Cli app to translate your CSS Font Icon to Dart for your Flutter Project.
dart pub global activate font_icon_to_flutter
> font_icon_to_flutter --help
Translate your CSS Font Icon to Dart for your Flutter Project.
Common command:
font_icon_to_flutter -t iconlyio -i iconly.css -f Iconly
Usage: font_icon_to_flutter <arguments>
Global options:
-t, --type=<name> (mandatory) Parser type.
[fontawesome] static CSS File
[iconlyio] CSS File
[lucide] static CSS File
-i, --input=<path> (mandatory) Path to the input file ( css file).
-o, --output=<path> Path to the output file (Dart class). If omitted, prints to stdout.
-f, --font-family=<name> (mandatory) Font family to use (as specified in your pubspec.yaml).
-p, --font-package=<name> Package name for the font if it part of a custom package.
-c, --class-name=<name> Name of the generated class.
(defaults to "FontIcon")
-h, --[no-]help Show this help message and exit.
-v, --[no-]version Print the tool version.
Developed with 💙 by Valentin MICHALAK