⭐ Forked from: https://github.com/technosophos/slack-notify
Teams-Notify is a very simple tool for sending a Microsoft Teams notification via a Teams Incoming Webhook.
It is designed to function as a 12-factor app, receiving configuration via environment variables. To keep things simple, it is rigid in what it allows you to set.
This tool uses Teams Incoming Webhooks to send a message to your teams channel.
Before you can use this tool, you need to log into Microsoft Teams and configure this.
Running teams-notify
in a shell prompt goes like this:
$ export TEAMS_WEBHOOK=https://outlook.office.com/webhook/Txxxxxx/IncomingWebhook/Bxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx
$ TEAMS_MESSAGE="hello" teams-notify
Running the Docker container goes like this:
$ export TEAMS_WEBHOOK=https://outlook.office.com/webhook/Txxxxxx/IncomingWebhook/Bxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx
$ docker run -e TEAMS_WEBHOOK=$TEAMS_WEBHOOK -e TEAMS_MESSAGE="hello" torosent/teams-notify
You can easily use this inside of brigade hooks. Here is an example from hello-helm:
const {events, Job} = require("brigadier")
events.on("imagePush", (e, p) => {
var teams = new Job("teams-notify", "torosent/teams-notify:latest", ["/teams-notify"])
// This doesn't need access to storage, so skip mounting to speed things up.
teams.storage.enabled = false
teams.env = {
// It's best to store the teams webhook URL in a project's secrets.
TEAMS_TITLE: "Message Title",
TEAMS_MESSAGE: "Message Body",
TEAMS_COLOR: "#0000ff"
# The Microsoft Teams self-assigned webhook
# The title of the message
TEAMS_TITLE="Hello World"
# The body of the message
TEAMS_MESSAGE="Today is a fine day"
# RGB color to for message formatting. (Teams determines what is colored by this)
make bootstrap
make build
Publish to DockerHub
make docker-build docker-push