Same as RedisBroadcaster from illuminate/broadcasting but allows a customization to assure at least 1 subscriber has received the event, otherwise adds it into a list.
- laravel >= 5.1
Using Composer:
composer require trepatudo/laravel-redisreliable
In your config/app.php file add the following provider to your service providers array:
'providers' => [
In your config/broadcasting.php file set the default driver to 'redisreliable' and add the connection configuration like so:
'default' => 'redisreliable',
'connections' => [
'redisreliable' => [
'driver' => 'redisreliable',
'connection' => 'default',
'sub_min' => env('BROADCAST_REDISRELIABLE_MIN', 1), // Minimum subscribers required to get the broadcast (pub/sub)
'sub_list' => env('BROADCAST_REDISRELIABLE_LIST', 'laravel_rr_list'), // List to add the broadcast payload and channel in case sub_min was not matched