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selankon authored Jul 2, 2024
1 parent f894758 commit 2cb3e45
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Showing 3 changed files with 357 additions and 315 deletions.
267 changes: 143 additions & 124 deletions src/i18n/locales/ca.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,160 +1,179 @@
"blocks": {
"block_detail": "Block Detail",
"blocks_count_one": "",
"blocks_count_many": "",
"blocks_count_other": "",
"blocks_list": "",
"block_detail": "Detall del bloc",
"blocks_count_one": "Total {{ count }} Bloc",
"blocks_count_other": "Total {{ count }} Blocs",
"blocks_list": "Blocs",
"hash": "Hash: {{hash}}",
"previous_block_hash": "Previous block hash: ",
"proposer": "Proposer:",
"proposer_id": "Proposer: {{proposer}}",
"transactions_count_one": "Transactions: {{count}}",
"transactions_count_many": "Transactions: {{count}}",
"transactions_count_other": "Transactions: {{count}}"
"previous_block_hash": "Hash del bloc anterior: ",
"proposer": "Proponent:",
"proposer_id": "Proponent: {{proposer}}",
"search_block": "Cercar bloc",
"transactions_count_one": "Transaccions: {{count}}",
"transactions_count_other": "Transaccions: {{count}}"
"copy": {
"copied_to_clipboard": "Copied!",
"copy_to_clipboard": ""
"copied_to_clipboard": "Copiat!",
"copy_to_clipboard": "Copiar al porta-retalls"
"election": {
"no_votes_yet": "No votes yet!"
"no_votes_yet": "Encara no hi ha vots!"
"envelope": {
"block": "Block {{height}}",
"details": "Details",
"envelope_number": "Envelope nº {{num}}",
"tx_number": "Transaction: {{transactionIndex}}"
"block": "Bloc {{height}}",
"details": "Detalls",
"envelope_number": "Sobre nº {{num}}",
"tx_number": "Transacció: {{transactionIndex}}"
"envelopes": {
"belongs_to_process": "Pertany al procés <a>{{pid}}</a>",
"committed_in_block": "Registrat en el bloc <a>#{{block}}</a>",
"emitted": "Emès {{emitted}}",
"encryption_keys": "Claus de xifrat: {{encKeys}}",
"envelope_detail": "Detall del sobre",
"envelope_weight": "Pes del sobre: {{weight}}",
"not_found": "Sobre no trobat",
"overwrite_count": "Nombre de sobrescritures: {{overwriteCount}}",
"registered_correctly": "El vot s'ha registrat correctament",
"verifier_code": "Codi de verificació",
"vote_registered": "Vot registrat"
"errors": {
"content_error": "Looks like the content you were accessing threw an error."
"content_error": "Sembla que el contingut al qual intentaves accedir ha generat un error."
"featured": {
"a_cutting_edge_voting_protocol": "A cutting edge voting protocol",
"anonymous_image_alt": "",
"edge_protocol_image_alt": "",
"inexpensive_image_alt": "",
"know_more": "Know more",
"leveraging": "A fully anonymous voting system ensuring data availability<1></1>Leveraging on decentralized technologies",
"open_source_image_alt": "",
"scalable_image_alt": "",
"verifiable_image_alt": ""
"a_cutting_edge_voting_protocol": "Un protocol de votació avançat",
"anonymous_image_alt": "Anònim",
"edge_protocol_image_alt": "Protocol avançat",
"inexpensive_image_alt": "Econòmic",
"know_more": "Saber més",
"leveraging": "Un sistema de votació totalment anònim que garanteix la disponibilitat de les dades<1></1>Basat en tecnologies descentralitzades",
"open_source_image_alt": "Codi obert",
"scalable_image_alt": "Escalable",
"verifiable_image_alt": "Verificable de principi a fi"
"home": {
"subtitle": "The most flexible and secure voting protocol to organize any kind of voting process: single-choice, multiple-choice, weighted, quadratic voting and much more.",
"title": ""
"subtitle": "El protocol de votació més flexible i segur per organitzar qualsevol tipus de procés de votació: votació d'elecció única, votació múltiple, votació ponderada, votació quadràtica i molt més.",
"title": "Explorador Vocdoni"
"links": {
"about": "",
"blocks": "",
"blog": "",
"docs": "",
"help": "",
"organizations": "",
"processes": "",
"stats": "",
"support": "",
"tools": "",
"transactions": "",
"validators": "",
"verify_vote": ""
"loading": "Loading...",
"about": "Sobre",
"blocks": "Blocs",
"blog": "Blog",
"docs": "Docs",
"help": "Ajuda",
"organizations": "Organitzacions",
"processes": "Processos",
"support": "Suport",
"transactions": "Transaccions",
"validators": "Validators",
"verify_vote": "Verificar vot"
"loading": "Carregant...",
"menu": {
"burger_aria_label": "Menú"
"organization": {
"avatar_alt": "",
"description": "Description",
"elections_list": "Elections List:",
"no_elections": "No elections yet!",
"process_count_one": "<0>Process:</0> {{count}}",
"process_count_many": "<0>Process:</0> {{count}}",
"process_count_other": "<0>Process:</0> {{count}}",
"view_profile": "(View profile)"
"avatar_alt": "Avatar",
"description": "Descripció",
"elections_list": "Llista d'eleccions:",
"no_elections": "Encara no hi ha eleccions!",
"process_count_one": "<0>Procés:</0> {{count}}",
"process_count_other": "<0>Processos:</0> {{count}}",
"view_profile": "(Veure perfil)"
"organizations": {
"organizations_count_one": "",
"organizations_count_many": "",
"organizations_count_other": "",
"organizations_list": "",
"search_by_org_id": ""
"organizations_count_one": "Total {{ count }} organització",
"organizations_count_other": "Total {{ count }} organitzacions",
"organizations_list": "Organitzacions",
"search_by_org_id": "Cercar per identificador d'organització"
"process": {
"badge": {
"anonymous": "Anonymous",
"archive": "From archive"
"anonymous": "Anònim",
"archive": "D'arxiu"
"by_status_all": "",
"by_status_all_active": "",
"by_status_ended": "",
"by_status_paused": "",
"detailed_data": "Detailed data",
"encryption_keys": "Election encryption keys",
"process_count_one": "",
"process_count_many": "",
"process_count_other": "",
"process_details": "Process details",
"process_list": "",
"search_by": "",
"show_with_results": "Show only processes with results",
"tab_description": "Description",
"tab_envelopes": "Envelopes",
"tab_raw": "Raw",
"tab_results": "Results"
"by_status_all": "Tots",
"by_status_all_active": "Actius",
"by_status_ended": "Finalitzats",
"by_status_paused": "Pausats",
"detailed_data": "Dades detallades",
"encryption_keys": "Claus de xifrat de l'elecció",
"process_count_one": "Total {{count}} procés",
"process_count_other": "Total {{count}} processos",
"process_details": "Detalls del procés",
"process_list": "Processos",
"search_by": "Cercar per procés o organització",
"show_with_results": "Mostrar només processos amb resultats",
"tab_description": "Descripció",
"tab_envelopes": "Sobres",
"tab_raw": "Brut",
"tab_results": "Resultats"
"processes": {
"envelope_recount": "",
"envelope_recount": "Recompte de sobres",
"envelope_type_badge": {
"encrypted_votes": "",
"not_encrypted_votes": ""
"encrypted_votes": "Vots encriptats",
"not_encrypted_votes": "Vots no encriptats"
"invalid_election": "Invalid Election",
"invalid_election": "Elecció no vàlida",
"process_mode_badge": {
"autostart": "",
"notAutostart": ""
"autostart": "Inici automàtic",
"notAutostart": "Sense inici automàtic"
"published_keys": "",
"revealed": "",
"total_questions": ""
"published_keys": "Claus publicades",
"revealed": "Revelat",
"total_questions": "Total de preguntes"
"raw_content": "Raw content",
"raw_content": "Contingut brut",
"stats": {
"average_block_time": "",
"block_height": "",
"blockchain_info": "",
"electionCount_one": "",
"electionCount_many": "",
"electionCount_other": "",
"genesis_block_date": "",
"in_sync": "",
"latest_blocks": "",
"network_id": "",
"nr_of_validators": "",
"organizations_one": "",
"organizations_many": "",
"organizations_other": "",
"seconds_one": "",
"seconds_many": "",
"seconds_other": "",
"sync_status": "",
"syncing": "",
"total_elections": "",
"total_organizations": "",
"total_votes": "",
"view_all_blocks": "View all blocks",
"votes_one": "",
"votes_many": "",
"votes_other": ""
"average_block_time": "Temps mitjà per bloc",
"block_height": "Alçada del bloc",
"blockchain_info": "Informació de la blockchain",
"electionCount_one": "{{ count }} elecció",
"electionCount_other": "{{ count }} eleccions",
"genesis_block_date": "Data del bloc gènesi",
"in_sync": "En sincronització",
"latest_block": "Últims blocs",
"network_id": "Identificador de xarxa",
"nr_of_validators": "Nombre de validadores",
"organizations_one": "{{ count }} organització",
"organizations_other": "{{ count }} organitzacions",
"seconds_one": "{{ count }} segon",
"seconds_other": "{{ count }} segons",
"sync_status": "Estat de sincronització",
"syncing": "Sincronitzant",
"total_elections": "Total de processos",
"total_organizations": "Total d'organitzacions",
"total_votes": "Total de vots",
"view_all_blocks": "Veure tots els blocs",
"votes_one": "{{ count }} vot",
"votes_other": "{{ count }} vots"
"transactions": {
"belong_to_organization": "",
"belongs_to_process": "Belongs to process: <a>{{process}}</a>",
"created_on": "Created {{createdOn}}",
"on_block_n": "On Block {{height}}",
"transaction_index": "Transaction index: {{txIndex}}",
"transactions_list": "",
"tx_count_one": "",
"tx_count_many": "",
"tx_count_other": "",
"tx_detail": "Transaction Details",
"vote_package": "Vote package:"
"belong_to_organization": "Pertany a l'organització: <a>{{organization}}</a>",
"belongs_to_process": "Pertany al procés: <a>{{process}}</a>",
"created_on": "Creat {{createdOn}}",
"on_block_n": "Al Bloc {{height}}",
"search_tx": "Cercar transacció",
"transaction_index": "Índex de transacció: {{txIndex}}",
"transactions_list": "Transaccions",
"tx_count_one": "Total {{ count }} transacció",
"tx_count_other": "Total {{ count }} transaccions",
"tx_detail": "Detalls de la transacció",
"vote_package": "Paquet de vot:"
"validators": {
"pubkey": "Clau pública:",
"validators": "Validators",
"validators_count_one": "Total {{ count }} validator",
"validators_count_other": "Total {{ count }} validators",
"voting_power": "Poder de vot: {{power}}"
"verify": {
"add_your_vote_id": "Afegeix el teu identificador de vot",
"subtitle": "Introdueix el rebut de vot que vas rebre després de votar per verificar el teu vot",
"title": "Verifica el teu vot",
"verify": "Verificar"

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