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By collecting security incident data reported by TMU's Community Safety and Security Site, this project aims to:

  • Forecast monthly incidents using SARIMAX for the upcoming year.
  • Dashboard all reported incident data into an interactive view.
  • Provide insights which can help TMU Security plan and allocate rescources to enhance safety.
  • Serve as the basis for future machine learning and NLP projects.

Packages Used

  • Pandas, Selenium, BeautifulSoup4, Seaborn, statsmodels, Streamlit, Vega-Altair


Streamlit Dashboard


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Monthly Forecast

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Process Walkthrough

Data Cleaning & Exploration

A subset of 32 reports are only titled 'Toronto Police Service News Release':

  • Incident type had to be extracted from the text found in incident_details by keyword/phrase mapping.

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Location Inconsistencies:

  • Ordering:

    • Yonge Street and Gould Street vs Gould Street and Yonge Street.
  • Renaming:

    • TMU Image Centre vs Ryerson Image Centre.
  • Level of Precision:

    • Tim Hortons at the Yonge- Dundas Square vs Yonge- Dundas Square.
  • Locations were standardized by the following:

    • Streets of intersections ordered alphabetically.
    • Ryerson replaced with TMU.
    • Precision reduced to general building or area.
    • Spelling errors corrected.


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Time Series Analysis


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Monthly Incidents + 12 Month Forecast

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Work in Progress - NLP + K-means clustering

  • Endcoding entities in incident_details

    'tmu community members': 'TMU_MEMBER',
    'tmu community member': 'TMU_MEMBER',
    'ryerson community members': 'TMU_MEMBER',
    'ryerson community member': 'TMU_MEMBER',
    'community members': 'TMU_MEMBER',
    'community member': 'TMU_MEMBER',
    'tmu community guests': 'TMU_GUEST',
    'tmu community guest': 'TMU_GUEST',
    'ryerson community guests': 'TMU_GUEST',
    'ryerson community guest': 'TMU_GUEST',
    'community guests': 'TMU_GUEST',
    'community guest': 'TMU_GUEST',
    'tmu security': 'TMU_SECURITY',
    'ryerson security': 'TMU_SECURITY',
    'security': 'TMU_SECURITY',
    'members of the public': 'MEMBER_OF_THE_PUBLIC',
    'member of the public': 'MEMBER_OF_THE_PUBLIC',
    'members of public': 'MEMBER_OF_THE_PUBLIC',
    'member of public': 'MEMBER_OF_THE_PUBLIC',
    'individual' : 'INDIVIDUAL',
    'individuals' : 'INDIVIDUAL',
    'toronto police services': 'TORONTO_POLICE_SERVICES',
    'toronto police service': 'TORONTO_POLICE_SERVICES',
    'toronto police': 'TORONTO_POLICE_SERVICES',
    'police officers': 'TORONTO_POLICE_SERVICES',
    'police officer': 'TORONTO_POLICE_SERVICES',
    'officers': 'TORONTO_POLICE_SERVICES',
    'toronto paramedic services': 'TORONTO_PARAMEDIC_SERVICES',
    'toronto paramedic service': 'TORONTO_PARAMEDIC_SERVICES',
  • Extract features from sentences based on Part-of-speech tagging in relation to entity

  • TF-IDF

  • K-means clustering
