urls`, `attribs`, `version`, `ordering`, `metakey`, `metadesc`, `access`, `hits`, `metadata`, `featured`, `language`, `note`) VALUES (null, '0', '{$title}', '{$alias}', '{$introtext}', '{$fulltext}', '{$row['published']}', '{$catid}', '{$row['created']}', '{$row['created_by']}', '{$created_by_alias}', '{$row['modified']}', '{$row['modified_by']}', '{$row['checked_out']}', '{$row['checked_out_time']}', '{$row['publish_up']}', '{$row['publish_down']}', '', '', '', '1', '0', '{$metakey}', '{$metadesc}', '{$row['access']}', '{$row['hits']}', '{$metadata}', '{$row['featured']}', '{$language}', '')";
// Zapisanie pełnego zapytania SQL do pliku logu (writing a loop queries to an log file)
fwrite($log_file, $insert_sql . "\n");
if ($conn->query($insert_sql) !== TRUE) {
// Logowanie bardziej szczegółowych komunikatów o błędach (more error details for logs)
echo "Błąd: " . $insert_sql . "<br>" . $conn->error . "<br>";
echo "Dane zostały przeniesione pomyślnie - succesfull migration !"; #succesfull migration
} else {
echo "Brak danych do przeniesienia - no data found";
// Zamknięcie pliku logu (close a log file and write)
UPDATE `jos_menu` SET link = REPLACE(link, 'com_k2', 'com_content') WHERE link LIKE '%com_k2%';
UPDATE `jos_content` SET `metadata` = '{\"robots\":\"\",\"author\":\"\",\"rights\":\"\",\"xreference\":\"\"}';
UPDATE `jos_content` SET `attribs` = '{\"article_layout\":\"\",\"show_title\":\"\",\"link_titles\":\"\",\"show_tags\":\"\",\"show_intro\":\"\",\"info_block_position\":\"\",\"info_block_show_title\":\"\",\"show_category\":\"\",\"link_category\":\"\",\"show_parent_category\":\"\",\"link_parent_category\":\"\",\"show_associations\":\"\",\"show_author\":\"\",\"link_author\":\"\",\"show_create_date\":\"\",\"show_modify_date\":\"\",\"show_publish_date\":\"\",\"show_item_navigation\":\"\",\"show_icons\":\"\",\"show_print_icon\":\"\",\"show_email_icon\":\"\",\"show_vote\":\"\",\"show_hits\":\"\",\"show_noauth\":\"\",\"urls_position\":\"\",\"alternative_readmore\":\"\",\"article_page_title\":\"\",\"show_publishing_options\":\"\",\"show_article_options\":\"\",\"show_urls_images_backend\":\"\",\"show_urls_images_frontend\":\"\"}';
UPDATE `jos_content` SET `urls` = '{\"urla\":false,\"urlatext\":\"\",\"targeta\":\"\",\"urlb\":false,\"urlbtext\":\"\",\"targetb\":\"\",\"urlc\":false,\"urlctext\":\"\",\"targetc\":\"\"}';
UPDATE `jos_content` SET `images` = '{\"image_intro\":\"\",\"float_intro\":\"\",\"image_intro_alt\":\"\",\"image_intro_caption\":\"\",\"image_fulltext\":\"\",\"float_fulltext\":\"\",\"image_fulltext_alt\":\"\",\"image_fulltext_caption\":\"\"}' WHERE `jos_content`.`id` = 30;
UPDATE `jos_content` SET `publish_down`=null, `checked_out_time`=null, `checked_out`=null;
UPDATE jos_content c JOIN jos_assets a ON a.title = c.title SET c.asset_id = WHERE LIKE '%com_content%'
INSERT INTO #__workflow_associations (item_id, stage_id, extension)
SELECT as item_id, '1', 'com_content.article' FROM #__content AS c
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT wa.item_id FROM #__workflow_associations AS wa WHERE wa.item_id =;
Remember to change prefix from jos_ to prefix that corresponds Your database prefix.
Now the articles should appeear but without galleries and without cover image
$servername = "Your db server name:port";
$username = "Username with edit privilegues";
$password = "Password";
$dbname = "Database name";
// Tworzenie połączenia (making connection)
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=$dbname;charset=utf8", $username, $password);
// Sprawdzanie połączenia (checking connection)
if ($pdo->errorCode()) {
die("Połączenie nieudane: " . $pdo->errorInfo()[2]);
First loop modify it with correct values of articles that You phisycally have:
// Pętla od 1 do 2372 (loop from 1 to 2372 ... probably the 2372 value is different in Your case)
for ($k2item = 1; $k2item <= 2372; $k2item++) {
// Generowanie nazwy pliku z użyciem md5 bez prefiksu katalogu
$filename = md5("Image" . $k2item) . "_XL.jpg";
$filepath = "media/k2/items/cache/" . $filename;
// Sprawdzenie, czy plik istnieje (checking if file exist)
if (file_exists($filepath)) {
// Pobieranie tytułu z tabeli jos_k2_items (checking title from jos_k2_items table)
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT title FROM jos_k2_items WHERE id = ?');
$result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($result) {
$current_title = $result['title'];
// Sprawdzanie, czy istnieje wpis w tabeli jos_content z tym samym tytułem (comparing title from jos_content table)
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT id FROM jos_content WHERE title = ?');
$content_result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($content_result) {
$content_id = $content_result['id'];
// Tworzenie nowej wartości dla kolumny images (creating new value for column images)
$image_data = json_encode([
"image_intro" => "media/k2/items/cache/{$filename}#joomlaImage://media/k2/items/cache/{$filename}?width=auto&height=auto",
"image_intro_alt" => "",
"float_intro" => "",
"image_intro_caption" => "",
"image_fulltext" => "",
"image_fulltext_alt" => "",
"float_fulltext" => "",
"image_fulltext_caption" => ""
// Aktualizowanie kolumny images w tabeli jos_content (updating column jos_content to choose right image as a cover)
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('UPDATE jos_content SET images = ? WHERE id = ?');
$stmt->execute([$image_data, $content_id]);
echo 'UPDATE jos_content SET images = ' . $image_data . ' WHERE id = ' . $content_id . '<br>';
// Wyświetlenie ścieżki do pliku (for debbuging only view the result listing)
echo $k2item.' - '.$filename.'<br>';