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rayman2000 committed Feb 13, 2024
1 parent 31a4b5c commit 78abc7b
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Showing 5 changed files with 92 additions and 47 deletions.
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/main/scala/biabduction/Abduction.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ trait AbductionRule[T] extends BiAbductionRule[SiliconAbductionQuestion, T] {

protected def unfoldPredicate(q: SiliconAbductionQuestion, rec: Exp, p: Exp)(Q: (State, Verifier) => VerificationResult): VerificationResult = {
val predicate = q.s.program.predicates.head
val pa = getPredicate(q.s.program, rec, p)
val pa = utils.getPredicate(q.s.program, rec, p)
evals(q.s, Seq(rec), _ => pve, q.v)((s1, tArgs, v1) =>
eval(s1, p, pve, v1)((s2, tPerm, v2) => {
permissionSupporter.assertPositive(s2, tPerm, p, pve, v2)((s3, v3) => {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ object AbductionListFold extends AbductionRule[PredicateAccessPredicate] {
q.goal match {
case Seq() => Q(None)
case (a: PredicateAccessPredicate) :: as =>
val next = getNextAccess(q.s.program, a.loc.args.head, a.perm)
val next = utils.getNextAccess(q.s.program, a.loc.args.head, a.perm)
checkChunk(next.loc, next.perm, q.s, q.v) {
case true => Q(Some(a))
case false => check(q.copy(goal = as))(Q)
Expand All @@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ object AbductionListFold extends AbductionRule[PredicateAccessPredicate] {

override protected def apply(q: SiliconAbductionQuestion, inst: PredicateAccessPredicate)(Q: SiliconAbductionQuestion => VerificationResult): VerificationResult = {
val headNext = getNextAccess(q.s.program, inst.loc.args.head, inst.perm)
val nextList = getPredicate(q.s.program, headNext.loc, inst.perm)
val headNext = utils.getNextAccess(q.s.program, inst.loc.args.head, inst.perm)
val nextList = utils.getPredicate(q.s.program, headNext.loc, inst.perm)
val g1: Seq[Exp] = q.goal.filterNot(_ == inst) :+ nextList
val fold = Fold(inst)()
consumer.consume(q.s, headNext, pve, q.v)((s1, _, v1) => Q(q.copy(s = s1, v = v1, goal = g1, foundStmts = q.foundStmts :+ fold)))
Expand All @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ object AbductionListUnfold extends AbductionRule[FieldAccessPredicate] {
q.goal match {
case Seq() => Q(None)
case (a: FieldAccessPredicate) :: as =>
val pred = getPredicate(q.s.program, a.loc.rcv, a.perm)
val pred = utils.getPredicate(q.s.program, a.loc.rcv, a.perm)
checkChunk(pred.loc, pred.perm, q.s, q.v) {
case true => Q(Some(a))
case false => check(q.copy(goal = as))(Q)
Expand All @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ object AbductionListUnfold extends AbductionRule[FieldAccessPredicate] {
val nNl = NeCmp(inst.loc.rcv, NullLit()())()
val r1 = q.foundPrecons :+ nNl

val unfold = Unfold(getPredicate(q.s.program, inst.loc.rcv, inst.perm))()
val unfold = Unfold(utils.getPredicate(q.s.program, inst.loc.rcv, inst.perm))()

// Exchange list(x) with list( in the state
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ object PackageRule extends AbductionRule[MagicWand] {
val g1 = q.goal.filterNot(_ == inst) :+ inst.right

// We find the proof script later on, so we leave it empty here
// TODO we have to seperate proof script statements from normal statements
// TODO we have to separate proof script statements from normal statements
val stmts = q.foundStmts :+ Package(inst, Seqn(Seq(), Seq())())()

producer.produce(q.s, freshSnap, inst.left, pve, q.v)((s1, v1) => {
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/main/scala/biabduction/Abstraction.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ object AbstractionListFold extends AbstractionRule[Map[Exp, Seq[Exp]]] {

override protected def apply(q: AbstractionQuestion, inst: Map[Exp, Seq[Exp]])(Q: AbstractionQuestion => VerificationResult): VerificationResult = {
val all = inst.values.flatten.toSeq
val exps1 = q.exps.filterNot(all.contains) ++ { head => getPredicate(q.s.program, head, FullPerm()()) }
val exps1 = q.exps.filterNot(all.contains) ++ { head => utils.getPredicate(q.s.program, head, FullPerm()()) }
Q(q.copy(exps = exps1))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ object AbstractionJoin extends AbstractionRule[Seq[(MagicWand, MagicWand)]] {
} else {


override protected def apply(q: AbstractionQuestion, inst: Seq[(MagicWand, MagicWand)])(Q: AbstractionQuestion => VerificationResult): VerificationResult = {
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84 changes: 46 additions & 38 deletions src/main/scala/biabduction/BiAbduction.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ import viper.silver.ast._
import viper.silver.verifier.errors.Internal
import viper.silver.verifier.{DummyReason, PartialVerificationError}

// TODO we want to continue execution if we abduce successfully. Idea:
// - Hook into the "Try or Fail" methods
// - Instead of actually failing, do bi-abduction
// - track the results somewhere
// - produce the precondition, execute the statements, and continue execution
// - At the end, do abstraction on all the found preconditions. Find the necessary statements for the abstractions

object BiAbductionSolver {

def solve(q: SiliconAbductionQuestion): String = {
Expand All @@ -27,12 +34,12 @@ object BiAbductionSolver {
val pres = AbstractionApplier.apply(AbstractionQuestion(q1.foundPrecons, q1.s)).exps

// TODO if some path conditions already contain Ands, then we might reject clauses that we could actually handle
val bcs = BigAnd(q1.v.decider.pcs.branchConditionExps.collect { case Some(e) if varTrans.transformToInputs(e).isDefined => varTrans.transformToInputs(e).get })
val bcs = BigAnd(q1.v.decider.pcs.branchConditionExps.collect { case Some(e) if varTrans.transformVars(e).isDefined => varTrans.transformVars(e).get })

// TODO Weak transformation of statements to original variables

val rt = { (e: Exp) =>
(varTrans.transformToInputs(e), bcs) match {
(varTrans.transformVars(e), bcs) match {
case (Some(e1), TrueLit()) => e1.toString()
case (Some(e1), bcs) => Implies(bcs, e1)().toString()
case _ => "Could not be transformed to inputs: " + e.toString()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,6 +75,24 @@ trait RuleApplier[S] {

object utils {
// TODO We currently assume that there is only one predicate and one field
def getPredicate(p: Program, rec: Exp, e: Exp): PredicateAccessPredicate = {
PredicateAccessPredicate(PredicateAccess(Seq(rec),, e)()

def getNextAccess(p: Program, rec: Exp, perm: Exp): FieldAccessPredicate = {
FieldAccessPredicate(FieldAccess(rec, p.fields.head)(), perm)()

def getVars(t: Term, g: Store): Seq[AbstractLocalVar] = {
g.values.collect({ case (v, t1) if t1 == t => v }).toSeq

def getField(name: BasicChunkIdentifier, p: Program) = {
p.fields.find( ==

trait BiAbductionRule[S, T] {
Expand All @@ -85,85 +110,68 @@ trait BiAbductionRule[S, T] {

protected def apply(q: S, inst: T)(Q: S => VerificationResult): VerificationResult

// TODO We currently assume that there is only one predicate and one field
protected def getPredicate(p: Program, rec: Exp, e: Exp): PredicateAccessPredicate = {
PredicateAccessPredicate(PredicateAccess(Seq(rec),, e)()

protected def getNextAccess(p: Program, rec: Exp, e: Exp): FieldAccessPredicate = {
FieldAccessPredicate(FieldAccess(rec, p.fields.head)(), e)()

case class varTransformer(s: State, targets: Seq[LocalVar], strict: Boolean = true) {

private def getVars(t: Term, g: Store): Seq[AbstractLocalVar] = {
g.values.collect({ case (v, t1) if t1 == t => v }).toSeq

private def getField(name: BasicChunkIdentifier) = {
s.program.fields.find( ==

// TODO the original work introduces logical vars representing the original input values. They attempt (I think) to transform
// to these vars. See the "Rename" algorithm in the original paper.
// At the end, they can be re-replaced by the input parameters. Do we have to do this?
def transformToInputs(e: Exp): Option[Exp] = {
def transformVars(e: Exp): Option[Exp] = {

val targetMap: Map[Term, LocalVar] = => s.g.get(localVar).get -> localVar).toMap

// Find the Vars in the Store which point to the same symbolic value as each input
val aliases = targetMap.keys.flatMap { t: Term => getVars(t, s.g).map(_ -> targetMap(t)) }.toMap
val aliases = targetMap.keys.flatMap { t: Term => utils.getVars(t, s.g).map(_ -> targetMap(t)) }.toMap
//s.g.values.collect({ case (v: LocalVar, t: Term) if inputs.contains(t) && !inputs.values.toSeq.contains(v) => v -> inputs(t) })

// Find field chunks where the something points to an input var
val pointers = s.h.values.collect { case c: BasicChunk if c.resourceID == FieldID && targetMap.contains(c.snap) =>
getVars(c.args.head, s.g).map(FieldAccess(_, getField( -> targetMap(c.snap))
utils.getVars(c.args.head, s.g).map(FieldAccess(_, utils.getField(, s.program))() -> targetMap(c.snap))

e match {
case lc: LocalVar =>
val lcTra = aliases.get(lc)
if(lcTra.isEmpty && !strict) Some(lc) else lcTra
if (lcTra.isEmpty && !strict) Some(lc) else lcTra

case Not(e1) => transformToInputs(e1).map(Not(_)())
case Not(e1) => transformVars(e1).map(Not(_)())

case And(e1, e2) =>
val tra1 = transformToInputs(e1)
val tra2 = transformToInputs(e2)
val tra1 = transformVars(e1)
val tra2 = transformVars(e2)
if (tra1.isEmpty || tra2.isEmpty) None else Some(And(tra1.get, tra2.get)())

case NeCmp(e1, e2) =>
val tra1 = transformToInputs(e1)
val tra2 = transformToInputs(e2)
val tra1 = transformVars(e1)
val tra2 = transformVars(e2)
if (tra1.isEmpty || tra2.isEmpty) None else Some(NeCmp(tra1.get, tra2.get)())

case EqCmp(e1, e2) =>
val tra1 = transformToInputs(e1)
val tra2 = transformToInputs(e2)
val tra1 = transformVars(e1)
val tra2 = transformVars(e2)
if (tra1.isEmpty || tra2.isEmpty) None else Some(EqCmp(tra1.get, tra2.get)())

case nl: NullLit => Some(nl)

case fa: FieldAccess =>
if (pointers.contains(fa)) {
} else {
transformToInputs(fa.rcv).map{rcv1: Exp => fa.copy(rcv = rcv1)(fa.pos,, fa.errT)}
transformVars(fa.rcv).map { rcv1: Exp => fa.copy(rcv = rcv1)(fa.pos,, fa.errT) }

case fap: FieldAccessPredicate => transformToInputs(fap.loc).collect{case e1: FieldAccess => fap.copy(loc = e1)(fap.pos,, fap.errT)}
case fap: FieldAccessPredicate => transformVars(fap.loc).collect { case e1: FieldAccess => fap.copy(loc = e1)(fap.pos,, fap.errT) }

case pa: PredicateAccess => val traArgs =
if(traArgs.contains(None)) None else Some(pa.copy(args =,, pa.errT))
case pa: PredicateAccess => val traArgs =
if (traArgs.contains(None)) None else Some(pa.copy(args =,, pa.errT))

case pap: PredicateAccessPredicate => transformToInputs(pap.loc).collect{case e1: PredicateAccess => pap.copy(loc = e1)(pap.pos,, pap.errT) }
case pap: PredicateAccessPredicate => transformVars(pap.loc).collect { case e1: PredicateAccess => pap.copy(loc = e1)(pap.pos,, pap.errT) }

case MagicWand(e1, e2) => val tra1 = transformToInputs(e1)
val tra2 = transformToInputs(e2)
case MagicWand(e1, e2) => val tra1 = transformVars(e1)
val tra2 = transformVars(e2)
if (tra1.isEmpty || tra2.isEmpty) None else Some(MagicWand(tra1.get, tra2.get)())
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37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/biabduction/Framing.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package biabduction

import viper.silicon.biabduction.{utils, varTransformer}
import viper.silicon.resources.FieldID
import viper.silicon.state.{BasicChunk, State}
import viper.silicon.verifier.Verifier
import viper.silver.ast.{Exp, FieldAccessPredicate, Method, PredicateAccessPredicate}

// TODO This is a bad name for what is actually happening

object Framing {

def generatePostconditions(s: State, v: Verifier): Seq[Exp] = {

val formals = s.currentMember match {
case Some(m: Method) => ++
case _ => Seq()

val posts: Seq[Exp] = s.h.values.collect { case c: BasicChunk =>
if (c.resourceID == FieldID) {
utils.getNextAccess(s.program, c.args.head, c.perm)
} else {
utils.getPredicate(s.program, c.args.head, c.perm)

val tra = varTransformer(s, formals)



1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/main/scala/supporters/MethodSupporter.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ trait DefaultMethodVerificationUnitProvider extends VerifierComponent { v: Verif
executionFlowController.locally(s2a, v2)((s3, v3) => {
exec(s3, body, v3)((s4, v4) =>
consumes(s4, posts, postViolated, v4)((_, _, _) =>
// TODO nklose This is where we should hook in to infer postconditions
Success()))}) } )})})

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