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Sean Crowe edited this page Jan 30, 2017 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the tricerashopper wiki!


  • Stop with sudo apachectl stop
  • Start with sudo apachectl start


  • Solr must be running for tricerashopper to function. When the server is restarted, solr may need to be started manually.
  • sudo service solr [stop|start|restart]
  • Ensure it's running by looking for Solr process
  • ps aux | grep solr

##Postgres Local Postgresql - if error page is displaying instead of homepage, this is likely the cause

  • when restarting servers, check if postgres is running
  • to start postgres: sudo systemctl start postgresql


  1. After an update on GH, log in to server as a sudoer
  2. cd /var/www/tricerashopper
  3. su tricerashopper
  4. git pull
  5. If database updates are involved, RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
  6. If styles have changed, RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile
  7. exit
  8. sudo apachectl stop
  9. sudo apachectl start
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