Releases: vinceliuice/grub2-themes
Releases · vinceliuice/grub2-themes
Fixed issues
What's Changed
- Add Nobara Linux icons by @paragi in #229
- Add custom resolution option and fix ImageMagick dependency by @Ate329 in #231
- Update ImageMagick command for GRUB theme background by @Ate329 in #233
- Fix NixOS build failure due to missing files by @Ate329 in #235
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2024-08-19...2025-03-03
FIxed issues
What's Changed
- Update Nix install for theme.txt control + fix module reference by @dmadisetti in #187
- improve grub.bak existance check by @Maik93 in #196
- Fixed directory issues for fedora in the itself by @anandu08 in #198
- fix: the old background reappears for a few seconds by @hotime in #200
- update icons: deepin, brunch-settings; fine tune icon parameters. by @hotime in #201
- chore: reset group ID and remove inkscape:label for deepin, kubuntu, xubuntu in svg files by @hotime in #202
- flake.nix: Change deprecated string type to str by @varris1 in #204
- flake.nix simplified splashImage changing by @h4m6urg1r in #212
- Update by @daniel-j-guenther in #209
- added opensuse microOS and Fedora Atomic Desktop commands by @boredsquirrel in #208
- fix: fixed grub.cfg directory issues in for fedora by @OneRandom1509 in #216
- Nix: fix extension of splashImage by @leon-erd in #217
- Smaller images, losslessly optimized by @damian101 in #218
- Added instructions on how to use the flake.nix by @MasterEvarior in #222
- Update link to point to the new nixos wiki by @quatquatt in #227
New Contributors
- @Maik93 made their first contribution in #196
- @anandu08 made their first contribution in #198
- @hotime made their first contribution in #200
- @varris1 made their first contribution in #204
- @h4m6urg1r made their first contribution in #212
- @daniel-j-guenther made their first contribution in #209
- @boredsquirrel made their first contribution in #208
- @OneRandom1509 made their first contribution in #216
- @leon-erd made their first contribution in #217
- @damian101 made their first contribution in #218
- @MasterEvarior made their first contribution in #222
- @quatquatt made their first contribution in #227
Full Changelog: 2022-10-30...2024-08-19
Fixed issues
Add some icons
What's Changed
- Pull request for 149'th issue by @The-Plottwist in #151
- Added generate hook by @dmadisetti in #155
- Add NixOS support by @dmadisetti in #158
- Update to fix installation on Fedora 34 and later. by @PatrickJosh in #161
- Make splashImage option a
type by @thomassdk in #162 - Added theme variant name to the preview image by @Rdkang in #175
- Fix alignments of icons and add ubuntuDDE by @dotlogix in #178
- Remove override of THEME_DIR by @hyttmi in #180
New Contributors
- @The-Plottwist made their first contribution in #151
- @dmadisetti made their first contribution in #155
- @PatrickJosh made their first contribution in #161
- @thomassdk made their first contribution in #162
- @Rdkang made their first contribution in #175
- @dotlogix made their first contribution in #178
- @hyttmi made their first contribution in #180
Full Changelog: 2021-12-05...2022-10-30
Fixed issues
Add some system logo icons
Add info icon in grub
Fixed issues
Add whitesur theme
Fixed issues
Fixed issues
Add support for 2560x1080 device
Fixed 2k and 4k display issues
Add 2k and 4k background images for grub theme