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A very convenient support library for Slim

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Slim3 Init

This is a very convenient wrapper around the Slim4 framework providing us with some shortcuts and prepopulated concepts.


Add this to composer.json:

"require": {
	"adeptoas/slim3-init": "^4.0.0"

Make sure to merge your require-blocks!



  • Create a SlimInit instance

     $app = new SlimInit();
  • Set debug header

    If this header is present in the request, it will enable additional information to be shown when using the default exception handler. Set null to disable this feature.

     setDebugHeader(?string $header, string $expectedValue = ''): SlimInit
  • Map an exception to an HTTP status code

    Set the HTTP status code for an exception when using the default exception handler.

     setException(string $exception, int $statusCode): SlimInit
  • Map an exception to an exception handler

    Customize the handling of an exception entirely. $exceptionHandlerClass must be the fully qualified name of a class that extends Adepto\Slim3Init\Handlers\ExceptionHandler.

     setException(string $exception, string $exceptionHandlerClass): SlimInit
  • Map multiple exceptions to an exception handler or status code

     setException(array $exceptions, int|string $statusCodeOrHandlerClass): SlimInit
  • Example: Add error collection services like Raygun, Sentry, …

    To send an exception to an error collection service, add an exception callback:

     /** @var $app \Adepto\Slim3Init\SlimInit */
     $app->addExceptionCallback(function(\Adepto\Slim3Init\Request $request, Throwable $t) {
     	// Send $t to the service

    Or as a class:

     class ExceptionCallback {
     	public function __invoke(\Adepto\Slim3Init\Request $request, Throwable $t) {
     		// Send $t to the service
     /** @var $app \Adepto\Slim3Init\SlimInit */
     $app->addExceptionCallback(new ExceptionCallback());
  • Add something to the container

     addToContainer(string $key, mixed $value): SlimInit
  • Add a single handler

    $className must be the name of a class that extends Adepto\Slim3Init\Handlers\Handler.

     addHandler(string $className): SlimInit
  • Add multiple handlers from a directory

    Add all handlers from a specific directory. Non-recursive and the filenames must be the class names followed by .php.

     addHandlersFromDirectory(string $dir): SlimInit
  • Add Slim 4-compatible middleware

    Refer to Slim's documentation for more information about middleware.

     addMiddleware(callable $middleware): SlimInit
  • Run!

    Boot up the application and listen to incoming requests. Automatically appoints all handlers and maps everything.

     run(): Slim\App


All mocking methods return the text output that would've been sent to the browser. This is a JSON string most of the times.

  • Create a HandlerCaller

    Create a caller for $handlerClass. You can leave $baseURL empty but for consistency and compatibility you should set this to the base URL this handler would've listened to (without the route URL).

     $caller = new HandlerCaller(string $baseURL, string $handlerClass);
  • GET

    Mock a GET request to $url with $headers.

     get(string $url, array $headers = []): string
  • POST

    Mock a POST request to $url with $headers and send $body with it. If $body is an array, it will be converted to Form or JSON, based on Content-Type in $headers (default is Form).

     post(string $url, array $headers, mixed $body): string
  • PUT

    Mock a PUT request to $url with $headers and send $body and $files with it. If $body is an array, it will be converted to Form or JSON, based on Content-Type in $headers (default is Form).

     put(string $url, array $headers, mixed $body, array $files = []): string

    Same as POST, just with PATCH as HTTP method and $files.

     patch(string $url, array $headers, mixed $body, $files = []): string

    Same as POST, just with DELETE as HTTP method.

     delete(string $url, array $headers, mixed $body): string


To have your API do something, you need to create handlers which extend Adepto\Slim3Init\Handlers\Handler. Each handler must override getRoutes(): array to return an array of routes. Each handler receives a container in the constructor by default.

The actual methods of your handler must have the following signature:

public function someName(Adepto\Slim3Init\Request $request, Adepto\Slim3Init\Response $response, \stdClass $args): Adepto\Slim3Init\Response


Same as for Handler, only that this type of handler also has to override actionAllowed(string $action, array $data = []): bool to determine, if a given action is allowed and permitted. A PrivilegedHandler has an authorization client (client used to authenticate, instance of Adepto\Slim3Init\Client\Client) via getClient().

forcePermission(string $action, array $data = []): bool

Force a permission. This is basically just an alias for actionAllowed (which you have to override) but throws a Adepto\Slim3Init\Exceptions\AccessDeniedException if the given permission is not allowed.


Defines a route which has to be returned inside an array returned by your handler's getRoutes() function.

new Route(string $httpMethod, string $url, string $classMethod, array $arguments = [], string $name = '')
  • $httpMethod: The HTTP verb used for this route, i.e. GET, POST, PATCH, ...
  • $url: Slim-compatible URL pattern, i.e. /client/{client:[a-zA-Z0-9]+}
  • $classMethod: The name of the method to be called in the handler.
  • $arguments: Additional arguments to add to $args of the method.
  • $name: Name for the route so that it can be retrieved by any handlers.

Interface: Client

  •  getUsername(): string

    Should return the username of the currently logged in user (if BasicAuth was used).

  •  getPermissions(): array

    Should return an array full of Adepto\Slim3Init\Client\Permission objects for the currently logged in user ( if BasicAuth was used).

  •  hasPermission(string $name, array $data = []): bool;

    Should return true when the currently logged in user has a certain permission. You can use $data to combine the permission with more info, i.e. when a resource's information access should be constrained to certain IDs.

Interface: Permission

  •  getName(): string

    Should return the name of the permission. You are free to define how a name looks like. It is recommended to use reverse-domain style, i.e. adepto.api.addKnowledge.

  •  getData(): array

    Should return information specific to that permission, i.e. IDs of a resource that can be accessed. Can be an empty array, if there is no information.

  •  isAllowed(): bool

    Should return true, if the permission is allowed.

Abstract: BasicAuth (Middleware)

  •  authorize(array $credentials): array

    Should return an array with more information to be added to the container, i.e. an authorized client to be used with a PrivilegedHandler. If you're going to return a client, make sure to set the key to PrivilegedHandler::CONTAINER_CLIENT . Should throw an Adepto\Slim3Init\Exceptions\UnauthorizedException if the user could not be authorized.


Examples can be found in examples/ of this repository.

Upgrade from SlimInit 1.0 (using Slim3)

While quite a lot has changed under the hood in Slim, the actual effects on SlimInit are as minimal as possible. There are 3 breaking changes and a few minor changes.

Breaking Changes

1. Handlers now must return an instance of Adepto\Slim3Init\Response

Previously, all handlers were defined using only Psr7-compatible interfaces. While you can still define your handler's arguments using Psr7, the return value must definitely be an instance of Adepto\Slim3Init\Response. If you need to convert an existing response, use Response::fromSlimResponse($originalResponse).

2. Middleware handling changes from a callback $next() to a handler

This change comes directly from Slim4, as SlimInit does not change this behavior. Previously, middleware worked like this:

/* Slim3 */
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

class YourMiddleware {
	protected $container;

	public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container) {
		$this->container = $container;

	public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, Callable $next): ResponseInterface {
		// Something before others run
		$newResponse = $next($request, $response);
		// Code after others have run
		return $newResponse;

Now, middleware uses a RequestHandlerInterface to process other code:

/* Slim4 */
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Adepto\Slim3Init\Request;

class YourMiddleware {
	protected $container;

	public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container) {
		$this->container = $container;

	public function __invoke(Request $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): ResponseInterface {
		// Something before others run
		$response = $handler->handle($request);
		// Code after others have run
		return $response;

You no longer have access to the response before other middleware and handlers have run.

3. SlimInit no longer contains handleError, handleNotFound and handleMethodNotAllowed

Instead of overriding these methods in your own application to customize the handling of 500, 404 and 405 respectively, you now implement your own ExceptionHandler and assign it to exceptions. Example:

use Adepto\Slim3Init\SlimInit;
use Adepto\Slim3Init\Request;
use Adepto\Slim3Init\Handlers\ExceptionHandler;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

class NotFoundHandler extends ExceptionHandler {

	public function handle(Request $request, Throwable $t, bool $displayDetails): ResponseInterface {
		return $this->createResponse(404)
		            ->withJson(['error' => 'not_found']);

// … your $app definition

/** @var $app SlimInit */
$app->setException(SomethingNotFoundException::class, NotFoundHandler::class);

You can also override already existing default handlers for 404, 405 and 500:

use Adepto\Slim3Init\Exceptions\InternalErrorException;
use Adepto\Slim3Init\Exceptions\MethodNotAllowedException;
use Adepto\Slim3Init\Exceptions\NotFoundException;
use Adepto\Slim3Init\SlimInit;
/** @var $app SlimInit */

// Customize 404
$app->setException(NotFoundException::class, CustomHandler::class);
// Customize 405
$app->setException(MethodNotAllowedException::class, CustomHandler::class);
// Customize default handler (500)
$app->setException(InternalErrorException::class, CustomHandler::class);
// Customize all at once
], CustomHandler::class);

To use the default exception handler and just customize the HTTP status code, you can continue to assign a status code instead of a handler, just like in SlimInit 1.x:

use Adepto\Slim3Init\SlimInit;
// … your $app definition
/** @var $app SlimInit */
$app->setException(SomethingNotFoundException::class, 404);

4. SlimInit 4.1 requires PHP 7.4+

SlimInit 4.1 is also the only version targeting PHP 7.4 specifically.

5. SlimInit 4.2 requires PHP 8.1+

Currently in development, this version will require PHP 8.1 or higher.

Minor Changes

1. SlimInit now uses a custom extension of DI\Container

It is still compatible with Psr7 ContainerInterface. If you specify Adepto\Slim3Init\Container as the type, you can make use of ArrayAccess without exceptions, like so:

/** @var $container \Adepto\Slim3Init\Container */
// Get value like normal, with exception if key was not found
$value = $container->get('some-value');
// Get value array-style, with null being returned if key was not found
$value = $container['some-value'];

2. Slim's convenience methods withJSON and write are now a custom implementation on Response

In their pursuit of being the most generic library on earth, getting Slim's convenience methods to work on top of ResponseInterface that doesn't have them and still have IDEs pick that up correctly is a nightmare. So SlimInit contains its own implementation of those.

3. A new abstract class Middleware

You can now also supply middleware that extends Adepto\Slim3Init\Middleware\Middleware. This gives you some convenience like always having access to the container and creating responses.

use Adepto\Slim3Init\Middleware\Middleware;
use Adepto\Slim3Init\Request;
use Adepto\Slim3Init\Response;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

class YourMiddleware extends Middleware {

	public function __invoke(Request $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : Response{
		return $this->createResponse(404);

4. new HandlerCaller(…) is deprecated

Use HandlerCaller::default(string $baseURL, string $handlerClass, $container = null) instead.

to be continued