Embedded Logging Server. Tool for realtime Android application debugging in browser on any device
within local network.
- Logging simple messages or errors with tags in usual android Log or Timber style
- Logging events with attributes
- Logging network requests or use OkHttp HelsInterceptor
- Stores logs on device for two consecutive sessions
- Configuring local server port number and implement custom DataSources
- Possibility of overriding on-board frontend archive
- View realtime logs, events and requests data in tables
- Data sorting, filtering by different fields
- Fetch data with pagination
- Switch Dark/Light mode
- Copy data rows
- View request details
- Multilingual support (en, es, de, jp, ru)
HELS is distributed through the maventCentral. There are 2 library versions: hels-full and hels-release. Full version encapsulates all the features (except HelsInterceptor), but lightweight release contains only empty implementations. Useful for debug and release build variants that could be included as follows:
dependencies {
debugImplementation "io.github.vardemin:hels-full:$helsVersion"
releaseImplementation "io.github.vardemin:hels-release:$helsVersion"
implementation "io.github.vardemin:hels-network:$helsVersion" // For OkHttp3 Interceptor
HELS implements androidx.startup Initializer where initial config provides through the inheriting HelsConfigurationProvider interface in your Application class.
interface HelsConfigurationProvider {
fun getHelsConfiguration(): HelsConfiguration
class HelsConfiguration(
val startNewSession: Boolean = true,
val port: Int = HELS_DEFAULT_PORT, // 1515
val initialProperties: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(),
val customFrontendVersion: Int? = null // if custom frontend overridden
Manual Initialziation available after disabling HelsStartupInitializer.
<meta-data android:name="com.vardemin.hels.initializer.HelsStartupInitializer"
tools:node="remove" />
HELS Initialization could be invoked manually in async, suspend or blocking modes. You could send longs without need to await initialization anyway. init() method accepts context and initial session attributes as parameters.
class AndroidApplication: Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
HelsInitializer.initAsync(this, HelsConfiguration(initialProperties = mapOf(
"version" to BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME,
"version_code" to BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE
Hels.d(tag, message)
Hels.i(tag, message)
Hels.e(tag, message)
Hels.e(tag, throwable)
Each event consist of title, message and properties Map<String, String>
Hels.event(title, message, mapOf(
"time" to dateTimeStr,
"userId" to "4535342",
"code" to "123"
Manual logging There are 3 available methods:
- logRequest(): String that logs started request and returns unique id
- logResponse() that logs response by request id
- logFullRequest() for logging finished request
val requestId = Hels.logRequest(
maxOf(totalRequestBodySize, 0L),
maxOf(totalResponseBodySize, 0L),
Adding OkHttp Interceptor Just include HelsInterceptor where maxBodySize - max bytes lenght of bodies to log. By default 1024. '0' to disable body size filter.
// Some other interceptors
Hels, // Hels central object implements HelsNetworkLogger
BuildConfig.DEBUG, // enable only in Debug mode
maxBodySize // max body size in bytes to capture in body: String fields
Available on http://{testingDeviceIp}:1515 address. Port could be configured on initialization stage.
By default you have to confirm and save current configuration. You will view short
information about device and session, if all works ok.
- Place front.zip in raw resources folder
- Override customFrontendVersion in HelsConfiguration()
- Each frontend update should increment customFrontendVersion parameter
All functionality available through the REST API and websockets (for updates)
GET /api/v1/sessions - get all recorded sessions (SessionItem[]) GET /api/v1/session - get current session (SessionItem) WS /ws/session - subscribe to session changes (SessionItem as json)
GET /api/v1/logs - get all recorded logs (LogItem[]) GET /api/v1/logs/{id} - get log by id (RequestItem) WS /ws/logs - subscribe to logs operations (HelsOperation as json)
GET /api/v1/events - get all recorded events (EventItem[]) GET /api/v1/events/{id} - get event by id (RequestItem) WS /ws/events - subscribe to logs operations (HelsOperation as json)
GET /api/v1/requests - get all recorded requests (light RequestItem[] list without bodies) GET /api/v1/requests/{id} - get request by id (RequestItem) WS /ws/requests - subscribe to logs operations (HelsOperation as json)
Located in 'app' module.