Here are the different projects I had to make for school. We had 1 week to make all of these. All the projects are completed and functional.
Battleship /* Battleship game in PHP */
MatchStick /* Matchstick game in Python */
Prime_Numbers /* Checks if the number is a primary number */
BSQ /* Looking for the greatest square based on strings */
WacTorrent /* Torrent client made in Python {with useless classmates since I did it all by myself and the ** leader didn't submit it to the professor} */
Drive_Wac /* Google Drive clone made in PHP */
Framework_Bootstrap /* Bootstrap clone made in SASS and jQuery */
Maquette_Introduction /* Making a single web page based on a picture (I got the best note for this project yay!) */
Maquette_Responsive /* Making a single web page based on a picture with responsive */
My_Paint /* Similar Paint App made with jQuery using canvas */
Previously_On /* Website to track your tv shows and where you stopped. (Similar to MyAnimeList) Made with Node JS, React, Express, and MongoDB */
There are a lot more projects but I mostly lost them, we mostly worked with PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS and different frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, jQuery, Bootstrap, etc...