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Fix/token deletion bug (#134)
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Remove duplicate internal structure and get tokens to scan before each scanner loop iteration to ensure that deleted and re-created tokens are scanned from the beginning instead of the last block scanned after deletion.
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lucasmenendez authored Jan 8, 2024
1 parent 314bc96 commit 4c7ef51
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Showing 3 changed files with 59 additions and 75 deletions.
24 changes: 11 additions & 13 deletions service/holder_scanner_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,18 +69,15 @@ func TestHolderScannerStart(t *testing.T) {

func Test_tokenAddresses(t *testing.T) {
func Test_getTokensToScan(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)

testdb := StartTestDB(t)
defer testdb.Close(t)

hs, err := NewHoldersScanner(testdb.db, web3Endpoints, nil, 20)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)

res, err := hs.tokenAddresses()
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(res, qt.HasLen, 0)
c.Assert(hs.getTokensToScan(), qt.IsNil)

ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
Expand All @@ -89,20 +86,20 @@ func Test_tokenAddresses(t *testing.T) {
MonkeysTotalSupply.Int64(), false, 5, ""))
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)

res, err = hs.tokenAddresses()
err = hs.getTokensToScan()
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(res[0].ready, qt.IsFalse)
c.Assert(res[0].addr.String(), qt.Equals, common.HexToAddress("0x1").String())
c.Assert(hs.tokens[0].IsReady(), qt.IsFalse)
c.Assert(hs.tokens[0].Address().String(), qt.Equals, common.HexToAddress("0x1").String())

_, err = testdb.db.QueriesRW.CreateToken(ctx, testTokenParams("0x2", "test2",
"test3", 10, MonkeysDecimals, uint64(state.CONTRACT_TYPE_ERC20),
MonkeysTotalSupply.Int64(), false, 5, ""))
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)

res, err = hs.tokenAddresses()
err = hs.getTokensToScan()
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(res[1].ready, qt.IsTrue)
c.Assert(res[1].addr.String(), qt.Equals, common.HexToAddress("0x2").String())
c.Assert(hs.tokens[1].IsReady(), qt.IsTrue)
c.Assert(hs.tokens[1].Address().String(), qt.Equals, common.HexToAddress("0x2").String())

func Test_saveHolders(t *testing.T) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,15 +203,16 @@ func Test_calcTokenCreationBlock(t *testing.T) {
defer testdb.Close(t)

hs, err := NewHoldersScanner(testdb.db, web3Endpoints, nil, 20)
hs.tokens = append(hs.tokens, new(state.TokenHolders).Init(MonkeysAddress, state.CONTRACT_TYPE_ERC20, 0, 5, ""))
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(hs.calcTokenCreationBlock(context.Background(), MonkeysAddress, 5), qt.IsNotNil)
c.Assert(hs.calcTokenCreationBlock(context.Background(), 5), qt.IsNotNil)

_, err = testdb.db.QueriesRW.CreateToken(context.Background(), testTokenParams(
MonkeysAddress.String(), MonkeysName, MonkeysSymbol, MonkeysCreationBlock,
MonkeysDecimals, uint64(state.CONTRACT_TYPE_ERC20), MonkeysTotalSupply.Int64(), false, 5, ""))
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)

c.Assert(hs.calcTokenCreationBlock(context.Background(), MonkeysAddress, 5), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(hs.calcTokenCreationBlock(context.Background(), 0), qt.IsNil)
token, err := testdb.db.QueriesRW.TokenByID(context.Background(), MonkeysAddress.Bytes())
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(uint64(token.CreationBlock), qt.Equals, MonkeysCreationBlock)
Expand Down
103 changes: 41 additions & 62 deletions service/holders_scanner.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,21 +84,20 @@ func (s *HoldersScanner) Start(ctx context.Context) {
startTime := time.Now()
// get updated list of tokens
tokens, err := s.tokenAddresses()
if err != nil {
if err := s.getTokensToScan(); err != nil {
// scan for new holders of every token
atSyncGlobal := true
for _, data := range tokens {
if !data.ready {
if err := s.calcTokenCreationBlock(ctx, data.addr, data.chainID); err != nil {
for index, data := range s.tokens {
if !data.IsReady() {
if err := s.calcTokenCreationBlock(ctx, index); err != nil {
atSync, err := s.scanHolders(ctx, data.addr, data.chainID, data.externalID)
atSync, err := s.scanHolders(ctx, data.Address(), data.ChainID, []byte(data.ExternalID))
if err != nil {
Expand All @@ -120,66 +119,50 @@ func (s *HoldersScanner) Start(ctx context.Context) {

// scanToken struct contains the needed parameters to scan the holders of the
// tokens stored on the database. It indicates if the token is ready to be
// scanned and contains the token metadata.
type scanToken struct {
addr common.Address
ready bool
holderProvider HolderProvider
chainID uint64
externalID []byte

// tokenAddresses function gets the current token addresses from the database
// and returns it as a list of common.Address structs. If the current database
// instance does not contain any token, it returns nil addresses without error.
// getTokensToScan function gets the information of the current tokens to scan,
// including its addresses from the database. If the current database instance
// does not contain any token, it returns nil addresses without error.
// This behaviour helps to deal with this particular case. It also filters the
// tokens to retunr only the ones that are ready to be scanned, which means that
// the token creation block is already calculated.
func (s *HoldersScanner) tokenAddresses() ([]scanToken, error) {
func (s *HoldersScanner) getTokensToScan() error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
tx, err := s.db.RO.BeginTx(ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return err
defer func() {
if err := tx.Rollback(); err != nil && !errors.Is(sql.ErrTxDone, err) {
log.Errorf("error rolling back transaction when scanner get token addresses: %v", err)
qtx := s.db.QueriesRW.WithTx(tx)
results := []scanToken{}
s.tokens = []*state.TokenHolders{}
// get last created tokens from the database to scan them first
lastNotSyncedTokens, err := qtx.ListLastNoSyncedTokens(ctx)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(sql.ErrNoRows, err) {
return nil, err
return err
// parse last not synced token addresses
for _, token := range lastNotSyncedTokens {
scanTokenData := scanToken{
addr: common.BytesToAddress(token.ID),
ready: token.CreationBlock > 0,
chainID: token.ChainID,
externalID: []byte{},
lastBlock := uint64(token.CreationBlock)
if blockNumber, err := s.db.QueriesRO.LastBlockByTokenID(ctx, token.ID); err == nil {
lastBlock = blockNumber
provider, isExternal := s.extProviders[state.TokenType(token.TypeID)]
if isExternal {
scanTokenData.holderProvider = provider
scanTokenData.externalID = []byte(token.ExternalID)
results = append(results, scanTokenData)
s.tokens = append(s.tokens, new(state.TokenHolders).Init(
common.BytesToAddress(token.ID), state.TokenType(token.TypeID),
lastBlock, token.ChainID, token.ExternalID))
// get old tokens from the database
oldNotSyncedTokens, err := qtx.ListOldNoSyncedTokens(ctx)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(sql.ErrNoRows, err) {
return nil, err
return err
// get the current block number of every chain
currentBlockNumbers, err := s.w3p.CurrentBlockNumbers(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return err
// sort old not synced tokens by nearest to be synced, that is, the tokens
// that have the minimum difference between the current block of its chain
Expand All @@ -200,39 +183,29 @@ func (s *HoldersScanner) tokenAddresses() ([]scanToken, error) {
// parse old not synced token addresses
for _, token := range oldNotSyncedTokens {
scanTokenData := scanToken{
addr: common.BytesToAddress(token.ID),
ready: token.CreationBlock > 0,
chainID: token.ChainID,
externalID: []byte{},
lastBlock := uint64(token.CreationBlock)
if blockNumber, err := s.db.QueriesRO.LastBlockByTokenID(ctx, token.ID); err == nil {
lastBlock = blockNumber
provider, isExternal := s.extProviders[state.TokenType(token.TypeID)]
if isExternal {
scanTokenData.holderProvider = provider
scanTokenData.externalID = []byte(token.ExternalID)
results = append(results, scanTokenData)
s.tokens = append(s.tokens, new(state.TokenHolders).Init(
common.BytesToAddress(token.ID), state.TokenType(token.TypeID),
lastBlock, token.ChainID, token.ExternalID))
// get last created tokens from the database to scan them first
syncedTokens, err := qtx.ListSyncedTokens(ctx)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(sql.ErrNoRows, err) {
return nil, err
return err
for _, token := range syncedTokens {
scanTokenData := scanToken{
addr: common.BytesToAddress(token.ID),
ready: token.CreationBlock > 0,
chainID: token.ChainID,
externalID: []byte{},
provider, isExternal := s.extProviders[state.TokenType(token.TypeID)]
if isExternal {
scanTokenData.holderProvider = provider
scanTokenData.externalID = []byte(token.ExternalID)
lastBlock := uint64(token.CreationBlock)
if blockNumber, err := s.db.QueriesRO.LastBlockByTokenID(ctx, token.ID); err == nil {
lastBlock = blockNumber
results = append(results, scanTokenData)
s.tokens = append(s.tokens, new(state.TokenHolders).Init(
common.BytesToAddress(token.ID), state.TokenType(token.TypeID),
lastBlock, token.ChainID, token.ExternalID))
return results, nil
return nil

// saveHolders function updates the current HoldersScanner database with the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -583,7 +556,12 @@ func (s *HoldersScanner) scanHolders(ctx context.Context, addr common.Address, c
// calcTokenCreationBlock function attempts to calculate the block number when
// the token contract provided was created and deployed and updates the database
// with the result obtained.
func (s *HoldersScanner) calcTokenCreationBlock(ctx context.Context, addr common.Address, chainID uint64) error {
func (s *HoldersScanner) calcTokenCreationBlock(ctx context.Context, index int) error {
if len(s.tokens) < index {
return fmt.Errorf("token not found")
addr := s.tokens[index].Address()
chainID := s.tokens[index].ChainID
// set a deadline of 10 seconds from the current context
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -621,5 +599,6 @@ func (s *HoldersScanner) calcTokenCreationBlock(ctx context.Context, addr common
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error updating token creation block on the database: %w", err)
return err
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions state/holders.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,6 +52,13 @@ func (h *TokenHolders) Type() TokenType {
return h.ctype

// IsReady function returns if the given TokenHolders is ready to be scanned.
// It means that the last block number is greater than 0, at least it will be
// the creation block of the token.
func (h *TokenHolders) IsReady() bool {
return h.lastBlock.Load() > 0

// Holders function returns the given TokenHolders current token holders
// addresses and its balances.
func (h *TokenHolders) Holders() HoldersCandidates {
Expand Down

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