v1.5.9 - Adjustments to Difficulty calculation - Hard fork required
This is a hard fork release so you will need to upgrade before block 4088.
We have been monitoring the Ubiq network since launch and have found that the default Digibyte Digishield settings are overly sensitive to the Dagger Hashimoto algorithm so block times are not as consistent as we would like them long term. This issue did not show up in our earlier Testnet testing as this issue does not show up for smaller hash rates.
Since we are a new network, we felt it was right to make the necessary changes to address this issue early on. The network is working fine but we can do better.
The technical details are that we will increase the number of past blocks that we will sample for calculations (up from 30 minutes) and we will decrease the % adjustment.
We have been testing this for a few days in our local Testnet and the results look good. We do not anticipate any issues and we are in close conversation with our pool operators.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
$ shasum -a 256 *
520d88f5d4dddfc975572390ca4eaee8eeaa10871362e9b0f3e84db7cc7d11b1 gubiq-darwin-amd64
e42e6b18df2850dc0102b6e443a703c6ad0996db2639db056d92d3aa12730e06 gubiq-linux-amd64
73cb04e428886ab43f92130047f31e16af46fa61f8c1f1c0f7f0d92877b38ca4 gubiq-linux-arm-7
2c7f135aeb2c94b7bbc6ae522b6d28f4afeb30184013f705dce9081db8367874 gubiq-windows-4.0-amd64.exe