CharonLoad is a bridge between Python code and rapidly developed custom C++/CUDA extensions to make writing high-performance research code with PyTorch easy:
- 🔥 PyTorch C++ API detection and linking
- 🔨 Automatic just-in-time (JIT) compilation of the C++/CUDA part
- 📦 Cached incremental builds and automatic clean builds
- 🔗 Full power of CMake for handling C++ dependencies
- ⌨️ Python stub file generation for syntax highlighting and auto-completion in VS Code
- 🐛 Interactive mixed Python/C++ debugging support in VS Code via Python C++ Debugger extension
CharonLoad reduces the burden to start writing and experimenting with custom GPU kernels in PyTorch by getting complex boilerplate code and common pitfalls out of your way. Developing C++/CUDA code with CharonLoad feels similar to writing Python scripts and lets you follow the same familiar workflow.
CharonLoad requires Python >=3.9 and can be installed from PyPI:
pip install charonload
CharonLoad only requires minimal changes to existing projects. In particular, a small configuration of the C++/CUDA project is added in the Python part while the CMake and C++ part should adopt some predefined functions:
import charonload VSCODE_STUBS_DIRECTORY = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "typings" charonload.module_config["my_cpp_cuda_ext"] = charonload.Config( project_directory=pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "<my_cpp_cuda_ext>", build_directory="custom/build/directory", # optional stubs_directory=VSCODE_STUBS_DIRECTORY, # optional ) import other_module
import my_cpp_cuda_ext # JIT compiles and loads the extension tensor_from_ext = my_cpp_cuda_ext.generate_tensor()
find_package(charonload) if(charonload_FOUND) charonload_add_torch_library(${TORCH_EXTENSION_NAME} MODULE) target_sources(${TORCH_EXTENSION_NAME} PRIVATE src/<my_bindings>.cpp) # Further properties, e.g. link against other 3rd-party libraries, etc. # ... endif()
#include <torch/python.h> torch::Tensor generate_tensor(); // Implemented somewhere in <my_cpp_cuda_ext> PYBIND11_MODULE(TORCH_EXTENSION_NAME, m) { m.def("generate_tensor", &generate_tensor, "Optional Python docstring"); }
If you would like to contribute to CharonLoad, you can find more information in the Contributing guide.
Patrick Stotko -