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Releases: vivid-planet/comet


24 May 07:50
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Patch Changes

  • 9da6d40: Prevent error in ExternalLinkBlock when the url field is empty


23 May 13:19
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Patch Changes

  • d7ee708: Fix link target validation in ExternalLinkBlock

    Previously, two different validation checks were used.
    This resulted in an error when saving an invalid link target but no error message was shown.


14 May 22:25
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Minor Changes

  • d4a269e: Add filterByFragment to replace graphql-anywhere's filter

    graphql-anywhere is no longer maintained.
    However, its filter utility is useful for filtering data by a GraphQL document, e.g., a fragment.
    Therefore, the function was copied to @comet/admin.
    To migrate, replace all filter calls with filterByFragment:

    - import { filter } from "graphql-anywhere";
    + import { filterByFragment } from "@comet/admin";
    const initialValues: Partial<FormValues> = data?.product
        ? {
    -       ...filter<GQLProductPriceFormFragment>(productPriceFormFragment, data.product),
    +       ...filterByFragment<GQLProductPriceFormFragment>(productPriceFormFragment, data.product),
            price: String(data.product.price),
        : {};

    You can then uninstall the graphql-anywhere package:

    # In admin/
    npm uninstall graphql-anywhere
  • 52130af: Add FinalFormFileSelect component

    Allows selecting files via the file dialog or using drag-and-drop.

  • e938254: Add the useDataGridExcelExport hook for exporting data from a DataGrid to an excel file

    The hook returns an exportApi encompassing:

    • exportGrid: a function to generate and export the excel file
    • loading: a boolean indicating if the export is in progress
    • error: an error when the export has failed

Patch Changes

  • a8a098a: muiGridFilterToGql: change fallback operator to 'and' to match MUI default


Minor Changes

  • f89af8b: Add disableHideInMenu option to createEditPageNode to hide the "Hide in menu" checkbox

  • d4a269e: Add filterByFragment to replace graphql-anywhere's filter

    graphql-anywhere is no longer maintained.
    However, its filter utility is useful for filtering data by a GraphQL document, e.g., a fragment.
    Therefore, the function was copied to @comet/admin.
    To migrate, replace all filter calls with filterByFragment:

    - import { filter } from "graphql-anywhere";
    + import { filterByFragment } from "@comet/admin";
    const initialValues: Partial<FormValues> = data?.product
        ? {
    -       ...filter<GQLProductPriceFormFragment>(productPriceFormFragment, data.product),
    +       ...filterByFragment<GQLProductPriceFormFragment>(productPriceFormFragment, data.product),
            price: String(data.product.price),
        : {};

    You can then uninstall the graphql-anywhere package:

    # In admin/
    npm uninstall graphql-anywhere
  • f528bc3: CronJobModule: Show logs for job run

Patch Changes

  • d340cab: DAM: Fix the duplicate name check when updating a file

    Previously, there were two bugs:

    1. In the EditFile form, the folderId wasn't passed to the mutation
    2. In FilesService#updateByEntity, the duplicate check was always done against the root folder if no folderId was passed

    This caused an error when saving a file in any folder if there was another file with the same name in the root folder.
    And it was theoretically possible to create two files with the same name in one folder (though this was still prevented by admin-side validation).


Minor Changes

  • 536fdb8: Add createUserFromIdToken to UserService-interface

    This allows to override the default implementation of creating the User-Object from the JWT when logging in via createAuthProxyJwtStrategy

  • f528bc3: CronJobModule: Show logs for job run

Patch Changes

  • d340cab: DAM: Fix the duplicate name check when updating a file

    Previously, there were two bugs:

    1. In the EditFile form, the folderId wasn't passed to the mutation
    2. In FilesService#updateByEntity, the duplicate check was always done against the root folder if no folderId was passed

    This caused an error when saving a file in any folder if there was another file with the same name in the root folder.
    And it was theoretically possible to create two files with the same name in one folder (though this was still prevented by admin-side validation).

  • 584d14d: Only return duplicates within the same scope in the FilesResolver#duplicates field resolver

    As a side effect FilesService#findAllByHash now accepts an optional scope parameter.


Minor Changes

  • 5c1ab80: SeoBlock: Change Open Graph image to recommended size and aspect ratio (1200x630)


15 May 07:27
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Patch Changes

  • 91b7343: DAM: Fix the duplicate name check when updating a file

    Previously, there were two bugs:

  1. In the EditFile form, the folderId wasn't passed to the mutation
  2. In FilesService#updateByEntity, the duplicate check was always done
    against the root folder if no folderId was passed

This caused an error when saving a file in any folder if there was
another file with the same name in the root folder.
And it was theoretically possible to create two files with the same name
in one folder (though this was still prevented by admin-side


Patch Changes

  • 91b7343: DAM: Fix the duplicate name check when updating a file

    Previously, there were two bugs:

  1. In the EditFile form, the folderId wasn't passed to the mutation
  2. In FilesService#updateByEntity, the duplicate check was always done
    against the root folder if no folderId was passed

This caused an error when saving a file in any folder if there was
another file with the same name in the root folder.
And it was theoretically possible to create two files with the same name
in one folder (though this was still prevented by admin-side


14 May 04:46
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Patch Changes

  • d6c4624: Only return duplicates within the same scope in the
    FilesResolver#duplicates field resolver

As a side effect FilesService#findAllByHash now accepts an optional
scope parameter.


07 May 14:21
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Minor Changes

  • e85837a: Loosen peer dependency on react-intl to allow using v6

Patch Changes

  • 9ff9d66: Ignore local storage quota exceeded error in writeClipboardText


Minor Changes

  • e85837a: Loosen peer dependency on react-intl to allow using v6


Minor Changes

  • e85837a: Loosen peer dependency on react-intl to allow using v6


Minor Changes

  • e85837a: Loosen peer dependency on react-intl to allow using v6

Patch Changes

  • 8fb8b20: Fix losing custom block types when converting between editor state and HTML


Minor Changes

  • e85837a: Loosen peer dependency on react-intl to allow using v6


Minor Changes

  • e85837a: Loosen peer dependency on react-intl to allow using v6


Minor Changes

  • 8be9565: typesafeMigrationPipe: Add support for 20 migrations


Minor Changes

  • 94ac6b7: API Generator: Fix generated API for many-to-many-relations with custom relation entity


07 May 14:16
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Patch Changes

  • 390c125: Ignore local storage quota exceeded error in writeClipboardText


02 May 07:25
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Patch Changes

  • 3ba4b46: Fix RichTextBlock draft content validation

    Extend validation to validate inline links in draft content.


01 May 10:32
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Minor Changes

  • 90c6f19: Deprecate SpaceBlock

    It will be replaced by the createSpaceBlock factory since it had no real use case.

  • 90c6f19: Add createSpaceBlock factory

    Allows selecting a spacing value out of a list of provided options.



    enum Spacing {
        d150 = "d150",
        d200 = "d200",
    export const SpaceBlock = createSpaceBlock({ spacing: Spacing }, "DemoSpace");


    const options = [
        { value: "d150", label: "Dynamic 150" },
        { value: "d200", label: "Dynamic 200" },
    export const SpaceBlock = createSpaceBlock<string>({ defaultValue: options[0].value, options });


Minor Changes

  • 90c6f19: Deprecate SpaceBlock

    It will be replaced by the createSpaceBlock factory since it had no real use case.

  • 90c6f19: Add createSpaceBlock factory

    Allows selecting a spacing value out of a list of provided options.



    enum Spacing {
        d150 = "d150",
        d200 = "d200",
    export const SpaceBlock = createSpaceBlock({ spacing: Spacing }, "DemoSpace");


    const options = [
        { value: "d150", label: "Dynamic 150" },
        { value: "d200", label: "Dynamic 200" },
    export const SpaceBlock = createSpaceBlock<string>({ defaultValue: options[0].value, options });

Patch Changes

  • be8664c: Fix RichTextBlock draft content validation

    Extend validation to validate inline links in draft content.


Minor Changes

  • d6ca50a: Enhanced the access log functionality to now skip logging for field resolvers in GraphQL context. This change improves the readability and relevance of our logs by reducing unnecessary entries.

  • ebdbabc: Extend searchToMikroOrmQuery function to support quoted search strings.

    Quotes searches can be done with single ('...') or double quotation marks ("...").

Patch Changes

  • 35efa03: API-Generator: Remove unnecessary await for delete mutation

  • d3a06fc: Prevent block-meta.json write in read-only file systems

  • a696ec7: Handle DAM scope correctly in the findCopiesOfFileInScope query and the importDamFileByDownload mutation

    Previously, these endpoints would cause errors if no DAM scoping was used.


Minor Changes

  • 360b8b1: Add --input-file and --output-file options to generate-block-types script for enhanced flexibility.


Patch Changes

  • c1ca9c3: Don't remove references to DamFile from blocks when copying a document from one scope to another if DAM scoping is not enabled


01 May 10:31
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Minor Changes

  • 0b60e09: Enhanced the access log functionality to now skip logging for field resolvers in GraphQL context. This change improves the readability and relevance of our logs by reducing unnecessary entries.

Patch Changes

  • 97c3f44: Fix calculation of totalCount in DependenciesService#getDependents

  • 378a1e5: Handle DAM scope correctly in the findCopiesOfFileInScope query and the importDamFileByDownload mutation

    Previously, these endpoints would cause errors if no DAM scoping was used.


Patch Changes

  • e3b0ebc: Don't remove references to DamFile from blocks when copying a document from one scope to another if DAM scoping is not enabled