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Localization System for Unity Projects

Add localization.csv file

  1. Create a localization.csv file to store the languages and strings that need translation;
Key en pt
LABEL_LANGUAGE Select language Escolher idioma
LABEL_HELLO Hey Guys Olá Pessoal
BUTTON_HELLO Say hello Dizer olá
  1. Place the localization.csv file in the Editor directory on the project root folder  Assets/Editor/

  2. Open the Localization System from Window/Localization System;

    1. It processes the localization.csv file automatically each time the window is opened;
    2. If you change the file while the window is open, press Process File;
    3. Press Update Resources to create the language asset files and generate the set of constants.

Define locale settings

  1. Add the supported locales to the Locale enum in the LocalConfig.cs.
/// <summary>
/// All the locales supported by the application.
/// </summary>
public enum Locale
  1. Add the supported languages and language codes to the Language and LanguageCode enums in the LanguageConfig.cs.
/// <summary>
/// All the languages available in the application.
/// </summary>
public enum Language
    English = 0,
    Portuguese = 1

/// <summary>
/// Codes for all languages avaiable in the application.
/// </summary>
public enum LanguageCode
    en = 0,
    pt = 1
  1. Configure both the Languages and Locales in the LocaleSettings.cs.
/// <summary>
/// List of application supported languages.
/// </summary>
private static readonly Dictionary<Language, LanguageConfig> Languages = new Dictionary<Language, LanguageConfig>()
        Language.English, new LanguageConfig()
            InternalCode = LanguageCode.en,
            ReferenceType = Language.English,
            Name = "English",
            ReadingDirection = LanguageReadingDirection.LeftToRight
        Language.Portuguese, new LanguageConfig()
            InternalCode =,
            ReferenceType = Language.Portuguese,
            Name = "Portuguese",
            ReadingDirection = LanguageReadingDirection.LeftToRight
/// <summary>
/// List of application supported locales.
/// </summary>
public static readonly Dictionary<Locale, LocaleConfig> Locales = new Dictionary<Locale, LocaleConfig>()
        Locale.en_US, new LocaleConfig()
            //Name = "English - United States",
            Name = "English",
            ReferenceType = Locale.en_US,
            Language = Languages[Language.English],
            SystemLanguages = new SystemLanguage[]
            DateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy",
            DateSeparator = "/",
            DateEndianness = LocaleConfig.EndiannessType.Little
        Locale.pt_PT, new LocaleConfig()
            //Name = "Portuguese - Portugal",
            Name = "Português",
            ReferenceType = Locale.pt_PT,
            Language = Languages[Language.Portuguese],
            SystemLanguages = new SystemLanguage[]
            DateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy",
            DateSeparator = "-",
            DateEndianness = LocaleConfig.EndiannessType.Little
  1. Define the default locale in the LocaleSettings.cs.
public static LocaleConfig GetDefault()
	return Locales[Locale.en_US];

Load the default locale

Load the default locale at app start. You can also listen to the LocaleChanged event to get updates when the locale changes.

private void Start()
	// Necessary to update all the app with the default locale.
	// Or if the locale is being saved as a pref, set the saved one.
	LocaleManager.LocaleChanged += LocaleManager_LocaleChanged;

private void LocaleManager_LocaleChanged(LocaleConfig current, int updateNumber)
	// locale changed

Localize UI Text Components

The LocalizedLabel.cs component updates automatically the label text with the localized text when the app starts and each time the app locale is changed at runtime.

  1. Add a LocalizedLabel.cs component to all Text Components that use localized texts and assign the correct keys.

Use localized strings

When setting a localized string in code, call the LocaleManager.Localize method and pass the correct key. The method returns the value according to the selected locale.

var localizedString = LocaleManager.Localize(LocalizationKeys.LABEL_HELLO);