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@github-actions github-actions released this 10 Dec 11:49
· 200 commits to main since this release


Minor Changes

  • 8f924d5: Add new custom Dialog

    The component extends the MUI Dialog component to enable common use cases:

    • The title prop can be used to set the dialog title
    • A close button is shown when the onClose is used


        title="Dialog Title"
        onClose={() => {
            // Handle dialog closing here
  • 6eba5ab: Add a forceVerticalContainerSize prop to FieldContainer

    Use it to define below which container size the vertical styling is applied when using the horizontal variant.

  • 589b0b9: Enhance FieldContainer with secondaryHelperText prop and helperTextIcon prop

    • helperTextIcon displays an icon alongside the text for helperText, error or warning.
    • secondaryHelperText provides an additional helper text positioned beneath the input field, aligned to the bottom-right corner.


    <FieldContainer label="Helper Text Icon" helperTextIcon={<Info />} helperText="Helper Text with icon" secondaryHelperText="0/100">
        <InputBase onChange={handleChange} value={value} placeholder="Placeholder" />

Patch Changes

  • aa02ca1: Fix a bug in useDataGridExcelExport that would cause an Excel export to fail when a cell's value was undefined
  • 6eba5ab: Prevent unintended layout shift after the initial render of FieldContainer when using the horizontal variant
  • bf6b03f: Fix alignment of Alert icon with the title


Minor Changes

  • 7e94c55: Rework GridFilterPanel to match the updated Comet CI

  • 22f3d40: Adapt Chip styling to align with Comet DXP design

    • Fix hover styling
    • Add new styling for <Chip variant="filled" color="info">
  • 589b0b9: Enhance FieldContainer with secondaryHelperText prop and helperTextIcon prop

    • helperTextIcon displays an icon alongside the text for helperText, error or warning.
    • secondaryHelperText provides an additional helper text positioned beneath the input field, aligned to the bottom-right corner.


    <FieldContainer label="Helper Text Icon" helperTextIcon={<Info />} helperText="Helper Text with icon" secondaryHelperText="0/100">
        <InputBase onChange={handleChange} value={value} placeholder="Placeholder" />

Patch Changes

  • b51bf6d: Adapt Radio and Checkbox styling to Comet DXP design

    Fix colors of disabled states.

  • 71876ea: Adapt size of arrow in Select and Autocomplete fields according to Comet DXP design


Minor Changes

  • 2b9fac2: Add support for passing title and alt text to useDamFileUpload

    This can be useful when importing files from an external DAM.

Patch Changes

  • d210ef7: Remove vertical and horizontal scroll bars from block preview iframe


Patch Changes

  • 7b2adae: API Generator: Don't generate an update input for the single generator