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Security: uwugrl/Akabot

Security Policy

Supported Versions

The following versions are supported. The latest version, currently 3.5 is fully supported and new features are added to it. The 3.2 version receives bug fixes and some fixes only. Anything below 3.1 is unsupported.

Version Supported
3.5 ✅ Fully supported and under active development
3.4 ✅ Fully supported version
3.3 ⚠ Bugs and vulnerability fixes only
3.2 ⚠ Bugs and vulnerability fixes only
3.1 ❌ Unsupported for critical fixes
<3.1 ❌ Not supported AT ALL (javascript-version)

Reporting a Vulnerability

From the bot

  1. Go to a server with the bot itself.
  2. Run /feedback bug
  3. Fill out the form
  4. The bot will create an issue.

From GitHub

  1. Go to Issues.
  2. Create an issue.
  3. Fill out the information.
  4. Submit your issue.

There aren’t any published security advisories