4.0.0 (2019-12-16)
Bug Fixes
contain: always set scale before using constrainXY (761a0ec ), closes #426
css: fix border width retrieval in Firefox (5d2f580 )
events: fallback to touch and mouse events (#399 ) (2c4c303 )
events: fix triggering panzoomend for one pointer event (f23e0fa ), closes #428
handledown: exclude descendents of excluded parents (b2f943a ), closes #431
handleup: remove pointer regardless of isPanning state (8938b29 ), closes #402 #403
reset: use setTransform passed to reset options (2adbb4e )
setoptions: set cursor style with the option (9c8efb4 )
setstyle: remove unnecessary param from exposed setStyle (c9bcf94 )
zoom: account for smaller elements and padding/border (3fe89a1 )
zoom: need the before and after dimensions to constrain (7c2c982 ), closes #426
zoom: set min and max scale based on containment (d05f1e7 ), closes #426
basic panning and zooming functionality (e80270f )
clean slate with typescript, rollup, and semantic-release (27a0887 )
centering: switch to default transform origins (b483cda )
contain: add contain: 'outside' option (1571e99 )
events: add custom events for panning and zooming (#398 ) (7713025 )
exclude: add exclude option; change clickableClass to excludeClass (da72c32 ), closes #411
handlestartevent: add option to handle the start event (931743a ), closes #414
overflow: add an option to override the parent's overflow (77032bb ), closes #427
add a destroy method (#404 ) (c88ef75 )
add animate option to transition the transforms (d9a8e67 )
pan: add contain: 'inside' option (a7078e8 )
pan: add panOnlyWhenZoomed option (5559967 )
panzoom: add the force option (0ba521a ), closes #413
zoom: implement focal point zooming without matrices (5d077f1 )
zoom: pinch zooming with pointer events! (5ddbd30 )
Performance Improvements
pan: make move/cancel listeners passive (f647163 )
This is a complete rewrite of the panzoom library
to be a standard JS lib that doesn't rely on jQuery,
but can still integrate as a plugin
You can’t perform that action at this time.