Backup and restore Zimbra Open Source online
Requires pip or installation of specific distro packages python-argparse and python-ldap
curl --silent -L | sudo sh -s --
Configure an admin account with privileges of global admin:
su - zimbra
zmprov ca zbackup@mydomain.tld VERYSTRONGPASSWORD zimbraIsAdminAccount TRUE
Then change the directives admin_user and admin_password in /opt/zimbra/conf/zbackup.ini and it's done!
All commands must be executed as zimbra user
# Start a full backup. The process goes to background
zbackup -f all
# Start a full backup and hold the tty until it finishes
zbackup -f all --sync
# Start a full backup backup and hold the tty and output the log execution into stdout
zbackup -f all --sync --debug
# Start a full backup from a specific time (10 June of 2015 at 00h00:00 untill now)
zbackup -f all --fromtime 20150610000000
# Start a full backup from documents and contacts
zbackup -f all --ctypes document,contact
# Start a full backup from ldap only
zbackup --ldap
# Start a full backup from specific accounts
zbackup -f,
# Abort a backup process
zbackup --abort full-20150704.184115.839733
# Query for all backups
# Query for a specific label
zbackupquery --label full-20150704.184115.839733
# Restore a backup from the same account and debug output to stdout
zrestore --label full-20150704.174105.704455 -a --sync --debug
# Restore a backup to a different account.
zrestore --label full-20150704.174105.704455 -a --to
# Restore account by content types contacts and documents
zrestore --label full-20150704.174105.704455 -a --ctypes contact,document
# Restore account and put its content to a specific folder. If does not exist the restore will fail
zrestore --label full-20150704.174105.704455 -a --ctypes message --destfolder /Backup
# Retore account and do not prompt for warnings
zrestore --label full-20150704.174105.704455 -a -f
# Retore account and reset the content before restoring it
zrestore --label full-20150704.174105.704455 -a --resolve reset