Β© OpenAI
Β© εζ¬γ’γγ«
- maven
- vi local.properties
$ cat local.properties
user.agent=Mozilla/5.0 ...
- run voicevox.app before running this program
- run java w/ jvmargs below
--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED
$ java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=src/test/resources/logging.properties -cp target/vavi-speech-sandbox-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:$(jpomclasspath) vavi.speech.sandbox.ollama.Ollama
jpomclasspath ... a shell script creates the classpath includes all dependency jars in the pom.xml
- https://github.com/mlkui/chrome-cookie-password-decryption
- https://github.com/acheong08/EdgeGPT
- ChatGPT
- BingAIChat
- Bard
- Ollama
- yakuwarigo converter rule is too poor, help it!
- it's easier to order a chat ai to use a yakuwarigo at beginning π