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Handy scripts for routine bioinformatic analysis


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This directory consists of scripts developed by Yu Wan for routine bioinformatic analysis.

A list of scripts


This script appends a sample name at the beginning of each sequence in a FASTA file. For example, the header ">g1 description" becomes ">sample1__g1 description" after running this script.

Command example: python -i filename.txt (or filename.fna) -o output_dir -n

This script takes as input a list of NCBI accession numbers (one for each line) from the STDIN and downloads corresponding entries (either GenBank files or FASTA files) under the target directory.


python --records "file:objects.txt" --format fasta --email --suffix fna --outdir ./ref --skip > download.log  

python --records "NC_0001,NC_0002" --format genbank --email --suffix gbk --outdir ./ref --skip > download.log 

Type python -h or --help for help information.

Notes about options and option arguments

  • --records: can be either a file (must contain a suffix of ".txt") listing targets to be downloaded, or a string of accession IDs separated by commas (no space is allowed).
  • --format or -f: the format of files to be downloaded
  • --suffix or -s: the file extension, can be "fasta" (default), "fna", "gb", or "gbk". No dot preceding the extension is needed.
  • --outdir or -o: output directory, no backslash at the end.

An example of the input list: seq_list.txt. Note that accession IDs may not include version numbers such as ".1" (HG326223.1, CP011642).


  1. This script is inspired by Mark Schultz's (, GitHub: schultzm) script "".

  2. A post on the BioStars forum.

  3. Damien Farrell's blog post: Retrieving genome assemblies via Entrez with Python.

This script extracts a region of nucleotides by positions from a fasta file.

-i: the path of the input file
-n: the name of your selected contig
-f: feature name specified by the user
-s: the first nucleotide to be selected
-e: the last nucelotide to be selected
-o: the filename of the output


  • Only one genomic region should be selected;
  • the start and end positions should not spill out.

This script converts a GenBank file (.gbk or .gb) from Stdin into a Sequin feature table (.tbl), which is an input file of tbl2asn used for creating an ASN.1 file (.sqn).

Package requirement: BioPython and argparse


python --mincontigsize 200 --prefix any_prefix --modifiers modifier_file.txt < annotation.gbk 2> stderr.txt 

Note that this script reads the GenBank file through the stdin ("< annotation.gbk") and you may want to redirect the stderr to a file via "> stderr.txt" (redirection).

A GenBank file, which ought to be passed to the script through the standard input (stdin).

A modifier file: a plain text file containing modifiers for every FASTA definition line.

  • All modifiers must be written in a single line and are separated by a single space character.
  • No space should be placed besides the '=' sign. Check NCBI help for choosing a proper format for modifiers.
  • For example: a line "[organism=Serratia marcescens subsp. marcescens] [sub-species=marcescens] [strain=AH0650_Sm1] [topology=linear] [moltype=DNA] [tech=wgs] [gcode=11] [country=Australia] [isolation-source=sputum]" will be copied and printed along with the record name as the definition line of every contig sequence.


  • any_prefix.tbl: the Sequin feature table
  • any_prefix.fsa: the corresponding fasta file
    These files are inputs for tbl2asn which generates ASN.1 files (*.sqn).


  • --mincontigsize: the minimum contig size, default = 200 in accordance with NCBI's regulation
  • --prefix: the prefix of output filenames, default = 'seq'
  • --modifiers: the filename of the modifier file, default = 'modifiers.txt'

Demonstration A test data set for this script is provided in the directory example. This data set is composed of a compressed GenBank file NJST258_1__CP006923.gbk.gz and a modifier file gbk2tbl_modifiers.txt. Users can run the following command line to produce a TBL file as well as a FASTA file:

zcat ./example/NJST258_1__CP006923.gbk.gz | python --mincontigsize 200 --prefix Kp --modifiers gbk2tbl_modifiers.txt

This script converts one or multiple GenBank files into tab-delimited feature tables (plain text), which can be imported to Excel or R afterwards.

Relevant blog post.

This program calculates the length, GC content, and entropy for each record in a multi-fasta file.

Input: a fasta file which contains multiple sequences from the standard input

Output: for each sequence, the script prints: the header line, total sequence length, (G+C)% and entropy of the input sequence.

Command line:

python < filename.fasta

Treatment of the extended alphabet in this script:

  1. consider all of 15 characters
  2. construct a weighted-count table using dictionary
  3. for each character in the table, take the probability of being A, G, C or T as effective counts
  4. counts for A, G, C and T is computed by adding up the vectors for every character read from the sequence.

This script extracts gene sequences from a GenBank file, in accordance with a list of (locus_tag, feature type) tuples.

Required module: Bio, argparse, csv


python --tags locus_tag.tsv --gb demo.gbk > genes.fna


  1. A GenBank file.
  2. A text file listing selected locus_tags in the following format: locus_tag"\t"feature_type. This file MUST use ASCII codes because the module csv/2.3 does not support Unicode inputs.
  3. Allowed feature types are: CDS, tRNA, rRNA and tmRNA. For example:
    SMDB11_RS00910 rRNA
    SMDB11_RS21915 rRNA
    SMDB11_RS00015 CDS

Output Nucleotide sequences in FASTA format with the header in the format: >feature type|contig name|locus_tag|position|length|product


  1. Although it is unlikely in a GenBank file, but please always ensure that there is no duplication of locus_tags in the table because this script treats locus_tag"s as keys for retrieving feature types.
  2. An "IndexError: list index out of range" will arise if the tag list uses Unicode codes.

This script parses an ENA metadata file in XML format and prints a subset of information.


python ERP000909.xml > samples.txt

Input: an XML file exported for a list of ERS accession numbers from ENA using the REST URLs API. For example, one can download an XML file for sample ERS086023 using the link


  • tab-delimited text file containing information retrieved from the XML file.
  • study_accession, sample_accession, secondary_sample_accession, experiment_accession, run_accession, Isolate_ID, Host, Place_of_isolation, Year_of_isolation

This script runs CutAdapt for a list of paired-end readsets.

Dependency: slurm on a computational cluster (Linux OS)

This script generates a list of file names based on a list of strings. It is useful if you want to generate a list of file names for read sets from a list of bacterial strain names.


python -i input_file -o output_file -p prefix -s suffix -f from -l to -pe

Input: a plain-text file consists of a list of filenames

Example input files: (inlist.txt)


python -i inlist.txt -o outlist.txt -p /reads/ -s .fastq.gz -f 0 -l 7 -pe

Output: a list of new file names generated on the basis of strings in inlist.txt

Example output items: (outlist.txt)


Handy scripts for routine bioinformatic analysis







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