(WIP) A MapLibre GL JS plugin for displaying GPS tracks with customizable styling and metrics visualization.
- Basic functionality for displaying GPX data.
- Speed-based color visualization for GPX tracks
- Input fields for adjusting speed range.
Import from CDN.
import GPSTrackControl from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/tjmsy/maplibre-gl-gps-track/src/maplibre-gl-gps-track.js";
Add control.
map.addControl(new GPSTrackControl(), 'top-left');
- Visualize heart rates or slopes in combination with speed, using line-width interpolation or potentially other properties (ideas to be explored).
- Implement support for additional file formats (e.g., KML, GeoJSON, TCX) besides GPX.
- Implement animation for visualizing the movement of the GPS track.
- Implement additional features.
- Enhance UI.
- Add documentation.
This project is currently on hold as I’m focusing on other development tasks. However, I welcome contributions! If you have ideas or improvements, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.
Thank you for your interest and support!