- A Future a reference to the result of an asynchronous computation. In other words, a placeholder for a value that will be available at some point in future, as a result of some concurrent computation.
Key points in this tutorial:
- How to create Futures
- [How to define Callbacks on Futures (non-blocking result retrieval)] (https://github.com/ikenna/scalafutures/blob/master/main/test/ikenna/futuresnotes/Callbacks_you_can_specify_on_futures.scala)
- How Futures work with For-Comprehensions
- Accessing the result Scala Futures using Await (blocking result retrieval). Specifying Duration
- Composing /Applying functions to the result of Futures
- [Specifying ordered side-effects for the Success or Failure of Futures] (https://github.com/ikenna/scalafutures/blob/master/main/test/ikenna/futuresnotes/Ordering_futures_and_partial_functions.scala)
- Completing a Future using Promises