2024-August-04 - 2.7.14850
Sort battles cleanup (#12814) * sort_Battles #1 TripleAFrame.java - rename variable territoryDetails to territoryDetailsPanel - rename variable actionButtons to actionButtonsPanel - rename variable datacopy to gameDataCopy - fix typos e.g. savegame or gamedata Rename class ActionButtons to ActionButtonsPanel: - ForumPosterComponent.java - ActionPanel.java BattleCalculatorDialog.java - renamed Getter TripleAFrame.java.TerritoryPanel TripleAPlayer.java - fix typos savegame and gamedata - rename variable battlesite to battleTerritory Replace typos 'savegame' with 'save game' - ActionButtonsPanel.java - GameSequence.java - HeadlessGameServer.java - IEmailSender.java - NodeBbForumPoster.java - ServerLauncher.java - TripleAFrame.java - TripleAPlayer.java - UpdateChecks.java * sort_Battles #2 BattleTracker.java - rename variables (e.g. territory collections) with same name as member attribute - replace Map loop over keys with over entrySet - rework methods getPendingBattles to consistently use CollectionUtils.getMatches instead of stream() - rework methods getPendingBattle to consistently use stream() instead of loops - make method getPendingBattleSites(bombing) private and usages more clear with new methods getPendingBattleSitesWithBombing() and getPendingBattleSitesWithoutBombing() - replace lambdas with method - typo 's instead of s replace with new method BattleTracker.getPendingBattleSitesWithoutBombing() - BattleDelegate.java - MoveDelegateTest.java - MustFightBattleTest.java - RevisedTest.java - WW2V3Year41Test.java - WW2V3Year42Test.java * sort_Battles #3 Keep BattleListing for passing to other methods and let method/variable names indicate BattleListing ActionButtonsPanel.java - let method changeToBattle use BattleListing instead of battles map BattleTracker.java - rename method getPendingBattleSites to getBattleListingFromPendingBattles BattlePanel.java - rename attribute battles to battleListing - remove isBomb variable in method addBattleActions and subsequent methods as value can be determined by other parameter (BattleType) IBattleDelegate.java - rename method getBattles to getBattleListing TripleAFrame.java - let method getBattle use BattleListing instead of battles map Affected by renaming method (getBattles to getBattleListing; getPendingBattleSites to getBattleListingFromPendingBattles) - AbstractAi.java - AirThatCantLandUtilTest.java - BattleDelegate.java - ProSimulateTurnUtils.java - TripleAPlayer.java - WW2V3Year41Test.java * sort_Battles #4 Move BattleListing map building from BattleTracker into BattleListing BattleTracker - move logic of method getBattleListingFromPendingBattles() to constructor of BattleListing BattleListing.java - rename attribute battles to battlesMap - change constructor to include logic of method BattleTracker.getBattleListingFromPendingBattles() - extract new method getBattlesWith(predicate) Subsequent changes for Getter on BattleListing.battlesMap - AbstractAi.java - AirThatCantLandUtilTest.java - ProSimulateTurnUtils.java - WW2V3Year41Test.java * sort_Battles #5 fix RemoteActionCodeTest due to renaming IBattleDelegate.getBattles to getBattleListing - required-op-codes.csv