This repository is a collection of configuration files to help developers of Odoo modules that use the editor Geany for their work. To install the files is possible to follow the instruction:
wget -O- | bash
- Install as below.
- Open "Tools >> Extentions"
- Find, mark and select XML PrettyPrinter.
sudo apt install geany-plugin-prettyprinter
Contains the filetype to create rapidly new standard openerp file
Go to File -> New from template
and select your base file from:
- [7.0-9.0]
- [10.0-]
- [7.0-9.0]
- openerp_view.xml [7.0-9.0]
- [10.0-]
- odoo_views.xml [10.0-]
- wizard_view.xml
Contains the Odoo ORM functions declaration to show the correct use of a function while write it
Write an Odoo Model function to see the correct declaration in a tooltip
Contains the definition of different snippets of code used within the files .py
Just type keywords below and press TAB button to get the auto-insertion of the snippet
- class = class structure
- cols = _column structure
- defs = _defaults structure
- char = field char
- integ = field integer
- bool = field boolean
- float = field float
- text = field text
- date = field date
- datetime = field datetime
- selec = field selection
- o2m = field one2many
- m2o = field many2one
- m2m = field many2many
- related = field related
- fnct = field function
- def_fnct = function definition related to function field
- super = super for function inherit
- raise = raise error message
- raise7 = raise error message for OpenERP 7
- pdb = debugger import
- python_py = file structure
- create = create ORM method
- write = write ORM method
- unlink = unlink ORM method
- browse = browse ORM method
- search = search ORM method
- copy = copy ORM method
- copy_data = copy_data ORM method
- field = field tag
- tree = new tree structure
- tree_in = inherited tree structure
- form = new form structure
- form7 = new form structure with OpenERP 7 specific tag
- form_in = inherited form structure
- xpath = xpath structure
- kanban = kanban structure
- menu = menu structure
- search = search structure
- search_in = inherited search structure
- action = action structure
- button = object button
- button_action = action button
- notebook = notebook structure
- filter = filter field in search view
- group_by = filter field with group by context
- context = context field
- domain = domain field
- help = help tag used in the action structure
- attrs = complete attrs field tag