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Add version of Voting.tla that can be analyzed by Apalache.
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This includes an inductive invariant that establishes consistency.

Signed-off-by: Giuliano Losa <>
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nano-o committed Jan 21, 2024
1 parent adccef9 commit a9a134c
Showing 1 changed file with 129 additions and 0 deletions.
129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions specifications/Paxos/VotingApalache.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
------------------------------- MODULE VotingApalache -------------------------------

(* This is a version of Voting.tla that can be analyzed by the `^Apalache^' *)
(* model-checker. Here are the differences compared to Voting.tla: *)
(* *)
(* * We give concrete definitions for the constants *)
(* *)
(* * We fix the number of ballots *)
(* *)
(* * We add the necessary type annotation on variables *)
(* *)
(* * We rewrite SafeAt and ShowsSafeAt to avoid ranges of integers with *)
(* non-constant bounds (which `^Apalache^' does not support). *)
(* *)
(* Ideally, we would have instantiated Voting.tla, made the appropriate *)
(* substitutions, and reused the rest. However, the presence of TLAPS proofs in *)
(* Consensus.tla and Voting.tla seem to make `^Apalache^' fail. *)
(* *)
(* We also give an inductive invariant that proves the Safety property. On a *)
(* desktop computer bought in 2022, `^Apalache^' takes 1 minute and 45 seconds to *)
(* check that the invariant is inductive when there are for 3 values, 3 processes, *)
(* and 4 ballots. Instructions to run `^Apalache^' appear at the end of the *)
(* specification. *)

EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets

Value == {"V1_OF_VALUE","V2_OF_VALUE","V3_OF_VALUE"}
\* The quorums are the sets of 2 acceptors:
Quorum == {

MaxBal == 3 \* 1m45s with MaxBal=3
Ballot == 0..MaxBal \* NOTE: has to be finite for `^Apalache^' because it is used as the domain of a function

\* @type: ACCEPTOR -> Set(<<Int,VALUE>>);
\* @type: ACCEPTOR -> Int;

TypeOK ==
/\ votes \in [Acceptor -> SUBSET (Ballot\times Value)]
/\ maxBal \in [Acceptor -> Ballot\cup {-1}]

VotedFor(a, b, v) == <<b, v>> \in votes[a]

ChosenAt(b, v) ==
\E Q \in Quorum : \A a \in Q : VotedFor(a, b, v)

chosen == {v \in Value : \E b \in Ballot : ChosenAt(b, v)}

DidNotVoteAt(a, b) == \A v \in Value : ~ VotedFor(a, b, v)

CannotVoteAt(a, b) == /\ maxBal[a] > b
/\ DidNotVoteAt(a, b)
NoneOtherChoosableAt(b, v) ==
\E Q \in Quorum :
\A a \in Q : VotedFor(a, b, v) \/ CannotVoteAt(a, b)

SafeAt(b, v) == \A c \in Ballot : c < b => NoneOtherChoosableAt(c, v)

ShowsSafeAt(Q, b, v) ==
/\ \A a \in Q : maxBal[a] \geq b
\* NOTE: `^Apalache^' does not support non-constant integer ranges (e.g. we cannot write (c+1)..(b-1))
/\ \E c \in Ballot\cup {-1} :
/\ c < b
/\ (c # -1) => \E a \in Q : VotedFor(a, c, v)
/\ \A d \in Ballot : c < d /\ d < b => \A a \in Q : DidNotVoteAt(a, d)

Init ==
/\ votes = [a \in Acceptor |-> {}]
/\ maxBal = [a \in Acceptor |-> -1]

IncreaseMaxBal(a, b) ==
/\ b > maxBal[a]
/\ maxBal' = [maxBal EXCEPT ![a] = b]
/\ UNCHANGED votes

VoteFor(a, b, v) ==
/\ maxBal[a] \leq b
/\ \A vt \in votes[a] : vt[1] # b
/\ \A c \in Acceptor \ {a} :
\A vt \in votes[c] : (vt[1] = b) => (vt[2] = v)
/\ \E Q \in Quorum : ShowsSafeAt(Q, b, v)
/\ votes' = [votes EXCEPT ![a] = @ \cup {<<b, v>>}]
/\ maxBal' = [maxBal EXCEPT ![a] = b]

Next == \E a \in Acceptor, b \in Ballot :
\/ IncreaseMaxBal(a, b)
\/ \E v \in Value : VoteFor(a, b, v)

(* Next, we define an inductive invariant that shows consistency. We reuse *)
(* definitions from Voting.tla and add the property NoVoteAfterMaxBal, which is *)
(* needed to make the invariant inductive. *)

VotesSafe == \A a \in Acceptor, b \in Ballot, v \in Value :
VotedFor(a, b, v) => SafeAt(b, v)

OneValuePerBallot ==
\A a1, a2 \in Acceptor, b \in Ballot, v1, v2 \in Value :
VotedFor(a1, b, v1) /\ VotedFor(a2, b, v2) => (v1 = v2)

NoVoteAfterMaxBal == \A a \in Acceptor, b \in Ballot, v \in Value :
<<b,v>> \in votes[a] => /\ b <= maxBal[a]

Consistency == \A v,w \in chosen : v = w

\* This invariant is inductive and establishes consistency:
Invariant ==
/\ TypeOK
/\ VotesSafe
/\ OneValuePerBallot
/\ NoVoteAfterMaxBal
/\ Consistency

\* To install `^Apalache,^' see the `^Apalache^' website at `^^'
\* To check that the invariant holds initially, run:
\* ${APALACHE_HOME}/script/ check --init=Init --inv=Invariant --length=0 VotingApalache.tla
\* To check that the invariant is preserved, run:
\* ${APALACHE_HOME}/script/ check '--tuning-options=search.invariantFilter=1->.*' --init=Invariant --inv=Invariant --length=1 VotingApalache.tla


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