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@github-actions github-actions released this 27 Feb 16:36


Major Changes

  • 7ce585d: Prevent the selection of DataGrid rows by clicking on them

    According to the Comet design guidelines, rows should be selected using checkboxes, with the checkboxSelection prop, where required.

        onRowSelectionModelChange={(newRowSelectionModel) => {
        // ...

    To restore the previous behavior, set the disableRowSelectionOnClick prop to false in the individual DataGrid component or globally, using the theme's defaultProps.

        // ...
    const theme = createCometTheme({
        components: {
            MuiDataGrid: {
                defaultProps: {
                    disableRowSelectionOnClick: false,
  • f7429bd: Rename menu components

    To better differentiate between imports from @comet/admin and @mui/material, the following components and related types have been renamed:

    • MenuMainNavigation

    • MenuPropsMainNavigationProps

    • MenuClassKeyMainNavigationClassKey

    • MenuItemMainNavigationItem

    • MenuItemPropsMainNavigationItemProps

    • MenuItemClassKeyMainNavigationItemClassKey

    • MenuCollapsibleItemMainNavigationCollapsibleItem

    • MenuCollapsibleItemPropsMainNavigationCollapsibleItemProps

    • MenuCollapsibleItemClassKeyMainNavigationCollapsibleItemClassKey

    • IWithMenuWithMainNavigation

    • withMenuwithMainNavigation

    • MenuItemAnchorLinkMainNavigationItemAnchorLink

    • MenuItemAnchorLinkPropsMainNavigationItemAnchorLinkProps

    • MenuItemGroupMainNavigationItemGroup

    • MenuItemGroupClassKeyMainNavigationItemGroupClassKey

    • MenuItemGroupPropsMainNavigationItemGroupProps

    • MenuItemRouterLinkMainNavigationItemRouterLink

    • MenuItemRouterLinkPropsMainNavigationItemRouterLinkProps

      Remove MenuContext, use the useMainNavigation() hook instead.

  • b374300: Adapt the styling of Alert to match the updated Comet design

    Remove styling for the text variant of buttons used in Alert.
    Use buttons with the outlined variant instead to adhere to the Comet design guidelines.

         // ...
    -        <Button variant="text" startIcon={<ArrowRight />}>
    +        <Button variant="outlined" startIcon={<ArrowRight />}>
                 Action Text
         // ...
  • 717ede6: Merge @comet/admin-theme into @comet/admin

    This affects the following exports: breakpointsOptions, breakpointValues, createCometTheme, createTypographyOptions, errorPalette, greyPalette, infoPalette, paletteOptions, primaryPalette, shadows, successPalette, warningPalette.

    Migrating your project

    1. Remove the @comet/admin-theme dependency from your project

    2. Change all imports from @comet/admin-theme to @comet/admin

      -import { createCometTheme } from "@comet/admin-theme";
      +import { createCometTheme } from "@comet/admin";
       const theme = createCometTheme();
    3. Remove the no longer required type overrides that were previously required for the custom Typography variants, typically located in admin/src/vendors.d.ts

      -/// <reference types="@comet/admin-theme" />
  • de6d677: Bump @mui/x-data-grid peer dependency to v7

    This has breaking changes in DataGrid.
    Follow the official migration guide to upgrade.

    As well, be aware if you have a date in the data grid, you will need to add a valueGetter

            //other props
                field: "updatedAt",
                type: "dateTime",
    +            valueGetter: (params, row) => row.updatedAt && new Date(row.updatedAt)

    Also, be aware if you have a valueGetter or valueFormatter in the data grid, you will need to change the arguments passing to the functions. Previously, arguments were passed as an object. Now, they are passed directly as individual parameters

            //other props
                field: "updatedAt",
                type: "dateTime",
    -           valueGetter: ({params, row}) => row.updatedAt && new Date(row.updatedAt)
    +           valueGetter: (params, row) => row.updatedAt && new Date(row.updatedAt)
    -           valueFormatter: ({value}) => (value ? intl.formatDate(value, { dateStyle: "medium", timeStyle: "short" }) : ""),
    +           valueFormatter: (value) => (value ? intl.formatDate(value, { dateStyle: "medium", timeStyle: "short" }) : ""),
  • 04e308a: Upgrade to MUI v6

    This only causes minimal breaking changes, see the official migration guide for details.

    It is recommended to run the following codemods in your application:

    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/list-item-button-prop admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/styled admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/sx-prop admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/theme-v6 admin/src/theme.ts
  • a8c737b: Redesign the ToolbarBreadcrumbs component

    Due to internal changes, including the props and class keys, custom usages and styling may need to be adjusted.

  • cfa2f85: Bump @mui/x-data-grid peer dependency to v6

    This has breaking changes in DataGrid.
    Follow the official migration guide to upgrade.

    The useDataGridRemote hook has been changed to match the updated DataGrid props:

    - const { pageSize, page, onPageSizeChange } = useDataGridRemote();
    + const { paginationModel, onPaginationModelChange } = useDataGridRemote();

    The muiGridSortToGql helper now expects the columns instead of the apiRef:

    const columns : GridColDef[] = [/* column definitions */];
    const dataGridRemote = useDataGridRemote();
    const persistentColumnState = usePersistentColumnState("persistent_column_state");
    -  muiGridSortToGql(dataGridRemote.sortModel, persistentColumnState.apiRef);
    +  muiGridSortToGql(dataGridRemote.sortModel, columns);
  • c5d9a47: Remove custom secondary color styling from Checkbox and Radio

  • 4828880: Remove trigger prop from Tooltip

Minor Changes

  • 682a674: Add support for React 18

Patch Changes

  • 400dd1e: Adapt height of elements in DataGrid depending on the density-prop to match the Comet DXP design
  • b8817b8: Add AppHeaderFillSpaceProps, ClearInputAdornmentClassKey, ToolbarActionButtonClassKey, ToolbarActionButton, CrudMoreActionsMenuClassKey, GridActionsColDef, GridBaseColDef, GridSingleSelectColDef, and TableDndOrderClassKey to the public API
  • eeb21ce: Allow non-full-width fields in FieldSet
  • Updated dependencies [04e308a]
  • Updated dependencies [682a674]
    • @comet/admin-icons@8.0.0-beta.0


Minor Changes

  • 682a674: Add support for React 18


Major Changes

  • 04e308a: Upgrade to MUI v6

    This only causes minimal breaking changes, see the official migration guide for details.

    It is recommended to run the following codemods in your application:

    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/list-item-button-prop admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/styled admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/sx-prop admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/theme-v6 admin/src/theme.ts

Minor Changes

  • 682a674: Add support for React 18

Patch Changes

  • b8817b8: Add ColorPickerNoColorPreviewProps to the public API
  • Updated dependencies [7ce585d]
  • Updated dependencies [f7429bd]
  • Updated dependencies [b374300]
  • Updated dependencies [717ede6]
  • Updated dependencies [de6d677]
  • Updated dependencies [04e308a]
  • Updated dependencies [400dd1e]
  • Updated dependencies [a8c737b]
  • Updated dependencies [b8817b8]
  • Updated dependencies [eeb21ce]
  • Updated dependencies [cfa2f85]
  • Updated dependencies [c5d9a47]
  • Updated dependencies [4828880]
  • Updated dependencies [682a674]
    • @comet/admin@8.0.0-beta.0
    • @comet/admin-icons@8.0.0-beta.0


Major Changes

  • 04e308a: Upgrade to MUI v6

    This only causes minimal breaking changes, see the official migration guide for details.

    It is recommended to run the following codemods in your application:

    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/list-item-button-prop admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/styled admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/sx-prop admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/theme-v6 admin/src/theme.ts

Minor Changes

  • 682a674: Add support for React 18

Patch Changes

  • b8817b8: Add DatePickerNavigationClassKey, DatePickerNavigationProps, DateTimePickerClassKey, FinalFormTimePickerProps, TimePickerClassKey, and TimeRangePickerClassKey to the public API
  • Updated dependencies [7ce585d]
  • Updated dependencies [f7429bd]
  • Updated dependencies [b374300]
  • Updated dependencies [717ede6]
  • Updated dependencies [de6d677]
  • Updated dependencies [04e308a]
  • Updated dependencies [400dd1e]
  • Updated dependencies [a8c737b]
  • Updated dependencies [b8817b8]
  • Updated dependencies [eeb21ce]
  • Updated dependencies [cfa2f85]
  • Updated dependencies [c5d9a47]
  • Updated dependencies [4828880]
  • Updated dependencies [682a674]
    • @comet/admin@8.0.0-beta.0
    • @comet/admin-icons@8.0.0-beta.0


Major Changes

  • 584f785: Move Admin Generator into separate @comet/admin-generator package.

    It can be run with the same comet-admin-generator command as before.


Major Changes

  • 04e308a: Upgrade to MUI v6

    This only causes minimal breaking changes, see the official migration guide for details.

    It is recommended to run the following codemods in your application:

    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/list-item-button-prop admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/styled admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/sx-prop admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/theme-v6 admin/src/theme.ts

Minor Changes

  • 682a674: Add support for React 18


Major Changes

  • 04e308a: Upgrade to MUI v6

    This only causes minimal breaking changes, see the official migration guide for details.

    It is recommended to run the following codemods in your application:

    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/list-item-button-prop admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/styled admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/sx-prop admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/theme-v6 admin/src/theme.ts

Minor Changes

  • 682a674: Add support for React 18

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [7ce585d]
  • Updated dependencies [f7429bd]
  • Updated dependencies [b374300]
  • Updated dependencies [717ede6]
  • Updated dependencies [de6d677]
  • Updated dependencies [04e308a]
  • Updated dependencies [400dd1e]
  • Updated dependencies [a8c737b]
  • Updated dependencies [b8817b8]
  • Updated dependencies [eeb21ce]
  • Updated dependencies [cfa2f85]
  • Updated dependencies [c5d9a47]
  • Updated dependencies [4828880]
  • Updated dependencies [682a674]
    • @comet/admin@8.0.0-beta.0
    • @comet/admin-icons@8.0.0-beta.0


Major Changes

  • 9ddb6c4: Remove deprecated readClipboard and writeClipboard helpers

    Use readClipboardText and writeClipboardText from @comet/admin instead.

  • 682a674: Remove BindBlockAdminComponent from public API

  • 93a9f1d: Stay on same page when changing scopes

    Previously, redirectPathAfterChange of useContentScopeConfig had to be explicitly set to ensure that the Admin stays on the same page after changing scopes.
    This was often forgotten, resulting in redirects to the default page (usually the dashboard page).
    Now, as it is the preferred behavior, the Admin will stay on the same page per default.

    To upgrade, perform the following changes:

    1. Remove the path prop from the PagesPage component

    2. Remove the redirectPathAfterChange prop from the RedirectsPage component

    3. Remove unnecessary usages of the useContentScopeConfig hook

      To restore the previous behavior, add the useContentScopeConfig hook:

      import { useContentScopeConfig } from "@comet/cms-admin";
      function MainMenuPage() {
          // We want to redirect to the dashboard page after changing the scope.
          useContentScopeConfig({ redirectPathAfterChange: "/dashboard" });
  • de6d677: Bump @mui/x-data-grid peer dependency to v7

    This has breaking changes in DataGrid.
    Follow the official migration guide to upgrade.

    As well, be aware if you have a date in the data grid, you will need to add a valueGetter

            //other props
                field: "updatedAt",
                type: "dateTime",
    +            valueGetter: (params, row) => row.updatedAt && new Date(row.updatedAt)

    Also, be aware if you have a valueGetter or valueFormatter in the data grid, you will need to change the arguments passing to the functions. Previously, arguments were passed as an object. Now, they are passed directly as individual parameters

            //other props
                field: "updatedAt",
                type: "dateTime",
    -           valueGetter: ({params, row}) => row.updatedAt && new Date(row.updatedAt)
    +           valueGetter: (params, row) => row.updatedAt && new Date(row.updatedAt)
    -           valueFormatter: ({value}) => (value ? intl.formatDate(value, { dateStyle: "medium", timeStyle: "short" }) : ""),
    +           valueFormatter: (value) => (value ? intl.formatDate(value, { dateStyle: "medium", timeStyle: "short" }) : ""),
  • 04e308a: Upgrade to MUI v6

    This only causes minimal breaking changes, see the official migration guide for details.

    It is recommended to run the following codemods in your application:

    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/list-item-button-prop admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/styled admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/sx-prop admin/src
    npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/theme-v6 admin/src/theme.ts
  • cfa2f85: Bump @mui/x-data-grid peer dependency to v6

    This has breaking changes in DataGrid.
    Follow the official migration guide to upgrade.

    The useDataGridRemote hook has been changed to match the updated DataGrid props:

    - const { pageSize, page, onPageSizeChange } = useDataGridRemote();
    + const { paginationModel, onPaginationModelChange } = useDataGridRemote();

    The muiGridSortToGql helper now expects the columns instead of the apiRef:

    const columns : GridColDef[] = [/* column definitions */];
    const dataGridRemote = useDataGridRemote();
    const persistentColumnState = usePersistentColumnState("persistent_column_state");
    -  muiGridSortToGql(dataGridRemote.sortModel, persistentColumnState.apiRef);
    +  muiGridSortToGql(dataGridRemote.sortModel, columns);
  • 9ddb6c4: Merge @comet/blocks-admin into @comet/cms-admin

    The dedicated @comet/blocks-admin package was originally introduced to support projects without CMS parts.
    It turned out that this is never the case, so the separation doesn't make sense anymore.
    Therefore, the @comet/blocks-admin is merged into this package.

    Breaking changes

    • The @comet/blocks-admin package doesn't exist anymore

    • Multiple exports that shouldn't be used have been removed from the public API

      • CannotPasteBlockDialog
      • ClipboardContent
      • useBlockClipboard
      • Collapsible
      • CollapsibleSwitchButtonHeader
      • usePromise
      • DispatchSetStateAction (use Dispatch<SetStateAction<T>> from react instead)
      • SetStateAction
      • SetStateFn
    • Multiple exports that were too generic have been renamed
      - createCompositeSetting -> createCompositeBlockField
      - createCompositeSettings -> createCompositeBlockFields
      - IPreviewContext -> BlockPreviewContext
      - PreviewStateInterface -> BlockPreviewStateInterface
      - AdminComponentPart -> BlockAdminComponentPart
      - AdminComponentButton-> BlockAdminComponentButton
      - AdminComponentNestedButton-> BlockAdminComponentNestedButton
      - AdminComponentPaper->BlockAdminComponentPaper
      - useAdminComponentPaper-> useBlockAdminComponentPaper
      - AdminComponentRoot-> BlockAdminComponentRoot
      - AdminComponentSection-> BlockAdminComponentSection
      - AdminComponentSectionGroup-> BlockAdminComponentSectionGroup
      - AdminTabLabel-> BlockAdminTabLabel
      - AdminTabsProps-> BlockAdminTabsProps
      - AdminTabs-> BlockAdminTabs

      How to upgrade

      To upgrade, perform the following changes:

    1. Uninstall the @comet/blocks-admin package
    2. Update all your imports from @comet/blocks-admin to @comet/cms-admin
    3. Remove usages of removed exports
    4. Update imports that have been renamed
  • 584f785: Move Admin Generator into separate @comet/admin-generator package.

    It can be run with the same comet-admin-generator command as before.

  • 95bea5c: Make fields full-width by default when using createCompositeBlockTextField or createCompositeBlockSelectField

Minor Changes

  • 948e07b: Add an override argument to all block factories to follow createCompositeBlock's pattern

  • b1bb7a7: Add support for scope-specific blocks

    Use the newly added BlocksConfigProvider to specify if a block is allowed in the current content scope:

    import { BlocksConfigProvider } from "@comet/cms-admin";
    export function App() {
        return (
                isBlockSupported={(block, scope) => {
                    if (scope.domain === "specific-customer") {
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        return !==;
                {/* Other providers... */}

    Note: This feature is Admin-only, so creating documents with unsupported blocks is still possible in the API.

  • 682a674: Add support for React 18

Patch Changes

  • cf1a829: Remove video/avi, image/psd and video/x-m4v from default accepted mimetypes

    None of this mimetypes had an actual impact:

    • video/avi doesn't actually exist

    • image/psd doesn't exist / is non-standard

    • video/x-m4v is a niche format and the mimetype is not widely used (e.g., Google Chrome and MacOS use video/mp4

      So removing them shouldn't have any noticeable effects.

  • 9546356: Update default icon of ContentScopeSelect and fix mobile styling for AppHeader components

    • Update the default icon in ContentScopeSelect from <Domain /> to <Language />
    • Fix mobile styling of BuildEntry and ContentScopeSelect and UserHeaderItem
  • b8817b8: Add BlocksBlockOutput, ListBlockOutput, OneOfBlockOutput, OneOfBlockPreviewState, and OptionalBlockOutput to the public API

  • Updated dependencies [7ce585d]

  • Updated dependencies [f7429bd]

  • Updated dependencies [b374300]

  • Updated dependencies [b8817b8]

  • Updated dependencies [717ede6]

  • Updated dependencies [de6d677]

  • Updated dependencies [04e308a]

  • Updated dependencies [400dd1e]

  • Updated dependencies [a8c737b]

  • Updated dependencies [b8817b8]

  • Updated dependencies [eeb21ce]

  • Updated dependencies [cfa2f85]

  • Updated dependencies [c5d9a47]

  • Updated dependencies [4828880]

  • Updated dependencies [682a674]

    • @comet/admin@8.0.0-beta.0
    • @comet/admin-date-time@8.0.0-beta.0
    • @comet/admin-icons@8.0.0-beta.0
    • @comet/admin-rte@8.0.0-beta.0


Major Changes

  • 678bb0b: Move API Generator into separate @comet/api-generator package

    It can be run with the same comet-api-generator command as before.

Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • 04b8692: Add class-transformer, reflect-metadata, and rxjs as peer dependencies

    To upgrade, install the latest versions of the packages in your project.

  • 3562a94: Bump MikroORM peer dependency to v6

    Follow the official migration guide to upgrade.

  • abbe4af: Bump NestJS peer dependency to v11

    Follow the official migration guide to upgrade.

  • bc5f831: Merge @comet/blocks-api into @comet/cms-api

    The dedicated @comet/blocks-api package was originally introduced to support projects without CMS parts.
    It turned out that this is never the case, so the separation doesn't make sense anymore.
    Therefore, the @comet/blocks-api is merged into this package.

    Breaking changes

    • The @comet/blocks-api package doesn't exist anymore

    • The getFieldKeys function has been removed from the public API

    • Multiple exports that were too generic have been renamed
      - getMostSignificantPreviewImageUrlTemplate -> getMostSignificantPreviewImageUrlTemplateFromBlock
      - getPreviewImageUrlTemplates -> getPreviewImageUrlTemplatesFromBlock
      - getSearchText -> getSearchTextFromBlock
      - inputToData -> blockInputToData
      - TransformResponse -> TransformBlockResponse
      - TransformResponseArray -> TransformBlockResponseArray
      - transformToSave -> transformToBlockSave
      - transformToSaveIndex -> transformToBlockSaveIndex
      - TraversableTransformResponse -> TraversableTransformBlockResponse
      - TraversableTransformResponseArray -> TraversableTransformBlockResponseArray
      - typesafeMigrationPipe -> typeSafeBlockMigrationPipe

      How to upgrade

      To upgrade, perform the following changes:

    1. Uninstall the @comet/blocks-api package
    2. Update all your imports from @comet/blocks-api to @comet/cms-api
    3. Remove usages of getFieldKeys (probably none)
    4. Update imports that have been renamed
  • e8f4b07: Bump class-validator peer dependency to v0.14.0

    To upgrade, install class-validator v0.14.10 or later.

  • 9cb98ee: PageTreeModule: sitePreviewSecret now is mandatory

  • a567f60: createAuthResolver does not support the currentUser config option anymore

  • 0d210fe: Replace passport with auth services

    See the migration guide to upgrade.

  • 4c48918: Bump @sentry/node peer dependency to v8

  • 678bb0b: Move API Generator into separate @comet/api-generator package

    It can be run with the same comet-api-generator command as before.

  • 8552e1b: Remove createUserFromIdToken from UserPermissionsUserServiceInterface

    createUserFromRequest (available since Comet v7.6.0) should be used instead.

  • 52b0410: Replace nestjs-console with nest-commander

    The nestjs-console package isn't actively maintained anymore.
    We therefore replace it with nest-command.

    To upgrade, perform the following steps:

    1. Uninstall nestjs-console

    2. Install nest-commander and @types/inquirer

    3. Update api/src/console.ts to use nest-commander

    4. Update your commands to the new nest-commander syntax

      See the migration guide for more information.

Patch Changes

  • b8817b8: Add BlocksBlockInputInterface to the public API

  • cf1a829: Remove video/avi, image/psd and video/x-m4v from default accepted mimetypes

    None of this mimetypes had an actual impact:

    • video/avi doesn't actually exist

    • image/psd doesn't exist / is non-standard

    • video/x-m4v is a niche format and the mimetype is not widely used (e.g., Google Chrome and MacOS use video/mp4

      So removing them shouldn't have any noticeable effects.

  • 58a99bb: Fix input validation for missing child blocks

  • 7e7a4aa: Fix title field not added to types in createLinkBlock

  • f20ec6c: Make class-validator a peer dependency



Major Changes

  • ceaf99d: Bump ESLint peer dependency to v9

  • 4d0d820: Prevent @mui/material tooltip imports

    Tooltips used in Comet DXP applications should match the Comet CI.
    Use tooltips from @comet/admin instead.

  • c6d87a2: Bump Prettier peer dependency to v3

  • 9509f97: Enable rule to restrict barrel React imports

    Importing React is no longer necessary due to the new JSX transform, which automatically imports the necessary react/jsx-runtime functions.
    Use individual named imports instead, e.g, import { useState } from "react".

Minor Changes

  • a8edddb: Enable @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports rule



Major Changes

  • eb65ef1: Remove unused GraphQL client/fetch from site preview handlers

    The client/fetch was passed as the last argument for sitePreviewRoute and legacyPagesRouterSitePreviewApiHandler.
    Remove the argument from the respective function calls or use the provided upgrade script (vivid-planet/comet-upgrade#33)

Patch Changes

  • b8817b8: Add AdminMessageType, IAdminContentScopeMessage, IAdminGraphQLApiUrlMessage, IAdminHoverComponentMessage, IAdminShowOnlyVisibleMessage, IFrameHoverComponentMessage, IFrameLocationMessage, IFrameMessage, IFrameMessageType, IFrameOpenLinkMessage, IFrameSelectComponentMessage, and IReadyIFrameMessage to the public API
  • b8817b8: Add AdminMessageType, IAdminContentScopeMessage, IAdminGraphQLApiUrlMessage, IAdminHoverComponentMessage, IAdminShowOnlyVisibleMessage, IFrameHoverComponentMessage, IFrameLocationMessage, IFrameMessage, IFrameMessageType, IFrameOpenLinkMessage, IFrameSelectComponentMessage, and IReadyIFrameMessage to the public API