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Cross Check Tool {#openvino_inference_engine_tools_cross_check_tool_README}

Cross Check Tool is a console application that enables comparing accuracy and performance metrics for two successive model inferences that are performed on two different supported Intel® devices or with different precisions. The Cross Check Tool can compare the metrics per layer or all over the model.

Running the Cross Check Tool

Cross Check Tool is distributed as a Python module and there is no need to build it. To run the Cross Check Tool, execute the file with necessary parameters. Please note that the Inference Engine assumes that weights are in the same folder as the .xml file.

You can get the list of all available options using the -h option:

$python3 -h

Cross Check Tool is a console application that enables comparing accuracy and
provides performance metrics

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Model specific arguments:
  --input INPUT, -i INPUT
                        Path to an input image file or multi-input file to
                        infer. Generates input(s) from normal distribution if
  --model MODEL, -m MODEL
                        Path to an .xml file that represents the first IR of
                        the trained model to infer.
  --reference_model REFERENCE_MODEL, -ref_m REFERENCE_MODEL
                        Path to an .xml file that represents the second IR in
                        different precision to compare the metrics.
  --layers LAYERS, -layers LAYERS
                        Defines layers to check. Options: all, None - for
                        output layers check, list of comma-separated layer
                        names to check. Default value is None.
  --ref_layers REFERENCE_LAYERS, -reference_layers REFERENCE_LAYERS
                        Defines layers to check in reference model. Options: all, None - for
                        output layers check, list of comma-separated layer
                        names to check. If not specified the same layers will
                        be processed as in --layers parameter.
  --num_of_iterations NUM_OF_ITERATIONS, -ni NUM_OF_ITERATIONS
                        Number of iterations to collect all over the net

Plugin specific arguments:
  --plugin_path PLUGIN_PATH, -pp PLUGIN_PATH
                        Path to a plugin folder.
  --device DEVICE, -d DEVICE
                        The first target device to infer the model specified
                        with the -m or --model option. CPU, GPU or GNA are acceptable.
  --config CONFIG, -conf CONFIG
                        Path to config file for -d or -device device plugin
  --reference_device REFERENCE_DEVICE, -ref_d REFERENCE_DEVICE
                        The second target device to infer the model and
                        compare the metrics. CPU, GPU or GNA are
  --reference_config REFERENCE_CONFIG, -ref_conf REFERENCE_CONFIG
                        Path to config file for -ref_d or -reference_device
                        device plugin
  -l L                  Required for (CPU)-targeted custom layers.
                        Comma separated paths to a shared libraries with the
                        kernels implementation.

CCT mode arguments:
  --dump                Enables blobs statistics dumping
  --load LOAD           Path to a file to load blobs from

Cross Check Tool can also be installed via:

$python3 -m pip install <openvino_repo>/tools/cross_check_tool

In this case, to run the tool, call cross_check_tool on the command line with necessary parameters.


  1. To check per-layer accuracy and performance of inference in FP32 precision on the CPU against the GPU, run:

    $python3 -i <path_to_input_image_or_multi_input_file> \
                  -m <path_to_FP32_xml>                            \
                  -d GPU                                           \
                  -ref_d CPU                                       \
                  --layers all

    The output looks as follows:

    [ INFO ] Cross check with one IR was enabled
    [ INFO ] GPU:FP32 vs CPU:FP32
    [ INFO ] The same IR on both devices: <path_to_IR> 
    [ INFO ] Statistics will be dumped for X layers: <layer_1_name>, <layer_2_name>, ... , <layer_X_name>
    [ INFO ] Layer <layer_1_name> statistics 
         Max absolute difference : 1.15204E-03
         Min absolute difference : 0.0
         Max relative difference : 1.15204E+17
         Min relative difference : 0.0
         Min reference value : -1.69513E+03
         Min absolute reference value : 2.71080E-06
         Max reference value : 1.17132E+03
         Max absolute reference value : 1.69513E+03
         Min actual value : -1.69513E+03
         Min absolute actual value : 8.66465E-05
         Max actual value : 1.17132E+03
         Max absolute actual value : 1.69513E+03
           Device:           -d GPU       -ref_d CPU
           Status:    OPTIMIZED_OUT    OPTIMIZED_OUT
           Layer type:      Convolution      Convolution
         Real time, microsec:     0              120
           Number of NAN:         0                0
           Number of INF:         0                0
           Number of ZERO:        0                0
    [ INFO ] Overall max absolute difference = 0.00115203857421875
    [ INFO ] Overall min absolute difference = 0.0
    [ INFO ] Overall max relative difference = 1.1520386483093504e+17
    [ INFO ] Overall min relative difference = 0.0
    [ INFO ] Execution successful
  2. To check the overall accuracy and performance of inference on the CPU in FP32 precision against the Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ device in FP16 precision, run:

    $python3    -i <path_to_input_image_or_multi_input_file> \
                    -m <path_to_FP16_xml>                        \
                    -d MYRIAD                                    \
                    -ref_m <path_to_FP32_xml>                    \
                    -ref_d CPU                                   

    The output looks as follows:

    [ INFO ] Cross check with two IRs was enabled
    [ INFO ] GPU:FP16 vs CPU:FP32
    [ INFO ] IR for MYRIAD : <path_to_FP16_xml>
    [ INFO ] IR for CPU : <path_to_FP32_xml>
    [ INFO ] Statistics will be dumped for 1 layer: <output_layer_name(s)>
    [ INFO ] Layer <output_layer_name> statistics 
         Max absolute difference : 2.32944E-02
         Min absolute difference : 3.63002E-13
         Max relative difference : 6.41717E+10
         Min relative difference : 1.0
         Min reference value : 3.63002E-13
         Min absolute reference value : 3.63002E-13
         Max reference value : 7.38138E-01
         Max absolute reference value : 7.38138E-01
         Min actual value : 0.0
         Min absolute actual value : 0.0
         Max actual value : 7.14844E-01
         Max absolute actual value : 7.14844E-01
           Device:        -d MYRIAD       -ref_d CPU
           Status:    OPTIMIZED_OUT    OPTIMIZED_OUT
           Layer type:          Reshape          Reshape
         Real time, microsec:      0                0
           Number of NAN:          0                0
           Number of INF:          0                0
           Number of ZERO:         0                0
      Overall performance, microseconds:      2.79943E+05      6.24670E+04
    [ INFO ] Overall max absolute difference = 0.023294448852539062
    [ INFO ] Overall min absolute difference = 3.630019191052519e-13
    [ INFO ] Overall max relative difference = 64171696128.0
    [ INFO ] Overall min relative difference = 1.0
    [ INFO ] Execution successful
  3. To dump layer statistics from a specific list of layers, run:

    $python3    -i <path_to_input_image_or_multi_input_file> \
                    -m <path_to_FP16_xml>                        \
                    -d GNA                                       \
                    --dump                                       \
                    --layers <comma_separated_list_of_layers>

    The output looks as follows:

    [ INFO ] Dump mode was enabled
    [ INFO ] <layer_1_name> layer processing
    [ INFO ] <layer_X_name> layer processing
    [ INFO ] Dump file path: <path_where_dump_will_be_saved>
    [ INFO ] Execution successful

    If you do not provide the -i key, the Cross Check Tool generates an input from normal distributed noise and saves it in a multi-input file format with the filename <path_to_xml>_input_layers_dump.txt in the same folder as the Intermediate Representation (IR).

  4. To check the overall accuracy and performance of inference on the CPU in FP32 precision against dumped results, run:

    $python3    -i <path_to_input_image_or_multi_input_file> \
                    -m <path_to_FP32_xml>                        \
                    -d CPU                                       \
                    --load <path_to_dump>                        \
                    --layers all

    The output looks as follows:

    [ INFO ] Load mode was enabled
    [ INFO ] IR for CPU : <path_to_FP32_xml>
    [ INFO ] Loading blob from /localdisk/models/FP16/icv_squeezenet_v1.0.xml_GPU_dump.npz
    [ INFO ] Statistics will be dumped for X layers:  <layer_1_name>, <layer_2_name>, ... , <layer_X_name>
    [ INFO ] Layer <layer_1_name> statistics
         Max absolute difference : 0.0
         Min absolute difference : 0.0
         Max relative difference : 0.0
         Min relative difference : 0.0
         Min reference value : 0.0
         Min absolute reference value : 0.0
         Max reference value : 7.14844E-01
         Max absolute reference value : 7.14844E-01
         Min actual value : 0.0
         Min absolute actual value : 0.0
         Max actual value : 7.14844E-01
         Max absolute actual value : 7.14844E-01
           Device:           -d CPU        -load GPU
           Status:    OPTIMIZED_OUT    OPTIMIZED_OUT
           Layer type:          Reshape          Reshape
         Real time, microsec:      0                0
           Number of NAN:          0                0
           Number of INF:          0                0
           Number of ZERO:        609              699
    [ INFO ] Overall max absolute difference = 0.0
    [ INFO ] Overall min absolute difference = 0.0
    [ INFO ] Overall max relative difference = 0.0
    [ INFO ] Overall min relative difference = 0.0
    [ INFO ] Execution successful

Multi-input and dump file format

Multi-input and dump file is a numpy compressed .npz file with hierarchy:

  ‘layer_name’: {
    ‘blob’: np.array([…])
    ‘pc’: {
      ‘device’: ‘device_name’,
      ‘real_time’: int_real_time_in_microseconds_from_plugin,
      ‘exec_type’: ‘exec_type_from_plugin’,
      ‘layer_type’: ‘layer_type_from_plugin’,
      ‘status’: ‘status_from_plugin’
  ‘another_layer_name’: {
    ‘blob’: np.array([…])
    ‘pc’: {
      ‘device’: ‘device_name’,
      ‘real_time’: int_real_time_in_microseconds_from_plugin,
      ‘exec_type’: ‘exec_type_from_plugin’,
      ‘layer_type’: ‘layer_type_from_plugin’,
      ‘status’: ‘status_from_plugin’

Configuration file

There is an option to pass configuration file to plugin by providing --config and/or --reference_config keys.

Configuration file is a text file with content of pairs of keys and values.

Structure of configuration file:



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