This repository offers unofficial binary wheels for the open-source version of PyMOL, (including an updated menu stylesheet and an alternative splash screen) tailored for Python on Windows.
A convenient one-click installer for Open-Source PyMOL can be downloaded from this repository: pymol-open-source-windows-setup
PyMOL™ is a powerful visualization software for rendering and animating 3D molecular structures. PyMOL is a trademark of Schrödinger, LLC.
Please note that the files provided here are unofficial. They are informal, unrecognized, and unsupported, offered for testing and evaluation purposes only. No warranty or liability is provided, and the software is made available "as-is."
- MSBuild
- Part of VS 2022 (incl. Community edition)
- CMake
- To download the MSI installer click here
- To download the portable version click here
- Be aware: Add the cmake.exe to your PATH variable (short guide). Check by running
cmake --version
To build the wheel file, follow these steps (the working directory is the repository root directory):
Set up the build environment by running:
Once the environment is set up and activated, build the wheel file with:
python .\ build-wheel
or if the environment is not activated run:
.\.venv\Scripts\python.exe .\ build-wheel
After the build process completes, you can find the generated wheel file in the
folder located in the project root. (Until now the wheel file has a wrong filename containing none and any but is only for Windows x64.)
Feel free to contribute or test the files as needed.
Schrödinger for being the driving force behind the continued development of PyMOL after Warren's passing, ensuring that the open-source version remained alive and well.
NOTE: the following list has been created by Warren himself and has not been updated since Fall 2003.
Since then, the PyMOL effort has grown to such an extent that it is no longer practical to recognize everyone individually. Fortunately, a public record of participation exists and can be appreciated on the internet, and especially via the PyMOL mailing list archives. Suffice it to say that the PyMOL user community now numbers well into the thousands and includes scientists, students, and educators worldwide, spread throughout academia and the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. Though DeLano Scientific LLC specifically supports and maintains the PyMOL code base, the project can only continue to succeed through the sponsorship and participation of the broader community.
Founder and Principal Author:
Warren L. DeLano
Major Authors (5000+ lines of code):
Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve (SGLite Module)
Minor Authors (500+ lines of code):
Scott Dixon (Metaphorics CEX support)
Filipe Maia (Slice Objects)
Other Contributors: These are the people who have gone out of their way to help the project with their ideas, actions, advice, hardware donations, testing, information, sponsorship, peer support, or code snippets.
Daan van Aalten
Paul Adams
Stephen Adler
Jun Aishima
Dennis Allison
Ricardo Aparicio
Daniel Appelman
Diosdado "Rey" Banatao
Michael Banck
Ulrich Baumann
Joseph Becker
Balaji Bhyravbhatla
Jeff Bizzaro
Jeff Blaney
Juergen Bosch
Michael Bower
Sarina Bromberg
Axel Brunger
Robert Campbell
Bronwyn Carlisle
Duilio Cascio
Julien Chiron
Shawn Christensen
Scott Classen
David Cooper
Larry Coopet
Jacob Corn
Ben Cornett
Andrew Dalke
Koen van der Drift
Harry Dailey
Byron DeLaBarre
Bill DeGrado
Thomas Earnest
Nathaniel Echols
John Eksterowicz
Erik Evensen
David Fahrney
Tim Fenn
Thierry Fischmann
Michael Ford
Esben Peter Friis
Kevin Gardner
R. Michael Garavito
John Gerig
Jonathan Greene
Michael Goodman
Joel Harp
Reece Hart
Richard Hart
Peter Haebel
Matt Henderson
Douglas Henry
Possu Huang
Uwe Hoffmann
Jenny Hinshaw
Carly Huitema
Bjorn Kauppi
Greg Landrum
Robert Lawrence Kehrer
Tom Lee
Eugen Leitl
Ken Lind
Jules Jacobsen
Luca Jovine
Andrey Khavryuchenko
David Konerding
Greg Landrum
Michael Love
Tadashi Matsushita
Genevieve Matthews
Gerry McDermott
Robert McDowell
Gustavo Mercier
Naveen Michaud-Agrawal
Aaron Miller
Holly Miller
Tim Moore
Kelley Moremen
Hideaki Moriyama
Nigel Moriarty
Geoffrey Mueller
Cameron Mura
Florian Nachon
Hanspeter Niederstrasser
Michael Nilges
Hoa Nguyen
Shoichiro Ono
Chris Oubridge
Andre Padilla
Jay Pandit
Ezequiel "Zac" Panepucci
Robert Phillips
Hans Purkey
Rama Ranganathan
Michael Randal
Daniel Ricklin
Ian Robinson
Eric Ross
Kristian Rother
Marc Saric
Bill Scott
Keana Scott
Denis Shcherbakov
Goede Schueler
Paul Sherwood
Ward Smith
John Somoza
David van der Spoel
Paul Sprengeler
Matt Stephenson
Peter Stogios
John Stone
Charlie Strauss
Michael Summers
Brian Sutton
Hanna and Abraham Szoke
Rod Tweten
Andras Varadi
Scott Walsh
Pat Walters
Mark White
Michael Wilson
Dave Weininger
Chris Wiesmann
Charles Wolfus
Richard Xie
Miscellaneous Code Snippets Lifted From:
Thomas Malik (fast matrix-multiply code)
John E. Grayson (Author of "Python and Tkinter")
Doug Hellmann (Wrote code that JEG later modified.)
Open-Source "Enablers" (essential, but not directly involved):
Brian Paul (Mesa)
Mark Kilgard (GLUT)
Guido van Rossum (Python)
Linus Torvalds (Linux Kernel)
Precision Insight (DRI)
The XFree86 Project (Free Windowing System)
VA Linux (CVS Hosting)
Richard Stallman/Free Software Foundation (GNU Suite)
The unknown authors of EISPACK (Linear Algebra)
Graphics Technology "Enablers" (essential!)
3dfx (RIP)
Thanks to Joni W. Lam for making the business work.
Thanks to John Stone and John Furr for being such excellent colleagues.
Thanks to Ragu Bharadwaj and Marcin Joachimiak for Java expertise and encouragement.
Thanks to Apple Computer for continued encouragement, assistance, and HLAs in support of Mac development. Thanks especially to Robert Kehrer for creating so many fun opportunities over the years.
Thanks to Aaron Miller (GlaxoSmithKline) for a continuous stream of thoughtful opinions and suggestions.
Thanks to Dave Weininger for suggesting the "roving" feature and for being such an inspirational friend and mentor.
Thanks to Matt Hahn and Dave Rogers for proving that it can also be done, again.
Thanks to Mick Savage for providing experienced practical advice on the marketing of scientific software.
Thanks to Ian Matthew for 3D experience and perspective.
Thanks for Jeff Blaney for numerous insightful discussions.
Thanks to Elizabeth Pehrson for making this a team effort.
Thanks to Erin Bradley for schooling in focus and vision.
Thanks to Vera Povolona for catalytic clarity and introspection.
Thanks to Anthony Nichols for proving that it can be done, yet again.
Thanks to Thompson Doman for timely Open-Source validation.
Thanks to Manfred Sippl for making it all seem so simple.
Thanks to Kristian Rother for all his excellent work building on the PyMOL foundation, and in helping others learn to use the software.
Thanks to Dave Weininger, Scott Dixon, Roger Sayle, Andrew Dalke, Anthony Nichols, Dick Cramer, and David Miller, as well as rest of the Daylight and OpenEye teams for thoughtful discussions on PyMOL and open-source software during my 2002 pilgrimage to Sante Fe, NM.
Thanks to Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve for his contribution of the "sglite" space group and symmetry handling module.
Thanks to the scientists and management of Sunesis Pharmaceuticals for supporting PyMOL development since program inception.
Thanks to the Computational Crystallography Initiative (LBNL) developers for their encouragement, ideas, and support.
Thanks to Scott Walsh for being the first individual to provide financial support for PyMOL.
Thanks to the hundreds of individuals, companies, and institutions that have provided financial support for the project.
Thanks to Brian Paul and the Precision Insight team for development of Mesa/DRI which greatly assisted in the early development of PyMOL.
Thanks to Michael Love for the first major outside port of PyMOL (to GNU-Darwin/OSX) and for believing in the cause.
Thanks for Paul Sherwood for making a concerted effort to develop using PyMOL long before the software and vision had matured.
Thanks to Jay Ponder for thoughtful email discussions on Tinker and the role of open-source scientific software.
Thanks to hundreds of PyMOL users for the many forms of feedback, bug sightings, and encouragement they've provided.