The solution of Fizz Buzz programing problem in VHDL.
Name | I/O | P/N | Description |
RESET_n | I | N | Reset |
CLK | I | P | Clock |
SINK_READY | O | P | Sink data ready |
SINK_VALID | I | P | Sink data valid |
SINK_DATA[31:0] | I | P | Sink data: Max Fizz Buzz count |
SOURCE_VALID | O | P | Source data valid |
SOURCE_DATA[31:0] | O | P | Source data: Fizz Buzz count |
SOURCE_FIZZBUZZ[2:0] | O | P | Source Fizz Buzz selector(2:FizzBuzz,1:Buzz,0:Fizz) |
doesn't output "Fizz" or "Buzz" like the figure. SOURCE_DATA
just outputs the count, and the output of "Fizz" or "Buzz" is selected by SOURCE_FIZZBUZZ
Whether the count is a multiple of 3 or 5 means that the number multiplying the count by 1/3 or 1/5 is an integer. 1/3 represented by binary fixed point is repeating decimal 0x5555...
. If the decimal point part of the count multiplied by 1/3 is F
, the count is a multiple of 3.
*) 0.5555(0d0.333)
Make project and add VHDL source file.
$quartus_sh.exe --tcl_eval project_new FIZZ_BUZZ
$echo "set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE pld/FIZZ_BUZZ.vhd" >> FIZZ_BUZZ.qsf
Compile project
quartus_sh.exe --flow compile FIZZ_BUZZ
$make check
ModelSim simulation runs, console output "FizzBuzz" in command shell.
# 1
# 2
# Fizz
# 4
# Buzz
If you rewrite the following statement in Makefile, GUI simulation runs.
-- vsim.exe -c $(MODELSIM_SIM_FLAGS) -msgmode both -displaymsgmode both TB_$(PROJECT) $(MODELSIM_DO_FLAGS)
++ vsim.exe $(MODELSIM_SIM_FLAGS) -msgmode both -displaymsgmode both TB_$(PROJECT) $(MODELSIM_DO_FLAGS)
- Quartus Prime 18.0.0 Build 614 04/24/2018 SJ Lite Edition
- ModelSim - Intel FPGA Starter Edition 10.5b 2016.10
- Altera Nios2 Command Shell 18.0 Build 614 or Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL) Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
MIT License